Ambition Lord

Chapter 505 Evil Beast

Chapter 505 Evil Beast
Seeing Cos leave, Budesa looked gloomy and cold. Now he very much suspects that Grand Duke Bru is setting him up. He knows the consequences of selling sea ships rashly, but he doesn't tell him about it.

Speaking of which, Budesa was also at fault. Back then, in order to gain a certain initiative at the negotiating table, Budesa first threw out the fact that their Hailong Kingdom had a master at the control level.

And Grand Duke Bru probably also saw this, hoping that Hailong Kingdom would counteract the threat of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom and gain enough benefits from it.

If Grand Duke Bru could explain the existence of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom and the possible conflicts immediately after he mentioned the sale of sea ships, they would not have to face such a passive situation now. After all, the Scarlet Continent is far away from the mainland of Sea Dragon Kingdom , once there is a conflict with the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom, it will definitely not be able to please.

It's a pity that it's too late to say anything now. The news that Hailong Kingdom will sell sea ships has already spread widely. Unless Hailong Kingdom immediately denies the matter, it is possible to save the situation.

But if Budessa really did this, the consequences he would have to bear would be very serious. Hailong Kingdom's reputation among the major human nations might be reduced to the extreme, and it might even offend the Principality of Bru.

Because regardless of whether Grand Duke Bru deliberately dug a hole to bring Hailong Kingdom to the opposite side of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom, since Budesa promised himself, he must bear the consequences of breaking the promise.

And Budesa also knew that even if he denied the sale of sea ships, as long as their Sea Dragon Kingdom wanted to conduct commercial trade in this sea area, they would inevitably be hostile by the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom.

In terms of high-level strength, Hailong Kingdom and the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom are in the same class, and in terms of commercial trade, the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom is in a dominant position over the surrounding countries, and the six principalities to the west are all dumping grounds for their products.

Once Hailong Kingdom joins in, it will inevitably need to carve up the trade cake of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom. There are only so many cakes, and the more people who carve it up, the less they will get. Naturally, the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom does not want to share the cake in their hands for nothing. Give some of it to Hai Longguo, even if the "knife" it used to cut the cake has been temporarily damaged!

At the same time, the current situation of Hailong Kingdom does not allow them to withdraw from the trade with the major duchies.

At this time, Sea Dragon Kingdom is facing a crazy tide of evil beasts, and needs a lot of war materials, weapons, food, cultivation resources and so on.

Sea Dragon Nation, which is increasingly scarce in resources, has become unsustainable, so it can only try to absorb resources from the outside, and Scarlet Continent is the best choice, so if Hai Long Nation does not want the country to be ruined, it is estimated that the sale of sea-going ships has to be done. Bite the bullet and implement it.


As the thick stone slabs were slowly opened, a staircase made of bluestone was revealed. The staircase extended downwards, and the walls on both sides were inlaid with glowing crystals.

This is the entrance to the underground practice room of the Red Dragon Palace!

At this time, Ai Mian was tense, followed by Barton, and the two walked down the stone steps quickly.

The stairs extended down in a zigzag shape, and Allen and Barton walked for about 10 minutes before they came to a huge underground space, which contained a practice room separated by construction.

As soon as it reached the bottom, Allen bumped into a wave of dark elements head-on, and when he looked forward, he noticed the thick dark elements inside that were about to turn into liquid.

Allen frowned, and used the elemental barrier to wrap his entire body, as did Barton behind him. The two moved forward against the increasingly dense dark elements.

Dark elements are notoriously corrosive. Once a living body is touched by a relatively strong dark element, it will be corroded and turned into a dry corpse.

At the same time, dark elements are good at destroying elemental weapons. Once an elemental weapon is contaminated, its material will be corrupted, making it difficult to use.

Of course, with Alan's current strength, he is not afraid to touch it. He is just worried about the clothes he is wearing. Once the clothes on his body are eroded by a large number of dark elements, the clothes may collapse when the wind blows.

The reason why the underground training room became what it is today, filled with dark elements, is because the little white snake Biluo broke through to the extraordinary level today.

When the breakthrough vision was reflected in the sky, Allen was dealing with affairs in the main hall, and he was naturally overjoyed when he noticed the vision.

Everything went smoothly from the beginning to the end of the vision, but just when Allen thought that Bi Luo had successfully broken through to the extraordinary level, Bi Luo's indistinct cry came from his mind, and there was no post-breakthrough in the cry. Joy, on the contrary, faintly reveals pain.

This made Allen a little worried. Extraordinary breakthroughs are no different than others. Once an accident occurs, it will cause a very painful price. Allen is also worried that Biluo will have an accident, so he hurried to the underground practice room.

Underground, although the dark elements are pervasive, it does not affect the vision. Allen came to a practice room within a few steps, the birthplace of all dark elements underground.

This training room is exactly where Biluo is. It can be clearly seen that the training room at this time is still emitting dark elements to the outside world.

Allen asked Barton to stay outside, and walked in by himself, and soon found Bi Luo lying on the stone platform.

On the stone platform, Bi Luo's eyes were closed tightly, her body was no longer twisted, instead she was lying there uncharacteristically straight, the scales that were originally shining with luster had already dimmed, if it wasn't for the vitality still emanating from that small body, Allen thought that Bi Luo was already cold!

But at this moment, Biluo's state was not as if nothing had happened!Alan frowned, helpless. After all, he couldn't figure out Bi Luo's state at this time, and the screams of pain in his mind didn't stop, and he didn't dare to touch Bi Luo rashly!
Um!Suddenly, Allen's eyes flashed, and he was pleasantly surprised.

Moved!He had just clearly seen a part of Bi Luo's body squirm suddenly, there was no way it was fake!
Sure enough, after a few minutes, Bi Luo's body moved more and more, and the wriggling parts became more and more obvious, like a white snake waking up from hibernation.

A crisp cross talk resounded in the active training room. Alan, whose face was much softer, tightened his face again, paused in his heart, and fixed his eyes. The voice just came from Bi Luo's body.

After seeing a crisp sound, Bi Luo, whose body was constantly shaking, suddenly stopped, and a crack split across her entire back.

Ka Ka Ka!
As time went by, Bi Luo's entire back was completely torn apart.

Moulting?There was both doubt and a trace of worry in Alan's eyes, which was not like the way snakes shed their skin.

Just when Allen was puzzled, a black line suddenly swam slowly out of the crack in the back, like a small snake. After swimming out of the crack, the black snake quickly swam towards Allen.

(End of this chapter)

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