Ambition Lord

Chapter 518 Blood Underworld City

Chapter 518 Blood Underworld City
Following the sudden jolt of the carriage, it stopped, and the Blood Underworld City finally arrived.

"Get off! Get off!"

The driver's impatient voice sounded from outside the car.

"What's the rush! Your broken car knocked me half to death all the way, I won't ride again next time!"

As soon as he heard the destination, one of the mercenaries rushed out of the car, cursed dissatisfiedly, spit on the ground, then turned around without looking back, and walked forward.

Then everyone got out of the car one by one, and Allen was the last to get off, standing beside the carriage, staring at the majestic Blood City in front of him.

The city wall in front is about nine feet high. It is piled up with huge bricks and stones that are as dark as blood. Little man, walking around there, under the sunshine of the early morning, it becomes more and more majestic.

This Blood Underworld City is much more spectacular than Chilong City, and it deserves to be called the Holy City of Mercenaries!Allen sighed in his heart, and then excitedly led Barton towards Blood Underworld City.

It was morning at this time, and there were quite a lot of people rushing to Blood City from the direction of the Austro-Hungarian Kingdom. The vendors who came to buy, these people lined up several columns in front of the gate of Blood Underworld City, and Allen followed the rules and went up to line up.

Blood Underworld City can be said to be the safest place in the entire Yanhuo Realm, and all of this is naturally dependent on the blessing of Blood Hades King He Qi and his subordinates, so entering Blood Underworld City is not free, everyone needs to pay a silver coin. Entry fee for deer.

After taking out two silver coins from his pocket, Allen and Barton entered the city. Before they had taken a few steps, Allen paused, and his brows under his messy hair frowned.


This is Allen's first feeling after entering the city. The avenue of Blood Underworld City is very wide, wider than the main road of Chilong City. There are all kinds of shops on both sides of the street. You can't see the end at a glance, and there are discussions and bargaining everywhere. , Some people are asking merchants about the purchase price of Warcraft materials, and some people are holding a brand new weapon in their hands, and they are fighting with the owner of the weapon shop with red faces.

It took Zheng Yu a lot of time to get out of trouble by relying on a narrow alley connecting the main street. After he relaxed, he took Barton along the narrow alley to another street. The main road just now, but the flow of people will be much sparser, so that it will not be crowded.

"Duke! This subordinate thinks that we should find a hotel to settle down first, and then go to the mercenary guild."

Next to Allen's voice, Barton suggested softly that he had had enough of this way of dressing up. You must know that the clothes on their bodies were not prepared in advance, but borrowed from two "kind" mercenaries halfway along the way. There is no doubt that these two are not very particular about hygiene.

"Well, let's find a hotel first!" Allen sniffed and nodded.

To be honest, Allen regretted it when he entered the city. Originally, he thought that Blood Underworld City would attach great importance to all kinds of mercenaries coming and going to Blood Underworld City, and guard against the entry of strange forces, but the actual situation was not the case. It doesn't matter if you don't have a high-level knight, and even the conditions for entering the city are so loose.

Basically, as long as you are not the Balrog who wraps his whole body and wants to mix into Blood Underworld City, you can enter by handing over a silver deer. Blood Underworld City doesn't seem to care about the identity of the person entering the city.

In other words, Allen takes himself too seriously, and the Blood Hades City doesn't pay attention to who enters the city at all, unless a guy doesn't pay the city fee, and still yells at the gate of the city that the Blood Hades is a tin pig ...

Of course, Allen believes that as long as he dares to expose his extraordinary strength, he will probably get the attention of Blood Underworld City. After all, Extraordinary's destructive power is astonishing, but he will not be so stupid as to do this, and he can't wait for Blood Underworld City to do this!
The two who were dissatisfied with the smell on their bodies finally found a hotel after walking through several streets. The hotel was not tall, it only had two floors. The old sign, the cracks at the base of the wall, and the miscellaneous trees that are more than one meter high at the corner of the roof, it is obvious that this is an old hotel.

"Mr. Mercenary! Welcome to Doos Hotel. I am the owner of the hotel. You can call me Old Doos."

Walking in, Allen met an old man head-on. The old man was not tall, with an arched back, and a crutch in one hand, and said to Allen with a smile on his face.

Allen stopped and looked at the old man who was as old as the house, his eyes flickered, and his extraordinary observation made him discover that the sleeve of the old man's left hand seemed to be empty, and the old man was not as weak as he looked , despite the old man's serious physical decline, the power of the elements flowing in his body has not disappeared. This is a genuine middle-level knight.

However, Alan was not interested in why a mid-level knight was willing to stay in this dilapidated hotel, and he didn't want to get to the bottom of it. He just came to stay.

"Boss Deus! Excuse me, is there any room available?" Alan looked away and said to the old man.

"Yes, yes, of course there are, how many rooms do you want?"

The old man glanced at Barton behind Allen, and said in a slightly excited tone.

After hearing this, Allen looked around and found that there seemed to be no guests in the hotel except for the little girl who fell asleep on the counter. It seemed that the business of this hotel was not good, Allen guessed in his heart.

"The two rooms must be connected together." Allen continued.

"Of course it's no problem. Please two gentlemen go upstairs with me." The old man turned around with excitement on his face, leaning on crutches and preparing to walk towards the stairs.

"Wait a moment!"

"Sir, do you have any questions?" The old man paused, turned around and asked suspiciously.

"Boss Deus! You seem to have forgotten to collect the money. We have to live here for at least half a month." Allen said slowly. In fact, Allen didn't know how long it was, half a month was just an estimate.

"Half a month..." The old man didn't hide the joy on his face.

As if he was thinking about how much the two of Alan should pay, the old man paused for a while and said, "Sir, although the conditions of our Dus Hotel are not as good as those of other hotels, the price will be much cheaper.

If it's just a simple accommodation, you and this gentleman only need to pay fifteen silver stags each.

But if it includes daily food, the price will be much higher, about 50 yuan per person. The main reason is that the price of food in this blood city is not as high as other places. "

The old man said hesitantly.

"Board and lodging are all included." Allen took out two golden dragons from his arms and handed them to the old man.

"Sir, it seems... there is an extra golden dragon." The old man said in a bit of astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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