Ambition Lord

Chapter 82 Battle for the City Wall

Chapter 82 Battle for the City Wall

The next day, Musen City.

The offensive and defensive battle between the horse-breeding army led by Baron Er and the guards led by Musencheng Tim has reached the most critical moment.

After getting the proposal from his subordinate, Baron Er, he recruited all the carpenters in the territory overnight, and worked overtime to make more than a dozen long ladders with a length of more than ten meters. In order to make these long ladders, Baron Er even used The grove beside the camp was cleared.

Just after dawn, Baron Er ordered an attack on Musen City. The cavalry also dismounted and followed the infantry to transport more than a dozen long ladders to the wall of Musen City. At the first meter, as soon as the wooden ladder was set up, several soldiers below began to climb up the ladder.

"Kill! Kill..." There was a roar from under the city wall, and soldiers stepped forward bravely, quickly climbing up the ladder, trying to climb to the top of the city.

With the help of the ladder, Baron Er and Bree, who were low-ranking knights, easily climbed to the top of the city.

Tim led the guards on the city wall, and when he saw the horse-breeding warrior approaching the city wall with a novel long ladder, he knew that something was wrong.

It's a pity that the guards of Musen City didn't have any long-range attacks that they could use. They could only watch helplessly as the soldiers of the horse breeders leaned the long ladder against the city wall.

Since the front end of the long ladder for raising horses is one meter away from the top of the city, the guards on the top of the city can't touch it at all, let alone overturn the ladder.In order to resist the horse-raising warriors slowly approaching the top of the city, the guards at the top of the city could only throw down the stones stored on the city wall, trying to smash the horse-raising warriors down the long ladder.

"Block it! Don't let them come up!" Tim stabbed the horse-breeding warrior one meter away from the top of the city with a knight's gun, and kept ordering the guards on the city wall.

"Ah! Ah..."


With the blocking of the city wall guards, some horse-breeding warriors were thrown down, and there were screams from under the city wall.

It's a pity that the short-term advantage of the Musen City guards came to an abrupt end after Baron Er and Bree, the horse breeders, successfully climbed the city wall.The two low-level knights were like two humanoid beasts, attacking the guards on the city wall. It is worth mentioning that the two hundred soldiers given to Tim by Baron Jean were all infantry, and it was difficult to resist the two low-level knights. The massacre of the first-order knights.

The knight Tim on the side also reacted, and quickly blocked the two of them. Unfortunately, Tim was weak shortly after he became a low-level knight, not to mention facing the siege of two knights, it was dangerous for a while. Under the offensive of the people, they retreated steadily.

The city wall guards who were washed away did not have time to stop the horse-raising warriors who climbed up. More and more horse-raising warriors slowly climbed up the city wall. Under the siege of horse collar soldiers.

At this time, under a low slope very close to Musen City, more than 500 cavalry led by Antonio of the Blue Desolate Knights were standing by.

As for the battle damage of the previous three squadrons, after returning to the Qinghuang Territory, cavalry were selected from the six, seven, eight and three squadrons to make up for it.

Not long ago, Antonio led the Qinghuang Knights to take the lead in capturing the Yangma Town of Yangma Town. In just a few minutes, Yangma Castle fell under the attack of the Qinghuang Knights. The Abel family in Yangma Town was slaughtered. , the guards were all killed in battle, and now the only one left in the Abel family is Baron Er, who is still outside Musen City.

After capturing the horse-raising collar, Antonio only sent a few cavalry to garrison the horse-raising collar, and led the Qinghuang Knights to the vicinity of Musen City non-stop, preparing to annihilate the horse-raising army and occupy Musen City by the way.

A cavalryman was sent to reconnaissance and returned. He quickly came to the front of the team and reported to Antonio who was sitting on his horse.

"My lord! Now the two sides are fighting on the south wall, but the gate to the north has been opened by some rich merchants privately, probably trying to escape from Musen City temporarily." The cavalry reported truthfully.

Due to the geographical location of the horse-raising collar and Musen City, the first horse-raising army came to the south gate of Musen City. Naturally, the horse-raising collar attacked Musen City from the south, and did not consider the other three sides. , This also led to Knight Tim putting all his guarding power on the southern city wall, so that the other three city walls had little guarding power.

After observing the fighting on the city wall, the rich merchants in the city decisively opened the north city gate, wanting to escape from Musen City first, so as not to be affected.Of course, the strength of these rich merchants is not weak. Although they will not be as powerful as the Baron, they also hired a lot of guards and mercenaries, which is why they can easily open the North City Gate.

"Detour, go to the north of Musen City first, enter Musen City through the north gate, hurry up! Let's go!" Antonio turned his horse's head and said quickly.

Following Antonio's order, the Knights of the Blue Desolation followed and ran towards the north of Musen City. Musen City was not as big as the later cities. After some distance, the Knights of the Blue Desolation came to Musen City not long after North of Sencheng.

To the north of Musen City, a large number of convoys are slowly leaving Musen City. The carriages are full of goods and wealth. These are the carriages of the rich merchants in Musen City.

A large group of civilians in the city also wanted to escape from Musen City after hearing the news, which caused the city gate to be crowded. In order to make the city gate unobstructed, it was their own convoy that could pass through smoothly. The rich merchants let their guards and hired The mercenaries blocked the civilians from the side of the road to ensure the smooth flow of the road. For a moment, the sound of insults and quarrels was endless, and some civilians began to attack the guards to stop them.

"Quick! Go!" The rich businessman Bazel moved his fat body, stretched out his fat head from the horse, and yelled at the groom who was driving the carriage.

The same is true for other wealthy businessmen. In order to let their convoys go out earlier, they are urging the grooms and yelling at the guards to drive out the civilians who squeezed over.

The heavy goods and wealth seriously slowed down the speed of the carriage. Before the first carriage had left the city for 200 meters, it was bumped into by the Qinghuang Knights who drove over, and the entire convoy was surrounded by the Qinghuang Cavalry.

The rich merchants were also taken aback by the heavily armed Qinghuang cavalry who surrounded them. The noisy convoy fell silent for a moment, and they all looked at this group of unknown cavalry in fear.

"It's the cavalry from the Green Desolation Leader!" Bazel, who was behind, shuddered.

He had been fortunate enough to see the Qinghuang cavalry from a distance, uniform black leather armor, spears and unknown weapons on the back, and an iron sword hanging from his waist, majestic and majestic, giving people an unstoppable aura , Now that I saw it, Bazel recalled it.

"Tony! Take your five squadrons and watch these guys, don't let one go, the others follow me into town."

"Yes! Commander!" Tony replied.

After leaving Tony and his five squadrons behind, Antonio quickly entered Musen City with the other four squadrons.

(End of this chapter)

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