Ambition Lord

Chapter 77 Magical Bloodline Fruit

Chapter 77 Magical Bloodline Fruit

"Your Majesty the King!"

Seeing Roderick getting carried away, Tesirel, the leader of the Blackmane Tribe, reminded him.

Roderick, who came back to his senses, looked at the three big chiefs looking at him, and said with a smile: "Let's take a look! My Kingdom of Azar is expected to rise!"

Speaking of which, Roderick handed over the sheepskin in his hand to Maximi, the leader of the Green Mane Tribe who was closest to him.

Afterwards, the three chiefs also watched the content on the sheepskin one by one, and they were all smiling, very satisfied with what Locke wrote on it.

"Your Majesty, Lord Locke has brought us news about the Principality of Kane. Now that the famine in the kingdom is getting worse, I propose to send troops to invade the Principality of Kane immediately!" said the impatient Webster, the leader of the Red Mane Tribe.

The famine in the kingdom is becoming more and more serious. The most severe famine areas in the entire kingdom are within the jurisdiction of the Red Mane Tribe. Webster can't help being in a hurry. Once the famine further expands, his Red Mane Tribe will be the first to collapse.

"Your Majesty, I also propose to send troops to the Principality of Kane immediately. The pressure on the kingdom is increasing, and the famine cannot be further expanded." Maximi of the Green Mane Tribe echoed.

"I, the Black Mane Tribe, seconded the proposal!" Tesirel, the tall leader of the Black Mane Tribe, said.

None of the three major tribes wanted to miss this feast of plundering the Principality of the Human Race, and they all impatiently proposed to invade the Principality of the Human Race immediately.

"I understand your intentions. The kingdom is in urgent need of food supplies, and it is imperative to invade the Principality of the Human Race. But if you want to invade the Principality of Kane by sea, you will need a large number of ships." King Roderick said after the excitement , calmly analyzed the premise of invading the Principality of the Human Race.

There is no shortage of wolf man warriors in the kingdom, but where will the ships come from?Even the big boat that Locke took when he set off was bought from Hogg Kingdom in the past.

Hogg Kingdom is the only Gnoll kingdom that has developed sea power among the three kingdoms. Hogg is close to the sea like Azar Kingdom.

Fortunately, there are few siren tribes in the sea area of ​​the Hogg Kingdom, and it is difficult to stop the development of the Hogg Kingdom's navy. As a result, there is now a powerful wolf man navy in the Hogg Kingdom. The kingdom that took food from the siren in the book.

Roderick's question also baffled the other three chiefs. After all, without a big ship, it was impossible to transport the soldiers to the territory of the Principality of Kane, let alone transport the looted food back.

"Your Majesty, I propose to buy a big ship from Hogg Kingdom!" Tesirel said.

"The Kingdom of Hogg is not so easy to fool around! Right now, apart from human slaves who can exchange large ships from the Kingdom of Hogg, only the magical plants of our races can attract the Kingdom of Hogg! Unless we, the Kingdom of Azar, come up with Only a certain amount of bloodline fruits can be exchanged for a large number of ships from Hoag Kingdom," Roderick said.

"I have decided that my Golden Mane Tribe will take out ten Golden Wolf Fruits to exchange enough big ships with Hogg Kingdom." Roderick said affirmatively after thinking for a moment.

Golden wolf fruit is a miraculous fruit produced by the silver wolf tree, a magical plant guarded by the Golden Mane tribe. When the fruit grows up, it looks like a golden wolf. The wolf man calls it the blood fruit. After eating it, it can strengthen the blood of the wolf man and enhance the strength of the wolf man. Very precious.

Jackals can only eat bloodline fruits to increase their strength. Like element spars, some magical fruits containing elemental power cannot be eaten by jackals. This also leads to some magical plants in the kingdom of jackals that are not valued by jackals at all. , but because these magical plants grow deep in the Wolf Man Kingdom, they are not known to outsiders.

The other three chiefs were also taken aback by Roderick's generosity, and the king actually took out ten golden wolf fruits.

Now that the king has paid such a high price, the other three chiefs can't stay out of it, so they can only bite the bullet.

"My Qingmane tribe will take out ten green wolf fruits." Maximi said.

"My Red Mane Tribe will take out ten red wolf fruits." Webster said.

"My Black Mane Tribe will take out ten Black Wolf Fruits." Tesirel said.

Blue wolf fruit, red wolf fruit and black wolf fruit are similar to golden wolf fruit. They are all bloodline fruits guarded by the tribes for generations. They are extremely precious and will not be sold unless it is absolutely necessary.

It is impossible to verify where the magical plants guarded by each tribe come from. We only know that there were magical plants in the tribe a long time ago.

"Okay! Now that everyone has taken out the miraculous fruit, then immediately contact Hogg Kingdom to buy enough large ships." Roderick said.

There are many kinds of big ships in the Kingdom of Hogg, and the big boat that the Kingdom of Azar wants to buy is called a wolf-bellied ship by the Kingdom of Hogg. It can hold two hundred wolf man warriors, and the price is relatively expensive. Take the ten that I bought last time. The wolf belly boat cost 2000 human slaves from the Kingdom of Azar, and the price of a wolf belly boat reached 200 human slaves.

But this time the bloodline fruit that the Kingdom of Azar intends to trade is more expensive, and Roderick is confident in buying a large number of wolf-bellied ships from the Kingdom of Hogg.

"Tesriel, this matter is still left to you, the Blackmane Tribe, to negotiate with Hogg Kingdom." Roderick ordered.

The last time Roderick bought a wolf-bellied boat, he also asked the Black Mane Tribe to negotiate.

"Yes! Your Majesty the King!" Tesirel replied.

"Okay! Now that everything is well planned, everyone, go back to the tribe as soon as possible and prepare the miraculous fruit, hand it over to Tesiril, gather the tribe's army in advance, and set off immediately to invade the Principality of Kane after the wolf-bellied ship is bought."

"Yes!" The leaders responded.


Wood rattan collar, in the morning, the scorching summer is almost over.

Now it has come to the fourth day of October, and it is also the last day that Allen waits for the Jinsen Territory. If Baron Scott has no further indications and actions, Allen plans to sneak attack the Jinsen Territory tonight, and solve the Qinghuang Territory's rule of the entire Musen Territory in one fell swoop. obstacles.

"How is it? Is there any action in the Near Forest Territory?" Allen looked at Kant next to him.

"Lord Baron! There has been no change in the Near Forest Territory." Kant saluted.

"Well! Keep watching, let the soldiers get ready, pay attention to rest, and we will take action tonight!" Allen nodded and said to Kant.

"Yes! Lord Baron!"


There was silence in Jinsen and Jinsenbao.

Baron Scott was staying in the study of the castle. After several days of anxious thinking, Scott finally made a final decision.

"Father! Baron Allen of the Qinghuang Territory has led his troops to stay in the Muteng Territory for two days. He has not returned to the Qinghuang Territory for such a long time. It is clear that he has plots against me near the Mori Territory. Now father should come up with an idea as soon as possible." Yes!" Liv said worriedly to her father, Baron Scott.

 Thanks to "Feiyanghao" and "Xiayi Star City" for their rewards, and thank you for your recommendation tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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