Ambition Lord

Chapter 506

Chapter 506
Bi Luo!

Alan's pupils shrank slightly, and his body tensed up instantly. Just as he was about to make a move, he suddenly noticed the aura emanating from the black snake, which was exactly the same as Biluo. The most important thing was that there was a soul contract between Alan and Biluo , able to accurately determine Bi Luo's location.

As if aware of Alan's vigilance, the black snake stopped suddenly one meter away from Alan, raised its head and swayed its tail, blinking a pair of red eyes a few times.

"Are you Biluo?"

Allen looked curiously at Bi Luodao who had changed greatly in front of him.

At this time, Bi Luo's body was less than one meter long, and only as thick as chopsticks, and the scales on her body had also changed from white scales to black scales. These black scales were densely distributed on every part of Bi Luo's body, emitting a dark light. , quietly looking like an obsidian sculpture.

"Yes, master! I am Bi Luo, I have broken through to the extraordinary level!"

A message appeared in Alan's mind, which was sent by Biluo who was nodding her head at this moment.

"come over!"

Allen smiled after hearing this, and stretched out his right hand facing the front.

Then there was only a whoosh, and Biluo wrapped around Alan's wrist in an instant.

After finding that Bi Luo was safe and sound, and had successfully broken through to the Extraordinary level, Allen felt relieved.

For a moment, Allen looked around and found that the underground training room was still filled with dark elements that had not dissipated, and his brows frowned.

He also planned to let Barton take the extraordinary potion immediately after Biluo successfully broke through, so as to break through to the elemental knight as soon as possible, but now because of Biluo's breakthrough, the dark elements gathered, and it seemed that they would not be able to dissipate in a short time.

Allen was afraid that these dark elements would affect Barton's breakthrough, so he decided to push back the time of Barton's breakthrough, and wait until the dark elements dissipated before making a breakthrough.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Barton's breakthrough location must be the underground practice room, but compared with other places, the underground practice room is safer and quieter, and is less likely to be disturbed by the outside world.

Even if there is a battle of extraordinary powers outside, it will be difficult to affect this place. This is the main reason why Allen built a practice room underground in the palace.


The time gradually came to August, the high scorching sun scorched the earth, five figures looked down on the earth from high in the sky, and below was the alien camp.

It was Allen, Bud, Bahamut, Hamin Tina, and Barton who had successfully advanced to the Transcendent level not long ago.

This time Allen brought everyone here to solve the threat of the dwarves and kobolds. After all, they are not my race, and every day they exist alone is a threat to the Red Dragon Principality.

Alan did not say that he did not understand this truth before, and still allowed him to survive and develop in the Black Dragon Mountain Range, but at that time the Chilong Principality had a limited number of superhumans, and it was likely that it would not be able to achieve the effect of killing the enemy with one blow, thus leaving hidden dangers, so Ai Lun Ren endured it for the time being.

But now the strength of the Red Dragon Principality is not what it used to be, and the number of extraordinary has reached as many as six. In addition to the five in front of him, Bi Luo on Alan's wrist has also become extraordinary.

At this time, the strength of the Red Dragon Principality is almost comparable to that of the Kingdom, and naturally there is no need to worry too much when facing the two superhumans of the alien race.

Now Alan and the others are located diagonally below the residence of the foreign race. After several months of development, the valley has changed a lot. Stone walls seven or eight meters high have been built at both ends of the valley and on the ridges on both sides.

These stone walls are built with large stones excavated in the mountains. They are extremely thick and have amazing defensive power. The stone walls are built along the valleys and ridges, completely enclosing the entire valley. At this time, there are Some alien warriors are standing guard.

The trees in the valley have been cleared away. The two tribes are separated by the stream at the bottom of the valley. The kobolds live in caves on the left hillside, while the dwarves live in caves on the right hillside.

As for the wooden house originally built at the bottom of the valley, it has long been demolished. For the two tribes, they prefer caves to wooden houses.

Because Allen and others restrained their aura, and they were at a high altitude, they did not attract the attention of the two supernatural beings.

"Master! Hehe! Do you want to kill those two guys!"

Bahamut turned his head and asked Alan next to him, showing a cruel smile.

"That dwarf Chaofan caught him alive, as for the Kobold's Chaofan, he killed him directly!" Allen said lightly.

In fact, it is much easier to kill directly than to catch the living. You don't have to be timid, just use your full strength, but you have to consider using too much force to kill the enemy!
Alan didn't like the extraordinary kobold and killed him directly, but Alan still had some ideas about the extraordinary dwarf. Now Chilong Principality lacks a craftsman who can forge extraordinary weapons.

And during this period of time, after repeated contacts between Chilong Principality and the dwarves, it was no secret that the dwarves were able to forge extraordinary weapons.

As long as Allen can make that dwarf subdue extraordinary this time, Chilong Principality will get a craftsman who can forge extraordinary weapons, and then Bard and the others will have no worries about their extraordinary weapons.

"Bahamut! You, me, and Biluo are in charge of dealing with the dwarf king Kenstein, Bud Barton and Hametina are in charge of dealing with the kobold leader Dibinat!"

Allen gave the order, and then the power of the elements in his body rushed to his right hand, and an orange-white fireball the size of a skull condensed into shape. With a thought, the fireball fell towards the valley like a meteorite with a red tail.

The orange-white fireball crashed to the ground, and a huge explosion resounded through the valley. Under the powerful shock wave, the flames flew towards all sides of the valley.

For a moment, the valley was like an earthquake. The earthquake caused the alien warriors patrolling the stone wall to stagger to the ground. The caves on the hillsides on both sides even created cracks under the vibration, and the splashing flames fell on the dwarves and kobolds moving in the valley. , instantly reduced to ashes.

Suddenly, two shouts of anger came from the valley, and the dwarf king Kenstein and the kobold leader Dibinat flew towards the sky.

And just as Kenstein and the two flew towards Allen, Allen also took Bahamut and others, and surrounded Kenstein and Dibinat.

"Duke Chilong! You and I have reached a cooperation between the two clans, and we don't invade each other. Why do you attack the residence of our two clans and do such a broken promise!" Kenstein glared at Allen in front of him, and shouted, he Very angry about Allen's unprovoked attack!
"That's just the duke's delay! You wouldn't be so naive as to think that your two clans are really qualified to make a deal with the duke!"

Allen looked at Kenstein indifferently, and the red dragon gun in his hand became more and more radiant. In Allen's heart, he had never planned to let go of the kobolds and dwarves.

(End of this chapter)

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