Ambition Lord

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

In this Battle of Green Grass Territory, Baron Jean failed, and he has been fighting against his younger brother Akis since he was a child. It is probably a bad luck. How can this not make Harvey excited?

But it's better to bury this emotion in your heart, but don't let your father find out, Harvey said secretly.

"Then? Father, what should we do now? Send the night-led army to Musenling? In case Akis is not dead but is arrested, we can still rescue him." Harvey said duplicity.

"That's not right, the position of Viscount Mu Senling is not yet determined, and I can't bear Earl Reagan's anger if I intervene without authorization!" Viscount Curry shook his head after thinking for a moment.

"Then what should we do now?" Harvey said calmly with joy in his heart.

"I will send someone to sneak into the Musen Territory first, to investigate the situation of the battle in the Green Grass Territory first. If Archis is indeed not dead, I will find a way to rescue him." Viscount Curry said slowly.

"Father! Leave this matter to me!" Harvey asked Ying.

"No, I will leave this matter to the housekeeper Li Sidan. As for you? Let's talk about when your strength reaches the peak of low-level knights!" Viscount Curry looked at his eldest son in front of him, and said sternly.

"Yes! Father!" Hawe Nuonuo said.


From the battle with the Jinsen leader to the return to Qinghuang Town with the team, the time gradually came to the evening, and the sky gradually dimmed.

At this time, the lights in Qinghuang Castle were still brightly lit. Before it was dark, the servants of the castle lit the simple oil lamps made of animal fat early.

Following the arrival of Allen's order, Tony, who was stationed at Iron Stone Collar, returned to Qinghuang Town with the fifth squadron overnight, and Antonio also returned to Qinghuang Town from Fishing Collar and Bicao Collar with [-] Squadrons under his command. , and by the way brought back the Aaron family from the fishing collar.

In the conference hall of Qinghuang Castle, the huge round table is full of people. Those who can come here are all the senior leaders of Qinghuang collar, and Alan sits at the head.

On the left are the director of the Ninth Office and the deputy director that Alan added later. They are the civil servants of the territory and help Alan manage the Qinghuang Territory. On the right are the captains of the Qinghuang Knights. The first is Antonio. Coming down were five squadron leaders, including Kant, and some vice-captains.

"Okay! Now that all the people who should come have come, my Qinghuang Territory is about to occupy the entire Musen Territory, so I hope everyone is ready before that!"

The people below looked solemn and listened silently.

"First of all, it's about the remnants of Musenling, Antonio!"

"The subordinate is here!" Antonio got up and replied.

"I order you to lead the first five squadrons of the Blue Desolate Knights to Yangmaling and Musen City, and destroy them. I will give you three days!" Allen ordered with a cold expression.

"This subordinate must complete the task!" Antonio said.

"As for the remaining... three squadrons, Patton! Barry!" After thinking for a moment, Allen said to Patton behind him and Barry on the left.

"Lord Baron!" Barton bowed slightly.

"Barton, you will lead three squadrons to cooperate with Barry's security department in the next few days. Barry, every time the Qinghuang Territory incorporates a territory into the Qinghuang Territory, your security department will be deployed in the territory. Come on, fight against arrogant mercenaries and robbers who take advantage of chaos to harm civilians, and ensure the law and order of the territory."

"This subordinate will live up to the baron's high expectations!" The two said in unison.

"As for the other nine places, we must also be prepared. After Qinghuang Territory incorporates one territory, we will step up the intake of local talents and establish nine branches. The specific method is similar to that of Baishi collar." Allen stood up and knocked the table ordered.

"Yes! Lord Baron!" All the chiefs of the nine divisions stood up.

"Okay, disband!" Allen sat back in his seat and reminded.

After everyone got up and saluted Alan, they all left Qinghuang Castle, and Alan still didn't stay for dinner.

Dinner was still the same as usual. Alan ate alone by himself. The only difference was that there was one more person today, the little maid Belia who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Since Belia was left by her sister Irene for breakfast and dinner, she basically never came over to have breakfast and dinner with Alan.

And now Alan doesn't need Belia's service, and the whole Qinghuang Castle knows that Alan loves Belia after all, so Belia won't be arranged for anything, doing nothing all day long, plus Alan I am very busy, so I have been playing well with Alisa and the others.

This time, Belia was able to come back because that guy Irene was sick and sneezing all the time, and he was taking the medicine prescribed by the nine health departments. In order to prevent the infection from being transmitted to Belia, he had to drive Belia back to take it. dinner.

"How is Irene? Is it serious?" Ellen ate the grilled chicken on the silver dinner plate, and asked Belia, who was eating next to her.

"The adults from the health department said that Sister Irene's illness is not too serious. It seems to be called a mild cold. As long as you take the medicine prescribed by the health department on time, it won't take long." Belia raised her head and turned her Swallowing the food in his mouth, blinking his big eyes, he said to Allen.

"Well! That's good! I'll go to see her if I save it." Alan nodded, stuffing the suckling dove next to him into his mouth with satisfaction.

Belia was stunned for a moment, staring at Allen with her big talking eyes, as if reprimanding him again, how could Allen say such unfeeling words.

Allen turned a blind eye to him, and teased the stunned Belia: "Belia will be 16 years old after this year's Element Festival! Have you ever thought about getting married?"

Belia, who came back to her senses, blushed, lowered her head shyly, and stopped looking at Alan next to her. After taking a few bites of the grilled chicken on the plate, she even said that she was full, and ran away. room.

"Master Baron! Uh?" Bud stammered behind him.

Now only Bud is left beside Allen, and after the evening meeting, Barton left with Barry to discuss the future.

"Say!" Allen looked at Bud who was hesitant to speak beside him.

"Lord Baron! It is estimated that even if Belia wants to marry, she will not be able to get married. The barons around are about to be killed by Lord Baron!" Honest Bard said without thinking.

Alan was stunned, don't look at Bud being stupid sometimes, but what he said is really reasonable, isn't the Musen collar nobles going to be killed by himself now?As for marrying Belia to a non-noble, Alan never thought about it. Belia is now like his sister, similar to Alisa. How can his Alan's sister marry a commoner?

As for the surviving baron families like Fishermen, after Allen occupied their territory, they were no longer the nobles of Woodland.

In fact, there is another way, which is to marry Belia to another viscount nobleman. The distance is too far, and Alan will not consider it directly. , even Irene is not married yet?

In addition, Allen will also give the right to choose to Belia, and will not force her.

 The third watch is ahead of schedule.In other words, book friends who spend more than 10 minutes can invest in it!

(End of this chapter)

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