Ambition Lord

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

"Father! This is impossible! Even if Baron Jean is defeated, with the strength of Musen City, it is impossible for Baron Jean to escape?" Liv frowned. After hearing her father's guess, the first thought in her heart was that of her father. guessed wrong.

Through the investigation of the strength of Musen City by the Near Forest Territory, it is found that Musen City is extremely powerful, and the other three territories combined can rival Musen City. Now her father told Liv that Baron Jean was dead, and Liv felt uneasy. how to believe.

At this time, a person walked in the door. It was Cleveland, a subordinate who was sent by Baron Scott to collect information on Bi Cao Ling. At this time, Cleveland looked anxious.

"Lord Baron! Bi Cao leads an urgent report!" Cleveland said.

"Say!" Baron Scott came back to his senses, leaned back in his chair slowly, and said with a long sigh of relief.

"Master Baron! The war in Bicao Territory is over! The Baron Raising Horses returned to his territory and did not participate in the war. Near Pimo Canyon in Bicao Territory, a battle started between the Qinghuang Territory's Fishing and Musen City's side, and finally...finally Baron Jean Defeated, he was killed by Baron Allen of the Green Desolate Land, and Baron Booth of the Fishing Land killed himself!" Cleveland replied tremblingly.

Baron Scott trembled, stood up from his chair, ran straight to Cleveland, grabbed Cleveland's collar with both hands, and roared: "What are you talking about! Impossible! Believe it or not! Kill you now!"

Cleveland lowered his head, not daring to look at the Lord Baron's face, and said with a bitter face: "My lord! This subordinate... this subordinate has verified it several times, and the matter is true, and this news may spread throughout the Mu Sen collar soon !"

"Get out of here!"

Baron Scott pushed Cleveland away, as if he had exhausted all his strength, bent his body, and tremblingly returned to his seat.

"Father?" Liv asked worriedly after seeing her father's appearance.

"It's okay! It's just a little accident! I didn't expect the final winner to be the Qinghuang Territory!" Baron Scott sighed.

After Liv found out that her father was fine, she felt relieved.

"Father! I think this is a good opportunity for our Near Forest Territory. Now that Baron Jean and Baron Buzz are dead, who else in the entire Wood Forest Territory can be stronger than our Near Forest Territory? The Qinghuang Territory just picked up This is cheap, father is now a good opportunity for me to lead the army!" Li Fu looked at her father leaning on the chair and said with a smile.

Baron Scott looked up at his daughter weakly, with bitterness on his face.

Liv is still too young to have a clear understanding of the situation in the whole Qinghuangling. Take the two-party battle of Bicaoling as an example. The final winner is Qinghuangling, whom Scott never expected.

This fully proves that the Green Wilderness Territory is not that simple. Although Baron Scott doesn't know why Baron Boots committed suicide, he can predict a thing or two after guessing. It is very likely that he was forced by Allen. After all, Baron Boots There is no reason for self-judgment unless it is absolutely necessary.

How can Baron Scott rest assured that such a big enemy appeared in the wooden rattan collar near the Jinsen collar? Who knows if Allen has started to covet his Jinmori collar, and wants to use the wooden rattan collar as a springboard to invade the Jinmori collar.

Thinking of this, Baron Scott shook his head, thanks to himself, he was still thinking of making a profit before, but now it seems really ridiculous!
"Liv! You're thinking too simply. The strength of the Green Wasteland is beyond our imagination! Now we don't even know how strong it really is, so don't act rashly." Baron Scott warned.

Baron Scott couldn't help but feel a little worried. As time went by, after the Qinghuang Territory occupied most of the Wooden Territory, the strength of the Qinghuang Territory increased greatly. At that time, there were only two options left for the Near Forest Territory. One was to surrender. The Qinghuang leader, the other was wiped out by the Qinghuang leader.

Although the Jinsen Territory did not openly fight against the Qinghuang Territory, it can be regarded as an indirect war by mistakenly surrendering to the Musen City. Baron Scott is not sure whether the Qinghuang Territory will be hostile to the Jinmori Territory. If you encounter the hostility of the Green Desolation Leader, you will be unable to escape.

So now the Jinsen leader has only two choices, either take advantage of the present and bet on the damage of the Qinghuang leader's strength, directly declare war on it and defeat the Qinghuang leader, or just appoint this and hand over the fate of the entire Jinsen leader to Qinghuang Baron's hand, praying that he will spare the Kinsen collar in the end.

In any case, there is not much time left for Kinsen-ling.

"Understood! Father." Although Li Fu didn't know why her father said that, but her father must have a reason for saying that, Li Fu agreed, and she paid more attention to Qinghuangling in her heart.

"You go down first! I have some things to think about alone!" Baron Scott rubbed his head and said to Liv.

Today's Jinsen collar has cost Scott too much effort, and the title of viscount is right in front of him. Who doesn't want to fight for it, but Baron Scott knows nothing about the current strength of Qinghuang collar. If the strength estimate is wrong, the entire Jinsen collar will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

Baron Scott was extremely anxious at this moment, in a dilemma.


At this time, in the horse breeding collar, Baron Er also got the news of the battle in the Bicao collar. Although the news was not specific enough, it also let Baron Er know that Buzz and Jean were dead.

"What about the Qinghuang collar? How about Baron Qinghuang?" Baron Er asked his butler Bree.

"Lord Baron! Although Baron Allen is not dead, judging from the outcome of the war, the Qinghuang Territory must have lost its strength. It has no strength at all to be an enemy of the Baron. Now the entire Wooden Territory only has the strength of the Baron. It can be called powerful!" Butler Bree had a smile on his face.

"Okay! Okay! Haha! I didn't expect..." At this moment, Baron Er laughed heartily. He was also taken aback by the sudden news. The ordinary horse-breeding leader suddenly became the current Musen leader. The most powerful territory.

And now the only ones who have the ability to fight against the horse-breeding collar are the half-disabled Qinghuang collar and the cowardly Jinsen collar, and the Musen collar is at your fingertips.

"Steward, what advice do you have for the current situation?" Baron Er asked Bree, who was both a steward and a think tank.

Brie had already made up his mind, and after saluting to Er, he said with a smile: "Lord Baron! Now the entire Musen Territory has no territory that can rival my horse-raising collar. The most important thing right now is to occupy Musen City. After occupying Musen City, take Musen City as the starting point and conquer the surrounding territories one by one, then you will be able to control the entire Musen Territory and become Viscount Musen!"

"Not bad! Haha! After Baron Ben becomes Viscount Musen, Bree will definitely reward you heavily!" Baron Er praised.

"Thank you Baron!" Bree said.

"That's right! Call the soldiers and send troops to Musen City tomorrow morning!"

"Yes! Lord Baron!" Brie replied.

 Thanks to "ijgoiu" for the reward. By the way, I will update it today and take the exam tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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