Ambition Lord

Chapter 520

Chapter 520

"I want to inquire about the conditions for getting a mission in the mercenary guild, and register as a mercenary by the way." Allen nodded and responded.

"Sir, if you want to hang up tasks in the guild, the conditions are not complicated. First, the task must pass the guild's review. After the review is passed, the task can be posted, but the task reward must be kept by the guild. This is also to prevent After a mercenary completed the task, the employer repented." Kailav stroked his beard and said slowly.

"As for the registration of mercenaries, you can enter through the door on the left, where the mercenary certification is." Kelaf stretched out his left hand and said.

Allen followed Kelaf's instructions, and sure enough, he found a lightly closed white wooden door on the far right, and there were several people queuing outside the door at this time.

"Mr. please wait patiently for a while." Allen turned his head and said to Old Doce behind him.

"It's all right, the two gentlemen can go first!" Old Doce squeezed out a few smiles on his skinny face and waved his hands.

After all, Allen took Button to line up.

"Old man, it's been a long time since we saw each other. How about going to the Black Rose Tavern for a drink tonight?" After Allen entered the white wooden door, Kailaf smiled at Old Doss.

"I'm not free, next time!" Old Doce shook his head with a gloomy expression.

"Hey! The leader has been dead for so many years, why are you so persistent?" Kailaf paused for a while, the smile on his face gradually faded, and sighed.

"No, that's my fault, if it wasn't for me at that time..." Old Dousse was speechless, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes!
"Give up! You can't get revenge. Don't forget that you still have little Lina to raise. What should you do if you die?
Do you really think that person doesn't know where you're hiding?It's just that now we are inferior to ants in the eyes of others, and we are not worth waste of time for others to do! "

Kailav's tone became severe, and his tone was full of self-deprecation.

Old Doce's face was gloomy when he heard the words, and his eyes were fixed there blankly.

"According to our age, you and I don't have much time to live. You are still thinking about how to bring up little Lina safely..."

Seeing that Old Doss had been silent all the time, Kailaf couldn't help it, cursing stubbornly in his heart, and was about to persuade him a few more words, but after seeing Alan and the two walking towards this side, Kailaf He could only swallow the words that came to his lips.

At this time, Allen and Button were holding a triangular silver shield the size of a bull's eye. This was a brooch, representing a mercenary with a high-level knight. In order to prevent attention, Allen and Button registered As a mercenary, he only showed the strength of a high-level knight.

"The two gentlemen turned out to be high-ranking knights!" Kailaf exclaimed in surprise when he saw the silver brooch held by the two of Alan.

Because Allen and Patton kept restraining their breath, Kailaf thought they were just cavalry, and even Old Doce looked at the two in disbelief. His strength made him misjudge.

Only now did I realize that these two turned out to be high-ranking knights. You must know that the brooches he and Kailaf had back then were only copper brooches.

The mercenaries in the mercenary guild will have a triangular shield brooch. I heard that the reason why the brooch is made into the shape of a triangular shield is to pay tribute to the king of mercenaries - Blood Pluto. The weapon of that adult has a triangular shield. shield.

The triangular shield brooches are divided into multiple levels according to the strength of the mercenaries. The mercenary triangular shield brooches below the knights are made of wood, the iron ones represent low-priced knights, the copper ones represent middle-level knights, and the gold triangular shield brooches There are very few shield brooches that can be worn in the entire Blood Underworld City, and only extraordinary powers are eligible to wear them.

However, Kailaf's exclamation attracted the attention of many people in the hall. After seeing the silver triangular shield in the hands of Allen and Barton, various emotions such as surprise, respect, and jealousy filled the hall. It is also a high-end existence in Blood Underworld City, which was hard to see in the past.

Feeling Qiqi's gaze, Allen frowned.

Now Kelaf also knew that what he had done was wrong and caused unnecessary trouble to Allen, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry sir, I didn't think carefully."

"Forget it!" Allen shook his head, decided not to stay any longer, and walked outside with Barton.

"Sir, sir, it was my old friend's fault just now, please don't blame me, sir!" Old Doce rushed up and apologized.

"It's just a trivial matter. Don't worry, old man. I still have room for people. Then take us to the Xueming shop!" Allen said with a smile.

"Thank you very much, sir." After hearing this, Old Doce frowned and said with a smile.

After leaving the mercenary guild, Allen walked a long way under the leadership of Old Doce, and finally approached the Blood Phantom Chamber of Commerce.

The height of the Xueming shop is not much shorter than that of the mercenary guild, but its shape is much more exquisite than that of the mercenary guild. There are three floors in total, and the whole is made of bricks like white jade. It is a garden platform, which seems to be full of various flowers and plants, and looks like a delicious and bright cake from a distance.

"Sir, this blood shop has three floors. The bottom floor is dedicated to receiving mercenaries below knights, so it has the largest area. The upper two floors are dedicated to receiving mercenaries above knights." Old Doss looked not far away. Said the Xueming shop.

"Let's go!"

Allen stuck the silver triangular shield on his chest, and walked towards the gate of the Xueming shop.

The Xueming shop on the first floor was indeed crowded with people. The space on the first floor, which was bigger than a football field, was full of people. Some were discussing prices with the staff, and some were talking with each other and walking around.

Allen took a random look and found that most of the things sold on the first floor were some more practical things, such as various weapons and equipment, and a wide variety of potions, which were very suitable for mercenaries to use when they were doing missions outside.

The triangular shield on Alan's chest naturally attracted the attention of the store staff, but when they were about to come to inquire, Alan waved it back.

Afterwards, Zheng Yu led Barton up to the second floor. It was obvious that such precious things as volcanic crystal mud and blood dragon lizard blood could not be sold on the first floor.

The area of ​​the second floor is much smaller than that of the first floor, and the number of guests inside is also much less than that of the first floor. Allen made a general observation and found that most of them are low-priced knights, and there are only a few high-level knights.

The items on the second-floor commercial cabinets are much more precious. Not only are there various elemental equipment such as red spears and silver armor, but there are also countless magical fruits with various special effects. Even the extraordinary-level magical fruit Zheng Yudu saw two.

Those were two identical Transcendent Tier [-] Blood Mulberry Fruits. After taking them, the knight's strength would skyrocket by a level in a short time, but the consequence was that his strength would plummet after the effect of the medicine wore off.

It's a pity that after looking around carefully, Allen found that, not to mention the sought-after volcanic crystal mud, even the blood of the blood dragon lizard was gone. Only the blood of a high-level monster called the fire claw mouse appeared on the store cabinet!
(End of this chapter)

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