Ambition Lord

Chapter 492 Extraordinary Death

Chapter 492 Extraordinary Death
Before Willa could catch his breath, more silvery branches formed a torrent in the air, coming with a huge impact, the half-damaged heavy shield exploded in an instant, and before Willa could make a sound, he was submerged in the air. In the sea of ​​branches.

Kayners, who was outside the field, witnessed this scene with his own eyes, his pupils shrank slightly, and his lips trembled slightly.

A few seconds later, the twisted branches around the field slowly spread out, and Willa's figure had disappeared, leaving only a few fragments of the heavy shield and bloodstains on the ground.

And that figure shrouded in silver light was slowly walking out in the air, and the entire underground space trembled slightly.

Silver-like branches danced around it, and shot forward, aiming at Kaynars in the distance.

Feeling the uncontrollable and trembling legs, Kaynars suppressed the panic in his heart, quickly pulled out the black explosion arrow from his waist, pulled the bow instantly, and pointed the black explosion arrow at the path hidden in the silver light. The figure shot past.

At the same time, he turned around and rushed towards the entrance of the hole at full speed. Now that Willa is dead, he has nothing to worry about, and the most important thing is to escape now!

The Zhi Ling hidden in the silver light cast his eyes on the black explosive arrows that came from him, his body didn't move, he just waved his arm holding the silver staff.

A waist-thick silver branch with mysterious patterns, like a giant python's tail falling in the air, hit the black explosive arrow fiercely.

The black explosion arrow exploded instantly, and the strong explosion sound oscillated back and forth in the underground space. The thick silver branch was also blown upside down, and a black hole the size of a bowl appeared at the place hit by the black explosion arrow.

After solving the small trouble, Zhi Ling seemed to feel that Kaynars was no longer in the underground space, so he did not chase again. He used many silver branches to knock down the entrance, then slowly retreated, and drilled into the underground space. Inside the main trunk of the ancient silver peach tree, the branches that look like swimming snakes gradually converge.

The entire underground space instantly restored calm, and the huge ancient silver peach tree still stood in the center, unchanged from when Allen and the others came.

Outside the cave, Allen and Hoans were standing on a silver peach tree, quietly waiting for the return of Kaynars and Willa.

With a gust of wind coming from the entrance of the cave, the embarrassed Kaynars rushed out.

"Leave here first!" Looking at Alan and Hoans who left first, Kayners said with a sullen face, regardless of whether the two agreed or not, he quickly flew towards the direction he came from.

After hearing this, Joans hesitated for a while, and followed, followed by Allen.

Joans, who was following closely, was stunned at this moment. He remembered that Willa hadn't come out yet, so why did Kaynars urge them to leave?

Moreover, it seemed that he was in a bad mood, and Hoans was suspicious.

Looking at Kaynars who was galloping all the way ahead without looking back, Allen also had some guesses in his mind.

You don't need to look to know that it should be that Zhi Ling attacked Kaynars after waking up, and the elemental knight named Willa was probably cold at this time, otherwise Alan didn't believe that Kaynars would ignore it. Regardless, leave directly.

At the same time, Allen also became more in awe of the king's strength. In just a short while, he slaughtered a very powerful Chaofan, and made Kaynars flee in disgrace. Such strength is no small feat!

I don't know if Kenners was scared out of his wits, the flying speed was so fast that Allen could only keep up with all his strength.

The three of them gradually reached Black Thorn Bay, and Kaynars gradually slowed down and landed on a river bank.

"Minister Kenners, what's going on? Why don't you see Mr. Willa?" Alan walked a few steps forward and came to Kenners, frowning.

"Yes! Why the hurry? Mr. Willa hasn't come out yet?" Joans asked in a daze.

"No, he can't come back anymore!" Kayners said with an ugly expression.

"What do you mean?" Allen asked quickly, frowning even tighter.

"That magical plant is not of the extraordinary level at all, but of the control level. After Zhi Ling woke up, Willa got too close and was trapped, but when I was about to go to the rescue, Willa had already been killed by the Zhi Ling!
If I hadn't seen something wrong and hurriedly evacuated, maybe I would have to explain where I was. "

Kenners said hoarsely.

"What!" Hoans on the side exclaimed, and hurriedly approached, looking at Kaynars with incredible eyes.

"How could this be!" Allen also sighed.

"Then... what should Minister Kennels do at this point?"

At this time, Huo Ansi secretly rejoiced in his heart that he was lucky. If he and Kayners switched positions, he wondered if he could escape the killer who controlled Jie Zhiling!
"Don't worry, both of you, I will report this matter to the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce and explain the situation. Willa's death is my responsibility, and I will fully bear it. It's just that what I promised to transfer the ownership of the magical plants before may not be able to be fulfilled." It has been fulfilled, and I hope you two will understand.

Of course, I will fulfill the promised rewards for hunting the silver-backed ancient ape! "

Kenners said apologetically, for him, if he can catch this magical plant for the chamber of commerce, then everyone will be happy, and the things promised to the two will definitely be fulfilled with the support of the headquarters.

But now that the arrest failed, not only did Kenners fail to capture the magical plant, but he also caused Willa's death. He can be sure that he will never escape punishment, and he can't even try to use the headquarters to help fulfill the promise he made before.

Relying on himself alone, it is extremely difficult and almost impossible to fulfill his promise to Allen and the two.

When Hoans heard this, it was okay, and he hurriedly said angrily: "Kainars! This is what you promised, why? Now you want to return?"

"After all, my Elemental Chamber of Commerce didn't get this magical plant. Is it too much for Mr. Hoans to say that?"

Kenners said with a sullen face, his mood had already dropped to the bottom at this time.

"The duke understands your difficulties, Minister Kennels, so he doesn't care about it anymore, after all, Mr. Willa lost his life because of this!

It's just that Mr. Canals should give me the reward for hunting the silver-backed ancient ape as soon as possible! "

Allen said lightly.

"Okay, then thank you Duke Chilong?"

Kenners squeezed out an ugly smile on his face, and couldn't help feeling a little more fond of Allen in his heart.

He didn't suspect that it was Allen and Hoans who cheated their Elemental Chamber of Commerce at this time. After all, the magical plant was there, and who would have thought that it was a control level?
(End of this chapter)

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