Ambition Lord

Chapter 76 The Kingdom of Azar

Chapter 76 The Kingdom of Azar

The Wolf Man is one of the various races in the Scarlet Continent. Most of the Wolf Man branch is located at the southern end of the continent, near the left side of the Black Dragon Mountain Range.

Gnolls gather in the form of tribes, and each tribe will form a kingdom. In the hills on the left side of the Black Dragon Mountain Range at the southern end, the Gnolls have established three kingdoms, and the finished products are arranged in fonts.

They are Yeenogu Kingdom, Azar Kingdom and Hogg Kingdom respectively. Yeenogu is extremely powerful, and its territory is equivalent to the sum of the other two kingdoms! .

In the Jackal Kingdom, except for the Kingdom of Azar, the other two kingdoms are bordered by the Principality of the Human Race. The nature of the Wolf Man makes him aggressive and aggressive once he is hungry.

The kingdom of the wolf man in famine will launch an attack on the principality of the human race.

Every time the Jackals attack the Principality of the Human Race on a large scale, the Luo Ou Empire, as the suzerain state, will unite with the principalities below to fight back, resist the attack of the Wolf Man, and drive it back to the Wolf Man Kingdom.

Although the gnolls will be repelled every time, they have also achieved their goal of invading the human territory, weakening the famine situation in the gnoll kingdom...

Every attack on the Principality of the Human Race will cause a large number of deaths and injuries to the Wolf Man, but it can also grab enough food in the Human Race Country to allow the country to tide over the difficulties. Therefore, once there is a famine in the Wolf Man's country, the two kingdoms will be the first to think of it. The only thing he wants to do is to grab the Human Principality in the north, and he never tires of it.

The principalities of the human race who were constantly invaded by the wolf man kingdom were unbearable. Although they were able to repel the attack of the wolf man every time, they only hurt their skin and bones. Once the human army assembled, most of the invading wolf men would Run back to the Gnoll Kingdom.

The terrain of the Wolf Man Kingdom is hilly, and the Wolf Man is basically like the Human Race, building roads in the territory, and the logistics of the army cannot be guaranteed. It is difficult for the Human Race Principality to send a large number of soldiers into the Wolf Man Kingdom to destroy them.

Once the army entered the Kingdom of the Wolf Man, the Wolf Man would run away without a trace, but once the number of human soldiers was too small, they would be blocked by a large number of Wolf Man.

Since the Kingdom of Azar did not border the Principality of the Human Race, it lost the opportunity to invade the Principality of the Human Race. There was no large amount of food supply. As a result, the Kingdom of Azar was the weakest of the three kingdoms, and the population of gnolls was also the rarest.

There are only four major gnoll super tribes in the kingdom. Unlike the Yeenogu Kingdom in the north, which is composed of nine gnoll super tribes, the slightly weaker Hogg Kingdom is composed of seven gnoll super tribes.

At this time, on the Evil Black Sea, in the sea area of ​​the Kingdom of Azar, three large jackal ships were sailing on the sea. The black sails were dilapidated, and there were two large holes visible to the naked eye. The person is standing bored on the plywood that hasn't been washed for a long time.

Porter was leading the fleet back. Since they followed the route they set off and deliberately avoided the sea area where sea monsters lived, Porter led the fleet without any danger, and safely approached the coast of the Kingdom of Azar.

There is a simple port on the coast. This port is the port where Potter and others set off. It was specially built for Locke and his party, and it is also the only port in the entire Kingdom of Azar.

There is a small tribe of wolf men, the Qiya tribe, stationed at the port, and the king and several big leaders moved here specially to accommodate Locke and others who returned.

It is worth mentioning that the leader of this strange tooth tribe is Locke, the leader of the fleet.

Before the three big ships approached, they were discovered by the soldiers of the Qiya tribe. After realizing that they were the boats that the leader took before setting off, the soldiers knew that this was the leader's return, and immediately ran back to the tribe excitedly to report the good news. information.

Not long after, Potter landed with his fleet and received a warm welcome from the Qiya tribe. Potter didn't stay long, and rushed to the royal court of the Kingdom of Azar with the wolf warriors, preparing to kill Kane. The situation of the principality was reported to the king and several big leaders.

Not long after arriving at the royal court, Potter was received by King Roderick. After learning that the fleet headed for the Principality of Kane had returned, several big leaders also arrived at the same time.

Led by two savage gnolls wearing human iron armor and holding iron axes, Potter came to the palace. King Roderick was sitting on the throne, and below him sat the princes of the super tribe Blackmane Tribe. Tesirel, the leader, Maximi, the leader of the Green Mane Tribe, and Webster, the leader of the Red Mane Tribe.

The main forces of the Kingdom of Azar are the four major tribes. In addition to the Black Mane Tribe, the Green Mane Tribe and the Red Mane Tribe, there is also a super tribe that is the Royal Tribe of the Kingdom of Azar, the Golden Mane Tribe. King Roderick is the Golden Mane Tribe. The great leader of the king and the king of the entire Kingdom of Ajar.

Since the Golden Mane Tribe is the strongest, the other three super tribes are nominally ruled by the Golden Mane Tribe, but the strength of the other three tribes is not weak, so the king and the other three chiefs negotiate and handle basic kingdom affairs.

"Porter warrior! I heard that you brought back information about the Principality of Kane?" King Roderick didn't talk nonsense after seeing Potter who came in, and went straight to the point.

Now the situation in the Kingdom of Azar is even more serious. The famine in the kingdom has caused the deaths of some small tribes. If it continues to develop, the rule of the royal family will be unstable. The other three super tribes are already ready to move in private. Roderick urgently needs to find a solution The solution to the kingdom's dilemma.

Potter bowed his head respectfully to the king, suppressed the tension in his heart and said, "Your Majesty, under the leadership of Chief Locke, we have successfully found the Duchy of Kane, and we have found out the truth about Kane. The approximate power distribution of the Principality!"

"Your Majesty, Lord Locke handed this to me before Potter left." Potter respectfully handed over a sheepskin written in the language of the jackal to a jackal warrior next to him, and the jackal warrior took it. When it arrived, it was passed on to King Roderick.

When Potter said that he had found the Principality of Kane, Roderick was very happy. After finding the Principality of Kane, the Kingdom of Azar would be able to invade the Principality of the Human Race to rob a large amount of food and provide food for him like the other two kingdoms. With more Gnoll warriors, the Kingdom of Azar would be as powerful as the Kingdom of Yeenogu.

He couldn't wait to open the sheepskin handed over by the Jackal warrior, which was filled with the news that Locke had received from the Principality of Kane.

Now the Principality of Kane has a Duke, three Earls and a Marquis. The strength is not very strong, but it is similar to the strength of the general Human Principality. Now in the territory led by the human noble named Earl Reagan, there is a place near the sea. The war broke out in the Viscounty Land, which is a good opportunity for the Jackals to invade the Principality of Kane.

"Okay! Warrior Locke did not live up to my expectations, ha! ha! ha!" After reading the contents on the sheepskin, Roderick nodded in satisfaction and praised.

 Thanks to "Feiyanghao" and "Xiayi Star City" for their rewards, and thank you for your recommendation tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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