Ambition Lord

Chapter 519 Kailav

Chapter 519 Kailav

"This one is an advance payment to you, and I want to ask you something." Alan smiled lightly.

"Inquire about something?" The old man was a little puzzled, paused for a moment and hurriedly took the two golden dragons and said, "Okay, sir, don't worry, as long as Old Doce knows, I will tell you everything."

Afterwards, Allen and the two followed the old man upstairs.

"Gentlemen, what do you want to inquire about?" Old Doce closed the door casually, and asked Alan and the two softly.

"The two of us are mercenaries from the Charlie Empire. We have admired this city known as the Mercenary Holy City for a long time. It is also the first time we have come here. We are not very familiar with this place, so we want to ask you some news." Allen said with a smile.

"Oh! It turns out that the two gentlemen are from the Charlie Empire!" Old Doce said in surprise. The Blood Underworld City is located in the east of the Charlie Empire. If you want to come to the Blood Underworld City from the Charlie Empire, you have to travel a long distance. Since then, apart from guarding the caravan, the mercenaries of the Charlie Empire have rarely come to Blood City.

"Yes, we want to know how far the mercenary guild is from here? Where is it? And if you want to buy some very precious cultivation resources, where should you go?" Alan nodded and said.

After listening to Allen's words, Old Doce thought about it, and said after a while: "Sir, the mercenary guild is to the west of the hotel, it's a bit far away, if you don't mind, Old Doce can show you the way.

As for where to buy cultivation resources, under normal circumstances, many shops in the city can satisfy them.

However, if the things you want to buy are rare, or have a large number of varieties, I suggest you go to the Blood Underworld Store in Blood Underworld City. The Blood Underworld Store is officially established by Blood Underworld City. For sale, definitely able to meet your requirements. "

"Blood Ghost Shop? I wonder if there is any volcanic crystal mud and blood dragon lizard blood that I want." Allen said in his heart.

"In that case, please come and run with us after noon." Allen thanked.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, after all, Old Doce took your money." The old man said with a smile, after all, he took an extra golden dragon.

After speaking, the old man left the room.

"Duke! This old man is a mid-level knight. His status is definitely not simple. Will there be any problems?" Barton waited for the old Doce to leave, and expressed his worries.

Barton and Allen are equally extraordinary, and naturally, like Allen, he can see the hidden strength of Old Dousse, but since the Duke has not spoken, he did not expose it hastily.

"It should be fine. Although this old Doce is a mid-level knight, it is unknown how much he can perform with his current appearance, and even if there is something wrong with him, it is impossible for him to discover that we are extraordinary powers. If there is evil intention, we will directly control it.

Moreover, this guy should have lived in Blood Underworld City for many years, and with the strength of a middle-level knight, he must have learned more information than ordinary people. With him, we can quickly understand all aspects of Blood Underworld City. . Allen shook his head and said slowly.


In the afternoon, after lunch, Alan and Barton followed Old Doce out of the city.

"Gentlemen, that's where the mercenary guild is. As long as you are a mercenary certified by the mercenary, you can accept various tasks in the guild hall and earn a lot of commissions and training resources." On the avenue, Old Doce pointed to the huge building in front of him and introduced.

A huge building appeared in front of Allen's eyes. The mercenary guild was dark and looked like a giant tiger with thorns lying prone on the ground from a distance. The gate is wide and high, like a tiger's mouth, ready to devour people.

At this time, there were a large number of mercenaries coming in and out of the tiger's mouth.

"Let's go! Go in and have a look." Allen turned his head to greet Barton, and led Old Doce towards the mercenary guild.

For the acquisition of volcanic crystal mud and blood dragon lizard blood, this mercenary guild is Alan's favorite way. After all, the mercenary guild can issue tasks. After figuring out the rules, Alan is going to put up a reward task to try it out. try it.

Following the flow of people, the three of Allen rushed into the tiger's mouth and entered the mercenary guild.


As soon as we walked into the meeting, the noise outside disappeared in an instant. The hall was very large, and a large number of mercenaries lined up honestly in the hall. Some of them were looking at the task board hanging on the high wall. Only a few people whispered talking.

Allen was very surprised. He thought that so many mercenaries gathered here, it would be extremely noisy, and he never expected it to be so quiet.

At this moment, Old Doce seemed to see Alan's doubts, put his mouth next to Alan's ear, and said softly: "The mercenary guild has regulations. No loud noises are allowed in the mercenary hall, and anyone who violates it will be punished."

Allen nodded after hearing this, glanced at the task board hanging on the high wall, and then chose the queue with the fewest number of people to join.

There were only a dozen people in the queue, and it wasn't long before it was Alan and Button's turn.

"Sir, do you want to accept the task, or offer a reward?" The white-haired old man with a wrinkled face looked at Alan, who was very gorgeously dressed, and asked uncertainly.

Allen and Barton are now dressed differently from when they came here, and they don't look like mercenaries at all.

"Douse!" But before Allen could speak, the white-haired old man stared at the old Doce who followed him with wide eyes.

"Kailav! Long time no see!" Old Doce was taken aback, his expression changed, and he said in a stiff tone: "Kailav, didn't you go back to your hometown? When did you return to Blood City?"

"You old guy has been huddling in your dilapidated hotel. Naturally, you don't know I'm back." The old man Kailaf smiled, and asked again: "Why? Didn't you come to see me?"

"These two gentlemen are guests of my hotel, and I brought them here." Old Doce introduced Alan and the two of them.

"The two old gentlemen know each other?" Allen, who was left out, laughed aloud.

"Haha! Sir, Old Doce and I used to be a mercenary group..."


Kailaf looked excited and was about to say something when Old Doce stopped him.

"Stop talking nonsense, so as not to waste the time of the two gentlemen." Old Doce's voice softened.

Alan's eyes flickered, and he thought to himself that if Kailaf hadn't lied, Old Duss and Kailaf used to be in the same mercenary group, and it seemed that the strength of this mercenary group might be beyond imagination. It can be seen from the strength of the two members of Sri Lanka, both of them are the strength of middle-level knights.

"Then what do you two gentlemen need?" Hearing this, Kailaf calmed down, turned his head to Allen and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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