Ambition Lord

Chapter 501 Extraordinary Warcraft

Chapter 501 Extraordinary Warcraft
Under the watchful eyes of a large number of citizens in the entire Red Dragon City, the convoy led by the guard cavalry slowly walked out of Red Dragon City along the fragrant roses.

On the city wall, Alan kept watching the convoy on the avenue outside the city until it gradually shrank and turned into a black spot. Alan turned around silently and returned to the Red Dragon Palace.

Although Irene and Lite returned to the rose collar, the wedding was over, but it was not time for the invited guests to leave. In order to entertain these people, Ellen specially held a grand dinner tonight.

However, at the dinner party, Allen just showed up in a hurry at the beginning, and then left with Barton.

"You mean that a supernatural monster attacked Helan Port?"

Allen sat on the Red Dragon Hall, looking down at Andy who had been waiting for a long time, frowning with an ugly expression.

Heilan Port is currently the only general-purpose port on Heilan Island. A large amount of materials from Chilong Principality will enter Heilan Island through Heilan Port. If Heilan Port is damaged, it will greatly affect the development of Heilan Island. .

Now Heilan Island is not only building a new city and developing the land of Heilan Island, but even the Heilan Shipyard needs a lot of special wood, and resources need to be replenished in all aspects.

"Yes! At that time, the first fleet had just left the port, and it happened to be attacked by that extraordinary monster. The extraordinary monster was dressed like an octopus, and it was very huge. With only a few giant tentacles exposed, it killed two ships in the fleet. The wooden ship was smashed, thus causing a large number of crew casualties.

Fortunately, the monster then changed its target and attacked Heilan Port, and the other ships in the fleet were able to escape. "

Andy said seriously.

"What about Heilan Port? How about the casualties in Heilan Port?" Allen asked immediately.

"Don't worry, my lord, Heilan Port has not been damaged, and no one has been killed or injured. The extraordinary monster was blocked without touching Heilan Port. It should be Lord Hamidina who took action!
According to the shadow members in the Heilan Port stronghold, when the supernatural monster stretched out a large number of tentacles to attack the port, the sky suddenly burst into blue light, and the light spread across the entire sky. Then, it directly cut open a large number of tentacles, causing the extraordinary monster to scream in pain.

Then a creature with a human body and a fish tail appeared in the sky, presumably it was Lord Hamidina, and then the two sides fought fiercely on the sea surface, and finally the octopus monster retreated. "Andy said.

After hearing this, Allen felt a little relieved. It would be best if Helan Port was not destroyed. It seems that the mermaid Hametina did her best and did not perfunctory the tasks she entrusted to her.

Heilan Island is hanging out alone, coupled with the raging monsters in the evil black sea, it is normal to encounter an extraordinary monster attacking, so it is impossible to say that Heilan Island has no extraordinary powers to sit in.

Unless Allen is willing to give up all the buildings on the edge of the island, such as the Heyland Military Academy in Heyland Port, and only carry out construction and development within the inner circle of Heyland Island.

Of course, this is impossible. The inability to build ports and docks on the edge of Heilan Island not only means that it is difficult to transport the materials of Chilong Principality to Heilan Island, but also the navy plan of Chilong Principality will be stranded!
However, according to Andy's description, the extraordinary monster's strength should not be strong, otherwise it would be impossible to repel it easily with Hametina alone, and Alan didn't have to intervene in person.

"In case that extraordinary monster attacks again, report it immediately!" Allen told him.

"Yes!" Andy responded.

Although he was a little surprised by the sudden attack, Allen didn't plan to intervene immediately. After all, the attack by the extraordinary monster might be a coincidence. Lun didn't have to go any more.

Of course, there is no guarantee that this extraordinary monster will not make a comeback. Fortunately, Hamidina is in the way. After the extraordinary monster really launches a second attack and confirms its high threat to Helan Island, Allen will go to deal with it not too late.

The most important thing is that Allen is going to go to the Blackland Mountains recently to hunt down the extraordinary monster hidden deep in the huge lake and obtain the materials needed for Barton's breakthrough.


In the depths of the still verdant Heilong Mountains, four towering peaks are connected to each other on the left and right, forming a huge lake around it in a zigzag shape.

At this time, the giant lake is like a mirror that can't be seen at a glance, reflecting all the mountains, trees and blue sky on all sides, and some beasts are drinking water with their heads down.

Hearing the sound of a gust of wind, a giant dragon surrounded by golden light flew quickly from the sky. The two dragon wings seemed to cover the sky, swinging rhythmically in the air, shining layers of golden light.

Bahamut landed on the peak of the northern mountain, stood upright, four powerful giant claws ruthlessly plunged into the rock of the mountain, and immediately splashed a piece of gravel.

Allen and Bud came down from Bahamut one after another, stood on the top of the peak, and stared at the vast lake below.

The giant lake is indeed very big. Even an extraordinary person like Allen, whose eyesight is much better than that of ordinary people, cannot see the opposite side of the giant lake at a glance.

It was at noon at this time, and there was not much fog rising from the lake, and there were scaled fish on the lake from time to time, which showed the vitality of this sentence.

Allen frowned. The huge lake in front of him was too big, so big that even Allen himself would find it difficult to find the giant frog monster hidden in it, unless he went into the water to search piece by piece, but the underwater environment may be more complicated. It is not feasible, nor is it a good choice.

After thinking about it for a moment, Allen couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. He was really reckless, and he shouldn't have landed on the mountain with Bahamut swaggering like this.

Feeling the strength of Bahamut, the other party is likely to hide in panic, and the possibility of trying to attract it is much smaller. After all, the wisdom of extraordinary monsters is not weak.

Of course, now that the "Four Mountain Lake" is extremely wide, the giant frog monster may be far away at this time, and it may not be aware of the arrival of Alan and the others.

After thinking about it, Allen still said to Bahamut and Bud: "Go! Get out of here first!"

Speaking of which, Allen condensed a pair of red wings, turned into a rainbow light, and flew towards a mountain in the distance to the north. Bud and Bahamut were confused. The two guys didn't understand what Allen meant, but Still followed up honestly.

Day and night alternated, and as time passed, it was now noon the next day.

At this time, on the hilltop a kilometer away from the "Four Mountains Lake", Bahamut was lying under the big tree on the top of the mountain and taking a nap, while Alan was paying attention, standing on the top of the big tree, watching the "Four Mountains" lake"!
As for Bud, who was supposed to be there, he disappeared!

(End of this chapter)

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