Ambition Lord

Chapter 484 The Cave Lair

Chapter 484 The Cave Lair
At this time, Kaynars was lying on the bottom of the pit, five or six meters deep from the ground, and the cracked lines spread out on the ground.


Kenners stood up slowly, but his condition was not very good at this time.

His face was pale, his eyes revealed pain, his hair was scattered with mud and sawdust, his mouth was coughing up blood, his clothes were basically broken into strips of cloth, and he was still holding a purple longbow tightly in his hand. His tough quiver had been broken, and only A black arrow scattered out.

The most conspicuous thing is the purple-patterned iron armor under the rags of Kaynars. Although the inner armor is not thick, the runes that flutter on the surface and emit purple light show its extraordinary.

It can be seen that this purple armor saved Kaynars' life, and there was a deep depression in the center of the purple armor on his back, which was the trace left by the silver rod of the silver-backed ancient ape.

Feeling the shaking of the ground and the sound of approaching footsteps, Kaynars coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, not daring to delay, got up quickly, picked up the black arrow on the ground, and quickly condensed Zilei's wings on the back left the pothole and flew into the sky at high speed.

At this moment, the silver-backed ancient ape who came rushing swung a huge stick and smashed it heavily into the pothole, as if wanting to kill Kaynars with a stick.

After seeing Kaynars successfully escaped, Alan and others who fled away also gathered towards Kaynars.

High in the sky, Allen and the other four looked at the crazy silver-backed ape below, helpless. The silver-backed ancient ape's defense was too strong at this time, and their attacks were basically useless.

In the final analysis, it was because Kaynars' information was not accurate enough, so no one knew that this silver-backed ancient ape had the ability to go berserk.

Fortunately, this silver-backed ancient ape is not a flying monster and has no flying ability. Although it has been pulling up trees and throwing it upwards, it can't hurt Alan and others, but similarly, everyone can't hurt the silver-backed ancient ape at this time.

Therefore, the best way at the moment is to retreat temporarily, and wait until the next time when the preparations are sufficient, and then hunt this silver-backed ancient ape.

"Minister Kenners! What should we do now?" Allen said to Kenners, who was looking ugly at this time, and the other two also turned their heads to look at Kainars, waiting for him to speak.

After all, the organizer this time was Kenners, and it was difficult for the others to retreat if he didn't speak. The plain point between the two parties was an employment relationship.

Kenners looked down with a sullen face. The change of this silver-backed ancient ape was indeed beyond his expectation. The attacks of others were ignored, but now even the black explosive arrow he brought could not do its job. .

You must know that he bought this kind of black explosive arrow from the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce at a high price. This is a weapon that can threaten the extraordinary. Now it can't even break the defense against the maddened silver-backed ancient ape.

"Don't worry, everyone. Although I didn't expect this silver-backed ancient ape to have such a maddening ability, I'm sure it won't last long at all. Just wait for a while, and this silver-backed ancient ape will return to its original form." Kaina Els said with a cold face.

For his own guess, Kainars is very confident. After all, he has also heard of such a means of temporarily increasing strength like the silver-backed ancient ape, but there has never been one that can be maintained for a long time.

Seeing that Kaynars persisted, everyone stopped talking and began to wait quietly. After all, if the ability of the silver-backed ancient ape cannot last for a long time, its decline will definitely be revealed after a long time.

Half an hour passed like this, and the silver-backed ape, who was roaring on the ground, found that he could not attack Alan and others, and gradually stopped moving, and began to rush to the distant Silver Leaf Mountain.

"It's going back to Silver Leaf Mountain!"

Hoans in the sky said with a serious expression.

Allen looked at Kenners, wanting to know the next move. At this time, the aura of the silver-backed ape did not show any signs of decline. Should he chase or go?
"Keep up! As long as you can hunt the silver-backed ancient ape this time, the rewards promised to the three of you will be delivered in time!"

Kenners said in a deep voice, he is determined to obtain the heart and magic core of the silver-backed ancient ape, even if he pays a huge price, he will not hesitate.

After hearing the words, the three of them had nothing to say, and continued to follow Kaynars towards Silver Leaf Mountain.

It was not until Allen gradually approached the Silver Leaf Mountain that he could see the real scene of the Silver Leaf Mountain clearly. The height of the Silver Leaf Mountain was more than a kilometer, higher than the surrounding mountains. Mountains of different silver mountains.

These silver peach trees are different from ordinary peach trees. Each one is a towering giant tree. There are many trees that are 60 to [-] meters high, and some are even as high as more than [-] meters. The silver peach blossoms are dotted among them, and the peaches that come out may be the size of a human head.

When a few people rushed here, a strange thing happened. They lost the trace of the silver-backed ancient ape. It is said that although the peach grove is taller, it is basically impossible to hide the silver-backed ancient ape with the size of the silver-backed ancient ape. live.

The three of Alan checked around, but found no trace of the silver-backed ape.

"I didn't find out, where could this silver-backed ancient ape go?" Alan frowned, looking at Kaynars and asked.

The gazes of Willa and Hoanes swept back and forth over Kaynars in a vague way.

After all, it was Kayners who found the silver-backed ape in the first place, and he was the one who angered him when he came. If anyone present is most likely to know the trace of the silver-backed ape, it is Kayners .

"Everyone follow me!" After a moment of silence, Kaynals suddenly shot towards the back of the mountain.

Allen, Willa and the others looked at each other, and then followed.

The crowd followed Kainars to the back mountain and stopped at a peach tree crown.

"If the silver-backed ape did not escape from Silver Leaf Mountain, then I think it should be in a cave in the back mountain. That cave is where its lair is. I was also outside the cave before, trying to provoke it, so in order to prevent Be noticed, everyone try to restrain your breath." After Kaynals finished speaking, he slowly fell to the ground.

Then Allen and the others followed Kenners and continued to walk forward. It didn't take long before they came to a mountain wall. There were also some silver peach trees that were not high on this mountain wall, but although they were not high, the roots But it is like giant snakes covered with scales, clinging to the mountain wall.

A hole with a height of 50 meters is located under these roots. Apart from some feces, there are some huge footprints outside the hole. Seeing these footprints, Allen knew that it should be here.

The inside of the cave is dark, and you can't see the end at a glance, except for some torn small trees growing from the bottom of the cave, there is nothing.

"Minister Kennels, have you ever been in this cave?"

Hoans behind him said suddenly.

"No, I just discovered this cave when I was tracking the silver-backed ancient ape, but for safety reasons, I never entered it!" Kayners shook his head immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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