Ambition Lord

Chapter 493 Bahamut's Metamorphosis

Chapter 493 Bahamut's Metamorphosis

"It's easy to say, but you got it..." Hoans was very dissatisfied with Alan's release of his mouth so quickly, and his eyes stared at the four control-level magical fruits in Alan's hands, flashing a bit of displeasure.

Compared to Allen who also got four fruits, Joans got nothing.

It's a pity that before he finished speaking, Allen turned around directly, and flew away in an instant with a wave of his wings, leaving Hoans stunned.

He didn't see Hoyan's angry face, Allen had already walked away at this time, he was not interested in wrangling with the old guy Hoyans!
For Allen, this trip has basically achieved his goal. Not only will he get a dark-attribute monster core in the near future, but he will also find the second place with water-attribute extraordinary monsters provided by Kaynars. , that huge lake.

In addition, he got four additional fruits from the ancient silver peach trees of the control level, which can help Bahamut purify his blood and increase his strength.

After returning to Red Dragon City smoothly, Alan handled some affairs sent by the Nine Offices, and then went to Qingzhu Mountain with four silver peach fruits.

On a mountainside near Green Bamboo Mountain, Bahamut was sleeping soundly in the cave, his two dragon wings were retracted, and his chin rested on his forelimb.

Suddenly, Bahamut wrinkled his nose, opened his closed eyes, a hint of surprise flashed in his huge dragon pupils, and he sniffed in disbelief.

Seemingly finally determined, Bahamut stood up abruptly and rushed out instantly.

Outside the cave, Allen also saw Bahamut rushing over.

"Master! This is?"

Bahamut stood on tiptoe and slowly came over, drooling, staring at the silver peach that Allen was holding in his hand at this moment. For Bahamut, this peach is Has an unimaginable attraction.

"This peach comes from an ancient silver peach tree of the control level. It is amazingly effective. It can not only be used to purify blood, but also can greatly improve the strength of extraordinary creatures with gold elements. It is very suitable for you!" Allen said slowly. Bahamut said.

"Wait a minute!" Allen withdrew his hand, and Bahamut took a bite.

"This is the magical fruit of the control level. Are you sure you can bear it?" Allen asked, looking at the impatient Bahamut.

After all, this fruit is of the control level. Even if Bahamut is a dragon, with extraordinary talent and supernatural physical strength, but if he really wants to let him swallow a higher-level fruit, Alan's heart still beats.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I can digest this thing!" Bahamut nodded repeatedly, eager to see through.

Feeling Bahamut's affirmative tone, Alan no longer worried. After slowly coming to the cave where Bahamut lived, he handed all four silver peaches to him. After all, Alan didn't know that Bahamut Hamt has to swallow a few to completely transform.

In the blink of an eye, Bahamut swallowed all four fruits one by one as if swallowing a jujube whole. Alan had no time to stop him and was taken aback. He really didn't expect Bahamut to be so reckless. I swallowed it all, and I don't know if I can bear it.

Fortunately, just when he was helpless, Bahamut conveyed a message to Alan not to worry through his soul connection, and Alan was completely relieved now.

Bahamut lay prone in a pit in the cave. At this time, the silver peach had already begun to play a role. He heard Bahamut scream in pain, his eyes were closed, and the silver peach in his abdomen melted instantly. The abundant elemental power Madness poured into Bahamut's dragon body, and the tissue destruction and reorganization in the dragon body alternated.

Then Bahamut's dragon scales kept opening and closing, making a crackling sound, traces of golden blood overflowed from the roots of the scales, and dripped down the scales, followed by wisps of shining golden elemental power, they It rushed out of Bahamut's body, circling and converging, and wrapped Bahamut into a golden ball in a moment.

Alan knew that Bahamut in the golden ball was facing an unimaginable transformation at this time, so after much deliberation he decided to wait here.

Seeing that the sky outside had darkened, Allen sat down on a boulder in the cave, took out some food stored in the Void Orb, and dealt with it.

In fact, a supernatural creature like him has its own elemental power to nourish it, so it will be fine if it does not eat for a long time, but who made him like this mouthful!

Time slowly approached the night, and Bahamut's transformation was still not over. From time to time, Allen could still hear Bahamut's painful groans coming from the golden sphere.

The golden ball stayed in the pit all the time, the golden light was like breathing, and the brightness was uncertain, but at this time the golden ball was surrounded by elemental crystals shining with golden light.

During this period, Alan didn't stay in the cave all the time, but went to the Qingzhushan camp, summoned Bud, and asked him to stay here. He returned to Red Dragon City and took all the gold element crystals paid in the treasury. All moved here.

Because the ball that wrapped Bahamut began to absorb elements from the outside world more than an hour after it was formed, but the concentration of the elements outside was too low. Alan was afraid that there would be a problem with Bahamut, so he hurriedly fetched a large amount of it. The gold element spar was moved here to ensure that Bahamut could absorb enough gold elements to complete the transformation.

The sun in the east is gradually rising, and the eyes of Alan and Bud in the cave are closely watching the golden ball in the pit. At this time, Bahamut's transformation has reached the final stage, and a large area of ​​gold element crystals around it It instantly turned gray, was sucked dry, and a powerful wave of elements spread to the surroundings.

The light of the golden ball gradually dimmed, like layers of golden cicadas sloughing away, gradually revealing the figure of Bahamut inside.

At this time, Bahamut's tightly closed eyes slowly opened, and the original deep blue in the eyes disappeared, and turned into a bright golden color, like the sun, which cannot be looked directly at.

Not only the dragon eyes, but also the scales all over his body have undergone great changes. Bahamut seems to have changed scales. The dragon scales that were originally golden have piled up in the pits, and they are covered with blood.

At this time, the reborn dragon scales are already golden, but they are not as solid as before. Instead, they are translucent like gold element crystals, and somewhat jade-like, including a pair of dragon horns. In this way, it looks like a perfect creation between heaven and earth from a distance.

At this time, Bahamut's demeanor lost a bit of ferocity, and became a bit more dignified.

Bahamut slowly walked out of the pothole, every step was majestic and majestic, showing a perfect posture, of course, it would be perfect if it didn't speak.

"Haha! Xiaoba, let's see how strong this uncle is. Did you scare me!"

(End of this chapter)

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