Ambition Lord

Chapter 503 Danger and Harvest

Chapter 503 Danger and Harvest

The Ice Scepter pointed at the giant black-skinned frog below, and dozens of giant water-elemental snakes rushed towards the screaming black-skinned giant frog with bursts of whistling sounds.

The water element giant snakes moved very quickly. First, a dozen of them plunged into the surrounding lake, and the entire lake was instantly frozen, repelling the panicked black-skinned giant frogs onto the ice.

The remaining giant water elemental snakes were like flexible vines, quickly entangled around the body of the giant black-skinned frog. Naturally, the giant black-skinned frog refused to submit, struggling constantly, trying to break free from its shackles.

But helplessly, the strength and toughness of these giant water elemental snakes are far beyond imagination. No matter how the giant black-skinned frog moves on the ice and howls incessantly, it still cannot break through the web of these giant water elemental snakes that are connected alternately. , all just bumped the elemental giant snake's net up, but then retreated under the huge elastic force.

It can be said that after Bard made a move, the giant black-skinned frog was restrained in just a moment, and there was a large gap in strength between Dacheng Chaofan and Xiaocheng Chaofan.

On the cold ice surface, the water element giant snakes bound to the body of the black-skinned giant frog slowly changed. The water inside stopped flowing and slowly condensed into dark blue ice. The net of the giant black-skinned frog turned into an indestructible hard cage.

Under the attack of strong cold air, the giant black-skinned frog in the ice cage became more and more sluggish, and a thin layer of frost began to appear on the entire surface of its body.

Originally, according to the current situation, Bard had easily completed the capture of the extraordinary monster, but before he was happy, his whole body was instantly knocked out by a blue streamer behind him.

Bud rolled uncontrollably in the air for a few times before barely stopping. The sudden attack was beyond his expectation, making him get hit before he had time to guard against it.


At this time, Bard's face was pale, coughing blood in his mouth, and his body was bent. The back of the ice armor was full of cracks, and there was a very obvious depression. Armor will be breached!

Bud calmed down, his eyes flickered, searching for the attacker.

I saw a familiar giant tongue exuding blue light flying in the air. The giant tongue came from a giant black-skinned frog not far below the water surface. Bud in the air.

Bud's complexion changed, and he looked down at the giant black-skinned frog in the icy cage below in disbelief. There were actually two extraordinary monsters in this huge lake!
Fortunately, the strength of the second black-skinned giant frog was slightly inferior to the previous one, and was similar to Bard's real strength, so the ice armor on Bard's body was able to block this guy's attack.

Sooner or later, the frog tongue suspended in the air moved again, and under the control of the giant black-skinned frog, it struck straight at Bard. The tip of the tongue exuding cold light was as sharp as a sword. It is to kill him.

Bud's pupils shrank, and his first reaction was to dodge. The blue armor wing behind him shook, and the whole person moved to the right in an instant.

But before Bud could completely avoid it, a dazzling light occupied the eyes of Bud and the giant black-skinned frog. The incoming light was more dazzling than the direct sun, making people subconsciously want to close their eyes.

In the distance, a bright golden crescent blade more than ten meters long flew out of Bahamut's mouth and turned into a golden rainbow. It was still far away at first, but it came close in the blink of an eye.

Easier than cutting steak with a knife, the sharp golden moon blade flew over the tongue of the giant black-skinned frog in an instant, and then hit the mountain in front with unabated momentum.

The frog's tongue, which was wrapped in hard ice crystal thorns, broke immediately, and the first half of the tongue fell into the giant lake feebly, while the second half was retracted by the giant frog.

The second giant black-skinned frog on the lake suffered much more intense pain than the first one. It jumped wildly on the lake and let out ugly cries.

At this time, due to the continuous bleeding from the broken tongue, blood flowed from the corner of the giant black-skinned frog's mouth, and the blood splashed everywhere during the jump, dripping on the lake surface, infecting a small piece of the lake surface.

The sudden gust of wind swept across the lake, rolling up layers of waves. At this time, Bahamut and Allen in the distance finally arrived!

"Bahamut is in your hands!" Alan jumped off Bahamut's back, looking at the giant black-skinned frog below.

Bahamut nodded upon hearing this, flapped his wings lightly, and flew towards the giant black-skinned frog below!
Capturing a black-skinned giant frog with an exposed figure and only a beginner's supernatural strength, it couldn't be easier for Bahamut, the Jinfeng giant dragon who is about to break through to the control level.

"Bud! How is it? Is the injury serious? This time it was my negligence. I never thought that there would be two extraordinary monsters living in this giant lake!"

Allen flew to Bud's side, saw Bud's pale face, and said with lingering fear.

After discovering that Bud was attacked, Allen was taken aback. After all, the information he got said that there was a frog-like supernatural beast here, so Allen had a preconceived idea.

Under normal circumstances, there is basically only one Transcendent monster in a territory, and it is indeed rare that two coexist. Of course, this does not mean that such a situation does not exist, but the probability of encountering it is too small. Allen did not pay attention to this aspect at all. consider!

"The injury is not serious, just rest for a while, the Duke doesn't need to worry!" Bard straightened his body and shook his head.

"That's good, you are injured right now, rest aside first, and Bahamut and I will take care of the rest!" Alan nodded and said.

After driving Bud to the lake to rest, Allen fell down and came to the front of the first trapped black-skinned giant frog.

At this time, most of the body of this giant black-skinned frog was covered with frost, only a pair of eyes were still turning, staring at Alan in front of him, as if trying to break free.

Regarding the giant black-skinned frog in front of him, Alan was naturally going to kill him immediately. After all, the supernatural monster is not easy to mess with. If he is rescued on the road, it is really possible to hurt Alan and others.

Allen took out the Red Dragon Spear from the Void Orb, and the elemental power in his body circulated, and the entire Red Dragon Spear was instantly enveloped in flames.

With the movement of Alan's arm, the Red Dragon Spear turned into a stream of light, pierced into the head of the giant black-skinned frog along the hole in the ice cage, and as the eyes of the giant black-skinned frog dimmed, Alan slowly moved The Red Dragon Spear was pulled out.

After Allen's side dealt with it, Bahamut's side also quickly ended the battle, and the huge black-skinned giant frog was being caught by Bahamut and flying towards Allen's side.

(End of this chapter)

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