Ambition Lord

Chapter 74 The Deadlock in Musen City

Chapter 74 The Deadlock in Musen City
Muteng Town.

In the morning, the sun was born, and the thin sunlight shone on the top of Muteng Town. At this time, Muteng Town was no longer bustling with the past, and every household stayed behind closed doors. stay longer.

Although Allen invaded the Muteng collar, he only led his troops to slaughter the Muteng Fort, and did not offend other townspeople in the town. He even severely warned the cavalry not to harm the residents of the town at will. Not a small impact.

Outside Muteng Town.

In the camp, Allen was having breakfast. This time he suddenly marched into the wooden rattan collar. The team didn't bring any supplies at all, except for the two pieces of dough bread rations each of the cavalry carried. Get off the two bottles of wine that Alan brought on purpose.

...Of course Alan can't go to have noodles with the soldiers for breakfast. Today's breakfast food is all found in Muteng Fort after the capture of Muteng Fort.

Originally, the place Allen planned to live in was Wooden Fort, not the barracks. After all, the barracks was not as comfortable as the castle. Unfortunately, in the Wooden Fort, due to the killing of the cavalry, there was a bloody smell in the Wooden Fort, which lingered for a long time. It smells bad, so he has no choice but to choose to live in the barracks.

After drinking half of the goat milk in the cup, and wiping his mouth with food residue with a napkin, Allen looked at Kant, the captain of the first squadron, who was standing by.

"Kant, continue to let the soldiers patrol the border of the Muteng Territory to prevent the troops from the Jinsen Territory from sneaking into the Muteng Territory!"

"Yes! Your lord Baron! Your subordinates must pay close attention to every move of the Jinsen leader!" Kant nodded in response.

"By the way! Is anyone from the Shadow Division here?" Allen asked, looking at Barton next to him.

"Lord Baron! The people from the Shadow Division haven't arrived yet." Barton bowed and said respectfully.

"Okay! You go down first! Once Barton comes from the Shadow Department, bring him here immediately!" Allen reminded specially.

"Yes! Lord Baron!" After several people responded in unison, they withdrew from the military tent.

It is now the second day that Allen came to the Muteng Territory. Allen is sure that the Jinmori Territory has probably received the news that he has captured the Muteng Territory, and he also knows a thing or two about the outcome of the Bicao Territory war.

Allen is not going to attack the Jinsen collar directly. After all, through the investigation of the Shadow Division, the Jinsen collar is not weak. Now he only has [-] cavalry, which does not mean that he cannot defeat the Jinsen collar. After all, the [-] cavalry is a handful Crossbow, but casualties are inevitable.

Therefore, Allen did not lead troops to invade the Jinsen Territory in time, but still stayed in Muteng Town.

Now it depends on Baron Scott's choice. Whether he chooses to seek his own death, whether he hits a rock or surrenders to himself, it's all in his mind.Allen said in his heart.

However, Allen will not wait blindly, just in case Baron Scott shrinks back to the Forest Territory and does not express his opinion. Allen has made up his mind to wait only four days, counting from the time Allen arrives at the Muteng Territory, until the day after tomorrow near the Forest Territory. Take action, and Allen will lead his troops into the Jinsen Territory!
As for the members of the Shadow Division mentioned by Allen just now, it is because Allen sent someone to explain Andy in Qinghuangling, so that the Shadow Section always pays attention to every move of Jinsenling, no matter whether he wants to surrender or secretly deploys troops , will be in Allen's grasp.

Judging from the current situation, the Jinsen collar should have done nothing recently, otherwise the Shadow Division spies should have already reported.

Time passed quickly. In order to cope with the time, the boring Allen spent the whole morning sparring with Barton and the other low-level knights to pass the time.

"My lord baron! Stop, I've surrendered! My lord baron really deserves his reputation, and his strength is far superior to ours!" Barton covered his bruised left cheek, stepped back quickly, avoided Allen's attack, and praised with a bitter face.

Button couldn't tell the pain in his heart. Before he and the others had a rest in the morning, he was dragged by the baron and said that he wanted to practice with them. Relying on the strength of the middle-level knights, the baron tortured them very badly. , although there are no serious injuries, but all of them have bruised noses and swollen faces, which are very ugly.

Looking at Bard Kant and the others lying on the ground next to him, and then at Barton, who was far away from him, Allen shook his head. Before he had a good time, these guys couldn't hold on anymore, so he had no choice but to put down the gun in his hand. wooden sword.

At this time, a cavalry came in.

"My lord baron! Yes... uh." The cavalryman was taken aback, isn't this the captain of our squadron!That is Captain Kant of the First Squadron, lying beside him is Mr. Bard, the baron's guard!

"This..." the cavalry stammered.

"Tell me! What's the matter?" Allen asked next to him.

The cavalryman who came back to his senses this time said quickly: "Master Baron! There is someone who claims to be from the Shadow Division, this is the identity proof he said!"

The cavalry handed Alan a strange wooden sign, which belonged exclusively to the Shadow Division, and was specially made by Alan for Andy to identify his identity.

"Call him in!" Allen ordered after checking the wooden sign.

"Yes!" The cavalry backed out in a hurry, and at the same time, he was extremely worried. He just saw the embarrassment of several squadron leaders, and he probably didn't return the fruit in the future.

"You guys go back too!" Alan looked at the guys lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and said helplessly.

"Yes! Lord Baron!" After hearing this, the few people didn't care about the pain in their bodies, they got up quickly and retreated.

After a while, people from the Shadow Division arrived.

"My lord baron! This is the information sent to you by the section chief, Mr. Andy." After the spy put up a piece of yellow paper, he took the wooden card and retreated after Alan signaled.

Allen opened the yellow grass paper in his hand, and after a while, Allen smiled, put the paper away, and lay down on the chair to rest.

The information brought by Andy really made Allen a little wry. This time, there was nothing special to pay attention to in the Jinsen collar, which was the focus of investigation this time. It turned out that something happened in Musen City, which Allen chose to put aside.

Baron Er, the leader of the horse breeder, led the soldiers from his territory to attack Musen City. He originally wanted to catch Musen City by surprise, and led the cavalry directly into Musen City through the open city gate. Tim, who led him back, found that the city gate was closed in time, which also caused Baron Er's plan to fall short.

Baron Er Er, whose plan failed, of course did not give up easily, so Baron Er Er then led his troops to storm Musen City, but was repulsed by the guards on Musen City, just like this, Baron Er Er attacked several times They were all sent back.

Now the battle in Musen City has fallen into a stalemate, and neither side can do anything to the other!There were casualties on both sides, but none serious.

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(End of this chapter)

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