Ambition Lord

Chapter 502 Black-skinned Frog

Chapter 502 Black-skinned Frog

Seen from a distance, a bright blue figure hangs high above the Four Mountains Lake. It is the missing Bud. At this time, Bud is only dressed in black, with a scepter of ice on his back.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of elemental power boiled in Bard's body, and countless blue rays of light surrounded Bard's body, as if forming a huge blue giant tortoise, with a blue tortoise shell and a ferocious face, lifelike.

A powerful coercion erupted from the blue giant tortoise in the air, posing a fatal threat to any creature below the extraordinary!
Following Bard's angry shout, the giant blue tortoise that had surrounded him suddenly turned into a huge beam of blue light, and directly hit the calm lake below.

In an instant, the entire water surface exploded. If a small stone fell into the water surface, there would be ripples. At this time, Bud's method would startle a huge wave.

The blue beam of light directly penetrated the deep lake water and hit the bottom of the lake. Under the huge impact force, not only the lake water on all sides surged towards the surroundings crazily, but also the thick silt below spread along with the lake water. .

At this time, the surface of the lake was not only choppy, but also extremely turbid. The spreading area of ​​the waves reached more than half of the entire Four Mountains Lake. Basically, any creature in the lake would be alarmed!
Although it took a long time, the lake water finally began to flow back, and it was about to cover the place hit by the giant pillar of blue light again, but the entire lake surface was still turbulent, and the turbid lake water was difficult to clear in a short time. I don't know how long it will take to restore the previous calm.

After the blow, Bud didn't make another shot. Instead, a piece of blue ice battle armor condensed on the surface of his body, his eyes were fixed on the lake below, and he was always on guard.

Suddenly, the sound of water breaking came, and a creature slowly emerged from the water, its body like an island in the lake was directly exposed.

Bud looked intently, and it turned out to be a giant frog monster covered in pitch black, with an undisguised extraordinary aura. Judging from the aura it exuded, its strength was still higher than his, and it had already reached the point of Xiaocheng extraordinary.

This extraordinary giant frog is more than ten meters long and wide. Its skin is as black as ink, and there are some not too long black spines growing on the skin. Its limbs are strong and powerful, and its muscles are clearly defined. A pair of huge black frog eyes stared angrily at Bard above.

Facts have proved that the method Allen thought was correct, and the black-skinned frog was indeed drawn out.

Due to his neglect at the beginning, Allen rode Bahamut directly to the lake, which was easily noticed by the extraordinary monsters in the lake. Bahamut's momentum was too strong. If he showed up, the extraordinary monsters in the lake below It is very likely that he admits cowardice and dare not show up again.

But fortunately, the four mountain lakes are indeed big enough, and it is very possible that Alan's arrival did not attract the attention of the extraordinary monsters in the lake, which gave Alan a chance.

He decided to give it a try, and then Chaofan Dacheng himself and Bahamut, the superhuman limit, stayed away from Sishan Lake first, and Bud went to Sishan Lake alone to attract the supernatural monsters in the lake, and even asked Bud not to use ice. scepter.

Because if Bard uses the ice scepter to attack, the attack strength will not be weak for a Dacheng extraordinary like Allen. At that time, the power will be too strong, which may cause the extraordinary monsters underwater to flinch.

But Bard's real state at this time is just entering the extraordinary. Without using the ice scepter, his strength is only at the lowest level of the extraordinary. The possibility should not be high.

In this way, as long as Bard draws out the extraordinary beast and entangles with it for a moment, Allen and Bahamut can arrive in an instant and kill the extraordinary beast before it escapes into the water.

Of course, this is not guaranteed to be foolproof. If this extraordinary monster has extraordinary strength at its peak, or even extreme extraordinary strength, under the guarantee of its own strong strength, it is likely to escape into the bottom of the water after a wave of attacks from Allen and others.

Therefore, Allen decided that once this guy escaped, he would use stupid methods to cut through the surrounding mountains, or split the ridges, and pour out the water in the huge lake, so that this extraordinary beast would no longer have a place to hide land.

Bahamut's face was serious, and just as he pulled out the ice scepter behind him, the giant black-skinned frog moved, its mouth moved slightly, and the surging elemental power gathered.

It opened its mouth, and a blue tongue popped out of the giant black-skinned frog's mouth, just like a giant python ejected from its body when hunting.

If you look carefully, you can find that the shoulder of this giant tongue is like the tip of a sword, which is extremely sharp. The other parts are covered by layers of scaly ice crystals. A tongue pierces the body of prey, and it is impossible to get rid of it.

The speed of the long tongue was astonishingly fast. With extraordinary power, it pushed away layers of air waves and rushed towards Bud. Bud's pupils shrank slightly, knowing that the long tongue was not a small threat to him. After all, the strength of this giant black-skinned frog But it is a level higher than him, and now it must be dealt with with all its strength.

Bard quickly grasped the ice scepter suspended in front of him, the power of the elements in his body surged, the ice crystals on the ice scepter flashed, and the surrounding water elements instantly rioted. The icicle hit in front of Bud.

The icicle was facing the menacing frog tongue, and Bud wanted to use the icicle to block the impact of the frog tongue.

It's a pity that this giant frog is clever, which made Bard's calculations come to nothing. He saw the huge tongue that came out, as if turning a corner, and the direction was slightly deflected. The whole tongue was like a vine wrapped around the trunk, circling With dark blue icicles, it continued to rush upwards, like a swimming snake.

Bud looked shocked, but he was not flustered. He hurriedly used countermeasures, and at the same time retreated, he used the power of the elements to make the icicle explode instantly!

The bursting and sharp shards of ice shot in all directions, and even Bard had to wave the ice scepter to smash the shards of ice that were shooting at him.

At the same time, there was a cry of mourning, almost even after the explosion. Due to the great power of the explosion, it gave a huge impact to the shattered ice, and the frog's tongue that was originally surrounded by the icicle was naturally the first to bear the brunt.

Under the impact of a large amount of crushed ice, many thin scales of the frog's tongue were crushed, and two places actually bled. The two pieces of crushed ice were directly embedded in the flesh of the frog's tongue.

The tongue is very sensitive to pain, and the severe pain forced the giant black-skinned frog to withdraw its tongue. Its body even jumped above the water surface for a while, and its mouth continued to scream in pain.

A gleam of joy flashed in Bud's eyes, and the ice scepter in his hand moved slightly, and dozens of giant water elemental snakes were suspended behind it.

(End of this chapter)

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