Ambition Lord

Chapter 62 War Preheating

Chapter 62 War Preheating
Baishi Town.

Early in the morning, only a small number of citizens in the town got up and started to get busy for the new day.

Outside the barracks, Tony, the captain of the fifth squadron of the Qinghuang Knights, was riding a tall horse, leading the cavalry behind him, quietly waiting for the squad leader Black and his squad members. Today is the day for the fifth squadron to patrol the white stone collar up!

Ever since he learned from Uncle Kant that the baron had promised that the first soldier who broke through to the limit of cavalry would be appointed as the captain of the Fifth Squadron, Tony felt ruthless, trained hard, and would occasionally bother Uncle Kant for advice. question.

Finally, not long ago, Tony's strength broke through to the limit of cavalry, and he was the first soldier in the Knights to break through to the limit of cavalry. He was also fortunate to be received by the baron together with Kesri, another soldier with limit of cavalry!
After receiving the reward from the Lord Baron, he broke through and became a powerful low-level knight. Now Tony is the youngest knight in the territory besides Allen!
After that, Allen kept his promise and appointed Tony as the captain of the fifth squadron, and Kesri as the deputy captain.

Catherine was much older than Tony. He was a freckled middle-aged man with a burly figure. His strength was not far from the cavalry limit before. Not long after Tony broke through to the cavalry limit, Catherine also broke through.

Normally, when managing the Fifth Squadron, Tony would ask Kesley for advice. After all, Tony himself was only a 17-year-old boy and lacked experience in managing a squadron.

This is why Allen appointed Kesili as the deputy captain of the squadron. Although Allen promised that whoever breaks through the cavalry limit first will be the captain of the fifth squadron. auxiliary.

After a while, Black's team came out of the barracks. There were ten people in the team, and each soldier was holding five green barren crossbows, fifty in total.

Although Allen equipped one hundred blue barrow crossbows to the first squadron, considering that the first squadron and the fifth squadron are patrolling in Baishiling in rotation, just in case, Antonio decided that every time the fifth squadron patrols, he can start from one The squadron borrowed fifty green barrow crossbows, and returned them to the first squadron after the patrol returned.

Just now, Black took his own team to the No. [-] Squadron to get the Green Desolate Crossbow!

"As usual, teams one to five will take the Green Desolate Crossbow!" Tony ordered to the soldiers behind him.

As soon as Tony finished speaking, he saw Black smiling and leaning towards him.

Tony looked at him strangely.

"Squadron leader, when do you think our Fifth Squadron will be able to assemble the Green Desolation Crossbow?" Black frowned and sneered at Tony.

"Huh?" Tony looked at Blake in surprise, not knowing why he suddenly asked this question.

In fact, how would Tony know when Lord Baron will equip the fifth squadron with green crossbows, but looking at other squadrons, one, two, three, and three squadrons have already been allocated green crossbows, and his own fifth squadron should be soon !Tony thought.

"Don't worry! Since the first squadron has already equipped the green wild crossbow, our fifth squadron will definitely not be too far away. Don't worry! It's not like you haven't used the green wild crossbow before. Don't you often try the green wild crossbow of this squadron?" Do you want to shoot?" Tony thought that Black was anxious that the Fifth Squadron didn't have a green crossbow until now, and said to Black with a teasing smile.

"Squadron leader, can this be the same! You don't know, when I went to the No. [-] Squadron to borrow the Green Desolate Crossbow, the people in the No. [-] Squadron looked like they owed them five hundred gold dragons. Some guys It’s also yin and yang, and it’s driving our team to death, what’s so great about having the Qinghuang crossbow!”

Blake, who was calm at first, became more and more annoyed as he talked, and his face flushed, obviously being very angry by the guys from the first squadron.

Tony smiled after hearing this, looked at Kesili, who was also suppressing a smile, and comforted Black: "Don't be angry, it's not like you don't know the character of those guys, you still take it seriously!"

Tony was a squadron leader in the first squadron, and since he became a knight, he was appointed as the captain of the fifth squadron, and Black was originally a soldier under Tony's squadron.

Because the two had a good talk, Tony reported to Lord Antonio and Uncle Kant, the captain of the first squadron, and asked him to be transferred to his fifth squadron. Afterwards, Lord Antonio approved, and Uncle Kant also let him go. After joining the fifth squadron , Black, who is very strong, was appointed by Tony as the captain of a small team.

"But...captain...I'm just a little angry!" Black also knew that he was a little too serious.

Looking at Black who was still muttering behind him, Tony ignored him and ordered the entire squadron to go on patrol.


The sun gradually rose, and the entire Qinghuang collar seemed to come alive.

Qinghuang Town, inside Qinghuang Castle.

Allen is receiving the envoy of the fishing leader.

"Lord Baron Qinghuang, this is the letter my baron wants to give you!" After seeing Alan sitting above, the messenger took out the letter from his arms and handed it to the servant next to him.

"Did your baron explain anything else?" Allen asked as he took the letter from the servant.

"No, Lord Baron!" the messenger hurriedly said.

"Okay, I see." Allen nodded.

"Then I'll take my leave first!" The envoy said his farewell tactfully.

Allen looked at the yellow paper envelope in his hand, opened it directly, and read it.There are not many words in the letter, and the general meaning is to inform Allen to lead the soldiers to gather in Bicao Town in the future and start an attack on Musen City!

Allen handed the letter to Andy next to him, motioning him to read it too, and Andy took the envelope and read the contents of the letter.

"Andy, tell me what you think about this attack on Musen City!" Allen rubbed his head and gestured to Andy.

After reading the contents of the envelope, Andy pondered for a moment and said to Allen: "Master Baron, the result of this attack may not be too ideal. After all, Musen City is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the possibility of a forced attack failing is too high." big."

"Not ideal? I think it must have failed!" Allen sneered.

Allen didn't expect that Baron Buzz would be so stupid that he proposed a joint raid on Musen City. He thought he could beat Baron Jean unconsciously, but he didn't know that his territory was like a sieve. I'm afraid Every move was watched by Jean.

As far as the Qinghuang collar caught it some time ago, there were more than a dozen spies sent by Baron Jean. Fortunately, the Qinghuang collar was well-defended and Baron Jean couldn't take advantage of it, but the other two territories, Alan, would not With too much hope, Allen estimates that as long as the three territories move now, Baron Jean may get the news.

The key is that Allen can't ignore it, after all, he is still counting on the strength of the other two territories to resist Baron Jean!Don't let them lose too much.

Allen plans to persuade Baron Buzz by means after arriving in Bicao Town the next day.

"By the way! What's going on with the inquiries from the Sen-ling?" Allen suddenly asked Andy.

 Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

(End of this chapter)

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