Ambition Lord

Chapter 80 The Musen Controversy Ends

Chapter 80 The Musen Controversy Ends
"Cough! Cough!" Baron Scott stood up with difficulty, coughing up blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked towards Allen ahead.

"Alan! You won! Intermediate knight! Hahaha! Intermediate knight!" Baron Scott laughed in despair, lay down slumped, and gradually closed his eyes.

No longer looking at the dead Baron Scott, Allen shouted towards the battlefield: "Baron Scott is dead, put down your weapons, and those who surrender will not be killed!"

"Those who surrender will not be killed!" The other Qinghuang knights shouted.

"Surrender! I surrender! Don't kill me!" a soldier shouted.

"Boom!" came the sound of weapons falling to the ground.

The Jinsen soldiers who were fighting with the Qinghuang cavalry were panicked after learning that the baron was dead. Weapon, knelt on the ground with panic on his face.

After the first soldier surrendered, the soldiers from the Jinsen collar gradually put down their weapons and knelt on the ground.

"Kill! Avenge the Lord Baron!" Two knights of Jinsen collar shouted angrily with scarlet eyes, and suddenly rushed out from behind, pointing their knight guns at Allen.

"Bold!" Buttonbad on both sides was furious, ready to intercept immediately.

Hearing a whoosh, the long sword pierced through the air, and the flaming sword was shot out by Allen. Like a fiery snake, it inserted straight into the chest of an attacking knight at an unstoppable speed, and came out through the chest. The knight was also straight fell down and died instantly.

As for the other knight, before he approached Allen, a knight's spear was pierced into his chest, and it went straight into his heart. It was indeed the knight's spear thrown by Barton.

"I'm waiting to surrender! I hope the baron will take him in!" The other three knights who had not yet surrendered, immediately dismounted and gave up resistance when they saw it.

Following the surrender of the three knights near the forest, a small number of other resisting fighters also gave up resistance and chose to surrender.

So far, the battle between the Qinghuang Territory and the Jinsen Territory ended with the death of the Baron Scott of the Jinsen Territory and the surrender of the Jinsen Territory's army.

"Kant! Lead a squadron to clean up the battlefield!" Allen began to give orders.

"Yes! Lord Baron!" Kant took the order.


"The subordinate is here!" Jin Mu immediately responded.

"Lead the Second Squadron to tie up all these prisoners! Ask for their identities!"


"Quincy! Lead the third squadron to count the loss of my Qinghuang cavalry this time, and the nearby defense." Allen said.

"Yes! Quincy takes orders!" said Quincy, the captain of the third squadron.

Nearly half an hour later, the battlefield was cleaned up, and Allen also got the specific data of this battle.

This time, Qinghuangling seized a total of 180 seven war horses, 200 intact leather armors, more than [-] damaged leather armors, three intact chain mails, and three damaged chain mails from Baron Scott. and other knights.

Six intact knight spears, some iron swords and spears, captured 92 cavalrymen, and 120 three infantrymen. These have already counted the soldiers who were not seriously injured. As for the seriously injured soldiers, they have been sent on the road by the Qinghuang cavalry.

However, this time the three squadrons of the Blue Desolate Knights also lost a lot. The first squadron lost twelve cavalrymen, which was the most among the three squadrons. This made Kant, the captain of the first squadron, anxious. Several cavalrymen who surrendered very close to Kant were about to become the souls of Kant's guns.

The second squadron lost eight Qinghuang cavalrymen, and the third squadron lost the least, only three.

Calculated in this way, the Qinghuang Knights lost a total of 23 well-trained cavalry soldiers in this battle.

After nearly burying the corpses of the enemy army and Baron Scott on the spot, Allen and the Qinghuang Knights returned to the Qinghuang Territory with the bodies of the dead Qinghuang cavalrymen and a large number of captives.

For Allen, after the settlement of the Jinsen collar, the battle for the Viscount of the Musen collar will come to an end. Allen won the battle, and the rest is to eradicate some corner forces, such as Yangma collar and Musen city Remnants.


at dusk.

At the border of the night, in a forest, under the setting sun, two precious-looking carriages were quietly parked under a giant tree, surrounded by thirty well-trained cavalry guards.At this time, the young Tipal knight was talking to Liv in the carriage ahead.

"Tipal! Tell me, what is my father doing now? I just found out that the cavalry who went to Musen to investigate has returned!" Liv's lavender eyes seemed to be burning with anger.

"Miss! This... the cavalry who went to investigate did not find the Baron and the army of the Jinsen Commander!" Tippar looked helplessly at the beautiful girl in front of him, with a trace of love in his eyes, and immediately Hide away.

"Miss, now I suggest that we leave the Earl of Reagan as the baron said before, just in case it is not safe here after all, and once the baron returns victoriously, he will definitely send someone to pick us up." Tipal persuaded road.

"Then? Alright!" Liv hesitated for a moment and agreed with Tipal.

After successfully persuading Tipar, he hurriedly called the cavalry to set off and leave the border.

Tippar, who was leading the team on horseback, had a flash of worry in his eyes. In fact, he had lied to Miss Liv just now, and the news brought by the cavalry was far from simple.

Although the cavalry did not find the baron and the army led by Jinsen, they found a place that was suspected of a big battle. There was a bloody smell, and the blood flowing into the gully had not completely dried up. The flag lay quietly in a bush, stained with blood stains.

Coupled with the fact that the cavalry returned to Jinsen Town and did not find Lord Baron, it is conceivable that the Jinsen Territory was most likely defeated.

In order not to worry Miss Liv, Tipal could only lie to Miss Liv, but Tipal knew that the baron might not come to pick up Miss Liv again, and they might never have the chance to return to Jinsen after this trip. received.

The sound of the carriage gradually quieted down, and the shallow ruts under the big tree were buried by the falling leaves as the autumn wind blew past.


At this time, the Viscount Curry, who was far away in the night collar, was furious in the castle, and the war trend of the bicao collar was finally transmitted back to the night collar.

"Father! Why are you so angry?" Harvey, Viscount Curry's eldest son, wondered.

"Look for yourself!" The angry Viscount Curry threw the letter in his hand to Harvey.

Harvey picked up the envelope that fell on the ground suspiciously. After reading the contents of the envelope, Harvey was overjoyed at first, but suddenly reacted, and quickly restrained the emotions on his face, so as not to be discovered by his father. Harvey let out a sigh of relief when he found that his father hadn't looked over.

 (Jiagen) There is another update tonight, after eleven o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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