Ambition Lord

Chapter 75

Chapter 75
Although Baron Er has [-] cavalry, [-] soldiers, [-] soldiers in total, Musen City is only guarded by the [-] soldiers that Tim brought back to Musen City. The strength of Baron Er is twice that of Musen City today, and it is difficult to break into it.

Alan doesn't pay too much attention to the strength of the horse breeding collar and Musen City now.

After all, Alan had three choices after the war in Bicaoling. One was to go to Musen City to destroy the remnants of Baron Jean in Musen City, the other was to destroy the horse-raising collar, and the last one was to destroy the Jinsen collar.

The reason why Allen chose to face the near forest collar first is because the near forest collar is stronger than the other two. After solving the near forest collar, the other two places pose little threat to Allen.

But what Allen didn't expect now was that the two guys who had given up attacking by themselves actually fought each other.

As for the Baron Er Er who raised the horse collar, Allen had to lament that he was lucky and escaped the battle of Bicao collar, otherwise he would be like Baron Buzz, either died in the battle, or was killed by himself later, and now he is lucky After surviving, he began to deal with moths.

As for Tim, the knight under Baron Jean, Allen also knew a little bit about the information sent by Andy. This guy was the weakest low-level knight under Baron Jean at that time, otherwise he would not have been killed by Ji En. En sent to feint to raise a horse collar, this guy is also lucky, otherwise he would probably die in the battle of Bicao collar.

So the current battle in Musen City, in Allen's view, is a battle between two weak and lucky people, which is not worth mentioning.

However, Allen was a little puzzled about the purpose of Baron Er, and his head was a little confused. It was really that Baron Er did not understand what Allen did. Got the news.

Allen originally thought that Er, after getting the news, would either hand over the surrender letter early, or hide in the horse collar, but he didn't expect that Er would make a strange move and wanted to capture Musen City !
However, no matter who wins or loses between these two guys in the end, and who belongs to Musen City, Alan will take Musen City back in the end, so Alan will no longer pay attention to this matter, and leave the specific trends to Shadow division.


Outside Musen City, a few hundred meters away from Musen City, there is a military camp stationed. This is of course the military camp established by Yangma Ling outside Musen City.

At this time, the gate of Musen City was closed tightly, and the guards on the city wall were always watching the movement of the barracks ahead.

In the horse-raising leader's camp.

Baron Er was discussing something with the butler Bree. Now that the low-ranking knights who raised horses were out of Baron Er, only Bree remained.

Baron Er was sitting on a chair, frowning tightly. He couldn't open the city gate after several storms, and more than a dozen of his soldiers were killed by boulders thrown by the enemy on the city wall.

"Lord Baron! The gate of Musen City is extremely strong now, and it is not a short-term task to break through the city gate from the outside, so this subordinate came up with a new method to break into Musen City." Bree was attacking After the city failed, I thought for a long time, and finally recalled a method.

"Oh! Tell me about it, Bree!" Baron Er frowned, and asked after hearing what Bree said.

"Lord Baron! This is about the last time when the Night Lord captured Musen City. It is said that in order to capture Musen City, the Night Leader specially made a long ladder that can be placed on the city wall for soldiers to climb up. City wall, now we can also use this method to take down Musen City!" Bree told Baron Er of his plan.

"Ladder? How to make it?" Baron Er could not help asking after hearing Bree's method. After all, such a long ladder is not easy to make.

"Don't worry, Lord Baron! This kind of ladder is just an extension of the ladder. Carpenters who can make ladders can basically make it. Now we only need to call a few carpenters from the territory to make this kind of ladder. When the time comes Sencheng is on duty!" Brie explained with a smile.

"That's good! Bree, you can arrange a few soldiers to return to the territory, and bring all the famous carpenters in the territory!" Baron Er ordered.

"Yes! Lord Baron, Bree will do it immediately!" Bree replied.


In Musen City, Tim is also constantly troubled. Baron Jean has not returned yet, and there are even rumors that Baron Jean has died in battle, and the entire army has been wiped out. After all, the entire Musen City was in turmoil, and it was all supported by these two hundred soldiers. Now the morale of the army is unstable, and rumors are spreading among the soldiers.

Originally, in order to stabilize the situation and block the attack of the horse breeder before Lord Baron came back, Tim planned to mobilize the rich merchants in the city, asking them to contribute money and efforts to help Musen City tide over the difficulties. Unfortunately, now that the Baron is not here, these rich merchants don’t listen at all. According to Tim's order, there is a shortage of soldiers and food, and Tim doesn't know how long he can last.

Not long after, Dill, one of Tim's subordinates, came back, and Tim hurried forward and asked, "How is it? Has the grain storage officer agreed to open the granary?"

Dill shook his head. "My lord! The grain storage officer said that no one can open the granary without the order of the baron!"

"Didn't you tell him that the defenders are already hungry? How dare he!"

"My lord! The subordinates have told him everything, but the grain storage officer still insists not to open the granary without the order of the Baron!" Dill grimaced.

"Okay! You go down first!" Tim waved to Dill.

"Yes! My lord!" After hearing this, Dill withdrew.

Tim had a headache. This granary was set up by Baron Jean after he occupied Musen City. It contained the grain that Baron Jean had specially prepared for the army, but no one could open it without the order of the baron.

Due to the current defense of Musen City, not only did the two hundred soldiers lose a dozen of them, but the food was also in short supply. This is why Tim arranged for Dill to go to the granary to ask the grain storage officer.

As for the grain storage officer in the warehouse, it was established by Baron Jean when he established the warehouse. At that time, Baron Jean initially occupied Musen City. The rich merchants in Sencheng have a series of official positions, and the grain storage officer is one of them.

Tim guessed that the grain storage officer deliberately didn't want to open the granary at all, and he was holding on to the baron's order not to open the granary easily. In fact, after rumors spread in the city, this guy and the wealthy businessmen behind him started the idea of ​​​​the granary.

Once it is confirmed that the baron's death in battle is true, these guys will immediately swallow the entire granary. In case the baron returns with troops, he can also rely on the rule of "do not open the granary without the baron's order" and remain invincible.

But no matter what, once the food is eaten, if the horse collar has not retreated, he can only open the granary forcibly!I hope the Lord Baron will not blame me when he comes back, Tim sighed in his heart.

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(End of this chapter)

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