Ambition Lord

Chapter 483 Mad Ability

Chapter 483 Mad Ability
The attacks of Willa and Hoans didn't even break through the defense of the silver-backed ape. Realizing this, the two of them didn't dare to stay, and retreated in an instant.

There was a whistling sound, and as the body of the silver-backed ancient ape turned, the silver stick pierced through the air and swiped towards the two people who were retreating with great force. Great attack.


The silver rod fell into the air, splitting the surrounding tall trees in half, and the upper half of the tree flew in all directions.

It was at this time that the jet-black arrow shot by Kaynars arrived with a glistening purple appearance.

The arrow hit straight on the belly of the silver-backed ancient ape. The arrow was like piercing into the ice layer of the river, piercing a hole in the silver barrier of the silver-backed ancient ape. Fissures from the edge of the hole pointed in other directions. Spread away.

The arrow, made of unknown material, smoothly pierced into the belly of the silver-backed ancient ape, with only the tail with black feathers exposed.

Immediately there was a shrill cry, and the pain in the abdomen made the silver-backed ancient ape roar, while waving the silver stick in his hand, he stretched out his left hand to catch the arrow that shot into the body.

It's a pity that compared to the body of the silver-backed ancient ape, the arrow is like a hair on a human body, and it is impossible to pull it out instantly in a panic.

Looking at the silver-backed ape after being hit by the arrow, after receiving the prompt from Kaynars, Allen and others did not seize the opportunity to attack, but slowly backed away while staring at the silver-backed ape.

I saw that the silver-backed ancient ape's abdomen, the exposed arrow tails were glowing, and the purple light on the arrow was constantly getting brighter and more dazzling after the arrow shot into the silver-backed ancient ape's body.

Just when the light of the arrow tail was shining to the extreme, it suddenly went dark, and Alan and others were also blinded.

The ordinary arrow exploded in the abdomen of the silver-backed ancient ape in an instant, blood and flesh were scattered, and there was a cry of pain, and the voice trembled.

Allen stood in the distance, his pupils shrank, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread towards Kaynars.

The explosion of the arrow directly created a blood hole the size of a human head in the abdomen of the silver-backed ancient ape, reaching deep into the viscera, the blood turned into a trickle and slowly flowed down, dyeing the hair of the lower body of the silver-backed ancient ape red.

As the head of the branch of the Chamber of Commerce for Elements, this guy, Kenars, has much more access to things than a duke at the corner of the continent like Allen, and his methods of dealing with enemies are more diverse than Allen and the others.

Just like the black arrow that Kaynars shot just now, not only was it extremely sharp, it could actually produce an explosion effect after being shot into the target's body, directly injuring the mighty and extraordinary silver-backed ancient ape.

If he faced this kind of arrow, he had no better way except to dodge it. If he used his weapon to collide with the arrow, the explosive power would probably injure him.

However, although the arrow wounded the silver-backed ancient ape, it did not lose its ability to fight. On the contrary, it really angered the silver-backed ancient ape, causing it to arouse an ability that resembled a berserk effect.

The silver-backed ape opened its mouth angrily, its pupils were bloodshot with anger, and its sharp teeth were exposed, and it roared at Kaynars who shot the arrow.

The silver barrier on the outer layer of the entire body slowly merged into the body, and then the silver hair began to grow wildly, the whole body of the silver-backed ape began to swell, the muscles of the limbs protruded, the bones grew wildly, the body and head began to grow, and the skin appeared faintly. Silver streaks shine through the dense coat.

The original abdominal hole also swelled with the muscles of the body, and it was almost invisible under mutual compression, and the gurgling blood flow stopped abruptly.

In the end, the body of the silver-backed ancient ape doubled under the astonishment of Allen and others. Although Allen had never seen a tidal giant, according to intelligence, the current silver-backed ancient ape and a tidal giant Not much more!
At this time, the aura of the silverback ancient ape was quite different from just now, and the aura of tyranny was incomparably strong, and a pair of blood pupils stared at Alan and the others firmly.

If the silver-backed ancient ape was still rational just now, the silver-backed ancient ape in the current state is like an angry and brutal beast, with ferocious eyes emitting a terrifying gaze.

Sensing the change of the silver-backed ancient ape, Kaynals looked heavy, and immediately took out another jet-black arrow from his quiver, pulled the war bow round, and shot the arrow at the silver-backed ancient ape's face.

Seeing Kayners' actions, the silver-backed ape seemed to be even more angry, the silver stick in his hand shone brightly, and the length began to grow rapidly until it reached the same height as the silver-backed ape.

Carrying the silver rod, the silver-backed ancient ape rushed towards Kaynars at an extremely fast speed. Every step made the earth tremble, and the deep footprints were engraved on the ground, densely covered with cracked lines .

As the ground collapsed with a bang, the silver-backed ancient ape jumped up waving the huge stick, turning into a silver light and shadow, and in an instant, the huge stick struck towards Kaynars.

With a calm expression on his face, Kenners drew the purple bow again in a very short time, and shot three condensed purple thunder arrows, trying to block the charge of the silverback ancient ape.

The path of the silver-backed ancient ape happened to collide with the black arrow, but it ignored it and swung its giant stick.

Immediately, Mohei Arrow was the first to collide with the silver-backed ancient ape. Unfortunately, this time, the physical defense of the silver-backed ancient ape was terrifying. Without the silver barrier defense, the silver-backed ancient ape was able to block it with only its physical body. Sharp arrows.

The jet-black arrow that could not be shot into the chest of the silver-backed ancient ape exploded directly. The power of the explosion was only the silver hair on the chest of the silver-backed ancient ape. The effect brought by the vector is in stark contrast.

Allen was terrified when he saw this, and hurriedly backed away like everyone else. With the defensive power of this silver-backed ancient ape at this time, they probably couldn't break through the defense at all.

And Kaynals, who realized that the black arrow had no effect, also changed his face drastically. Looking at the silver rod that was getting closer, he turned around and was about to run away.

When the three purple thunder arrows shot at the chest of the silver-backed ancient ape, there were no waves at all. Before Leisi had time to spread, it was defeated by the silver lines on the surface of the silver-backed ancient ape.

The speed of the silver-backed ape didn't slow down at all, and the air-piercing silver rod hit the back of Kaynars who hadn't escaped in the future.

Kaynars let out a scream, and it turned into a purple rainbow light, falling into the jungle in front of him.

Kainars, who was hit by the silver-backed ancient ape, smashed several big trees blocking the way, and touched the ground at an extremely fast speed, and the ground around him exploded instantly, with a powerful impact, The soil continued to uplift, and a pothole with a radius of more than ten meters appeared on the ground.
(End of this chapter)

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