Ambition Lord

Chapter 63 Discovery and Predation

Chapter 63 Discovery and Predation

After the news that Jinsenling surrendered to Baron Jean, the entire Musenling was in an uproar. Many people were extremely surprised, and Allen was also surprised when he heard the news.

After all, Baron Scott, the leader of Jinsen, resisted the temptation of the viscount title, and rashly expressed his surrender to another baron, which was incomprehensible anyway.

Even Allen couldn't figure it out, what did the Jinsen leader think? He thought the territory was too weak, and he sincerely wanted to surrender to Baron Jean in order to protect himself, or did he have other plans, using the method of surrendering to Baron Jean? way to confuse others, and finally achieve other goals secretly.

But from the present point of view, regardless of which of the two ideas the Jinsen collar is, it is considered a success.

Since Baron Jinn had no threat to himself due to the surrender of the Jinsen collar, he no longer plotted against it. After knowing that the Jinsen collar surrendered to Baron Jean, the other barons directly ignored the Jinsen collar. They don't even have the heart to compete for the title of Viscount, they are all focused on how to fight against Baron Jean.

Due to this situation, the Jinsen Territory is now the safest territory in the entire Musen Territory, without any danger!
But for this reason, the Near Forest collar has attracted Allen's attention. It is really that the purpose of the Near Forest collar is unknown now, and Allen can't guarantee whether he really surrendered to Baron Jean or really has other plans.

If the Jinsen Territory really has other plans, the Qinghuang Territory located to the south of the Jinsen Territory will definitely be threatened. If it suddenly attacks the Qinghuang Territory, the Qinghuang Territory will suffer a big loss if it is unprepared!

In order to find out whether the Jinsen collar has other purposes, Alan ordered the Shadow Division to secretly investigate the Jinsen collar more than ten days ago, which is why Alan suddenly asked Andy now.

"Lord Baron, the Shadow Division discovered during the investigation of the Jinsen Territory that every three days at midnight, a convoy would secretly enter the Black Dragon Mountain Range.

Just the day before yesterday, the convoy entered the Black Dragon Mountain Range again. This time, the Shadow Division spies followed behind them secretly. Sure enough, they found that the convoy had entered a mountain depression outside the Black Dragon Mountain Range. The spies found a camp in it, but because there were too many sentries around the camp, The spies didn't follow, and retreated after noting the location! "

After hearing the Baron's inquiry, Andy told Allen the whole story without any hesitation.

really!After hearing the result, Alan was overjoyed. This Jinsen collar was really tricky, and his behavior behind the scenes was completely different from what he showed on the surface.

Regarding the secret camp that Andy mentioned, Allen guessed that it was very likely to be a military camp, and the convoy that went every three days must be to deliver food to the soldiers in the military camp. This also confirmed Allen's previous guess. This near forest collar is not as simple as it appears on the surface!
There is definitely an unknown conspiracy!

"Continue to let the people below monitor every move of Jinsen, especially the mysterious camp. If there is any change, report it immediately." Allen said to Andy solemnly.

"Yes! Lord Baron!"


At this time, in the Black Dragon Mountain Range.

Inside a huge cave, there is an open space outside the cave, with sunlight shining down. This cave is a natural residence, where Locke and the wolf warriors lived.

"Boss, the food we robbed from that human village has almost been consumed, and now the food is not enough, what should we do!" Hank, the barbarian next to Locke, asked Locke with an impatient face.

Hank himself is a big eater. One person can eat the weight of five other gnolls. He usually eats until he is full. Now that there is not enough food, Hank is the first to become anxious. There is not enough food. , he Hank must be hungry.

In order not to be hungry, Hank could only come to Locke to find a way, after all, Locke is the leader of the entire team.

"Why not? Chief, I think we should just grab a human village again? Those human races are very weak, and it's easy to rob food." Hank smiled and suggested to Locke.

"Shut up! Don't think about it. As for the food, I already have a solution!" Locke said lightly, without listening to Hank's opinion.

Locke knew that the first time he massacred a village, he beat the baron of the human race and couldn't wait to wipe his hands. Now that a village of the human race has been slaughtered, the barons of the human race must have become alert. If they rashly enter the territory of the human race again, their whereabouts are very likely to be exposed go out.

The most important task right now is to wait for the arrival of the kingdom's army. Locke doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble. If the people notice something, it will be troublesome.

As the leader, Locke had expected that there was not enough food. After all, there were three hundred Jackal warriors to eat, and the food robbed from the human village would not last long.

Coupled with the extremely dangerous sea route, it will take a long time for Porter to bring the fleet back to the kingdom, not to mention the time it takes for the kingdom to send troops to the Principality of Kane. Locke estimates that the army will arrive soon in November. !
In order to solve the survival problem of his own group of wolves in the future, Locke set his target on the beasts of the Black Dragon Mountain Range. The Black Dragon Mountain Range is thousands of miles away. Due to the perennial high humidity and high temperature, it is a scene of a primeval forest with various species and wild beasts. There are also countless wild deer, bison, wild horses, wild boars, etc., and some of them form groups, coming and going in groups.

It happened that Locke knew that there was a large herd of wild boars living near the cave where he lived, and the number of wild boars in it reached more than 100. Locke set his target on this herd of wild boars, which is the only choice to get out of the predicament now.

"Hank! Go and gather the soldiers!" Locke ordered to Hank.

"Boss, what are we going to do here!" Hank asked after gathering the jackal warriors.

"I want to solve the food problem for everyone, and take everyone to eat meat today!" Locke said with a smile.

"Meat! Meat..." As soon as they heard that the leader was going to take everyone to eat meat, many jackals became excited and shouted loudly, letting out a series of ugly growls.

Locke took the lead, took the ordinary iron mace rewarded by the king, and set off with the wolf warriors thinking about where the wild boars lived.

Since most Jackals are not interested in ironmaking, the entire Jackal Kingdom has less iron equipment. The iron weapons of the Jackal Kingdom are basically captured in wars with human countries, which are very precious.

When Locke set off to find the Principality of Kane this time, the king rewarded Locke with a precious iron mace as a weapon.

As for the other gnolls, they held simple weapons such as large sticks and leg bones of some beasts!

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(End of this chapter)

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