Ambition Lord

Chapter 485: Giant Silver Tree

Chapter 485: Giant Silver Tree
After hearing this, Allen and others stopped asking. After all, this is the lair of the silver-backed ancient ape. If you go in rashly, you may be attacked by the silver-backed ancient ape.

"Then should we go in now?" Hoans looked at the dark cave entrance and asked several people.

"I think we can blow down the cave from the outside and force that silver-backed ancient ape to come out!" Willa narrowed her eyes and looked at the entrance of the cave.

"No, we don't know how deep this cave is. If it collapses, it will be difficult to find the body of the silver-backed ancient ape! And what I need is a complete silver-backed ancient ape heart without any damage!" Kenners looked firm, and sternly refused.

"Then what should we do? Is it really impossible to go in?" Willa frowned and retorted.

The cave was dim, and they didn't know the situation inside at all. It might not be a good decision to enter the cave rashly. Not only did Willa not want to, but so did Alan and Hoans.

"The situation in this cave is unknown at the moment, and it's not safe to enter without authorization. Minister Kenners, I think it's better to go back first and look for opportunities next time!" Allen said slowly, he actually didn't want to enter it.

"Let me go ahead, and you enter after me. If there is any danger, you can escape first." Kaynals sensed the resistance of the three of them, and said with a tense face.

The three of Allen looked at each other, but none of them spoke first, showing hesitation.

"Duke Chilong! What I promised you, even if I don't succeed in hunting the silver-backed ancient ape this time, I will give it to you!"

Kaynals' complexion sank, and he said to Allen.

Allen stood aside, his heart fluttering slightly. Originally, he and Kaynars discussed that as long as he successfully hunted the silver-backed ancient ape, he would give him the magic beast core of the dark element as a reward.

But now that Kaynals sees a few people hesitating, he can only modify the previously discussed ones. As long as Allen enters with him, no matter what the final result is, he can get the Warcraft core.

"Okay, it's just that Minister Kennels has something to say beforehand. Although the Duke can enter this cave with you, if there is a crisis, I can only turn around and leave!" Alan admitted to himself Tempted, so tactfully said.

After hearing this, Kenners felt slightly relieved, nodded, then turned his head, and said to Willa and Hoans: "Just now I promised Duke Chilong's conditions, how do you two feel?

If the two of you agree, what you promise will be handed over to you no matter whether it succeeds or not. "

Willa and Joans didn't think about it for long, and they agreed just like Alan. After all, if there was a crisis, they could turn around and leave according to the agreement. Although there was danger, the two of them dealt with it confidently.

After the discussion between the four of them, with Kenners leading the way, Allen walked side by side towards the cave.

After stepping into the entrance of the cave, the passage of the cave began to light up. Everyone was an elemental knight, and it was easy to create some light.

As soon as you enter the cave, you will see an endless passage, which is more than 30 meters high and four or five carriages wide. The fine roots protruding from the crevices of the stones, under the feet is a layer of thick and soft soil, covered with shrubs and weeds.

The four of them pushed forward slowly while pulling the grass blades that got in the way. Allen, a fire elemental knight, was in charge of lighting. Lines of fire traveled on the walls and roof of the cave, and spread towards the front, illuminating the traffic ahead. Bright.

As the few people continued to move forward, from time to time they could still find some traces left by the silver-backed ape, footprints in the mud, and scratches on the cave wall. blood.

As time passed, several people could clearly feel that they were getting farther and farther away from the ground, and the temperature in the passage was decreasing. A gust of cold wind blew from the depths of the passage, blowing the flames on the cave wall, and the light and shadow swayed.

"There is light ahead!" Kaynals's modest voice suddenly came from ahead, and there was a trace of surprise in the words!

The others hurriedly looked forward and saw that there was a faint silver light ahead. If you didn't look carefully, you might not be able to spot it under the light of the fire.

After seeing the bright light, everyone's speed inevitably accelerated a bit, and as Alan and the others approached, the silver light in front became brighter and brighter, and they also discovered that it seemed to be an exit, the width and height of which were different. Almost like a channel.

When he reached near the exit, Allen withdrew the line of fire on the cave wall, followed behind the three of them, and walked slowly towards the exit.

But as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the cave, before he could take a step, not only Allen, but the three people in front of him were also frozen there, raising their heads together with shock on their faces.

They didn't see the sun again as they imagined. If they were right, they were in a cave in the middle of a stone wall.

And what the cave wall is facing is a huge city under the silver light.

Alan took a rough look at this city, and in his heart, it must be bigger than Chilong City. The high city wall can be even with the entrance of the cliff, but it is a pity that it is already broken at this time, and the gravel is scattered all over the place.

Black houses are densely arranged in the city, but unfortunately, a large number of houses have collapsed. At this time, the city is like the ruins of a city after a war.

This is basically an underground city. Although there are no races active, but observing this magnificent city from a distance, it is not difficult to imagine that there is also civilization here in unknown time and age.

It's just that I don't know why the race living here disappeared. Whether it migrated independently or encountered an irresistible disaster, everything is already unknown.

The most conspicuous thing in the city is the giant silver tree in the center. Allen estimated that it might be the only living thing in this underground city!
The giant silver tree stands like a giant in the center of the city. Its trunk, which is tens of meters wide, goes straight to the top of hundreds of meters high. Countless thick branches grow on the top, stretching farther and farther, like the arms of a giant, pushing down The top of the stone is supported.

Allen stared fixedly at the giant silver tree, unable to look away. Without careful observation to confirm, the rich elemental power emanating from the giant tree made several people discover its true identity at a glance.

This giant silver tree is very similar to the silver peach tree in Yinye Mountain, it can even be said to be a kind of plant, but compared to the ordinary silver peach tree on Yinye Mountain, this huge silver peach tree is simply a Amazing plants!
As for the rank of this magical plant, Allen is not sure, after all, it is a bit far away, but judging from the momentum displayed by this giant silver peach tree, even if it is not a magical plant that controls the rank, it is definitely A magical plant that has reached the third level of extraordinary.

"Silverback Ape!" Kaynals' voice suddenly came!

(End of this chapter)

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