Ambition Lord

Chapter 83 The Crossbow of Slaughter

Chapter 83 The Crossbow of Slaughter

The sound of rumbling horseshoes exploded in my ears, and the convoy of civilians and wealthy merchants in the city desperately squeezed towards the periphery, fearing that they would collide with these cavalrymen, and looked at these cavalrymen approaching them with panic.

Under the order of Antonio, the Qinghuang cavalry who entered Musen City were divided into two groups. Antonio himself led one or two squadrons to dismount from the east gate and mount the city wall, while three or four squadrons dismounted from the west gate and mounted the city wall. All of them held spears and stringed green crossbows, and at the same time they surrounded the southern city gate where they were fighting.

After climbing up the city wall, the Qinghuang cavalrymen in black armor, like two streams of water flowing on the city wall, quickly gathered towards the south gate without making a sound.

At this time, on the southern city wall, the sound of fighting had gradually subsided, and the battle between the two sides had ended. Under the siege of two low-ranking knights, Baron Er and Bree, Knight Tim was finally beheaded by Baron Er and lay on the ground. The city wall was full of corpses. As for the Musen city guards on the city wall, they were all dead under the siege of the horse-raising soldiers.

However, after this fight, there were less than 200 horse-raising soldiers left, and more than half of them lost, which can only be regarded as a tragic victory.


Baron Er, who was just about to rest for a while, glanced away from the corner of his eye, and suddenly spotted the Qinghuang cavalry approaching gradually, and shouted loudly.

The discovered Qinghuang cavalry ignored Baron Er's questioning, and continued to lean towards this side without saying a word. After finding something wrong, the horse-raising warrior who was resting hurriedly got up from the ground, holding his hand weakly. With the long sword in his hand, he looked warily at the strange soldiers who were gradually approaching.

Baron Er also found that something was wrong. The black-armored warriors on both sides had surrounded him with unknown strange weapons. Just as he was about to carefully ask about the origins of these people, he heard a voice from the opposite side.

"Shoot! Let it go!" Antonio ignored Baron Er, after all, the baron had already ordered it to be wiped out, so no matter how much he said, Baron Er and these soldiers would die here today.

Before Baron Er could react, there were bursts of piercing sounds, and sharp crossbow arrows pierced towards the exhausted horse-breeding soldiers. At such a short distance, not to mention the leather armor, even the iron armor on Baron Er would be shot. wear.



The howling sounded from the top of the city, and quickly spread to the city below. After hearing the shrill sound, the civilians hiding at home trembled all over, and their backs felt cold.

Under the attack from both sides, three hundred arrows were shot by the Qinghuang cavalry at the horse-raising warriors, completely covering the area, and after one round of blows, the horse-raising warriors who were able to stand on the top of the city were still intact There are very few of them, most of them have been killed by crossbow arrows, and some of them were shot by arrows and are lying on the ground crying.

Baron Er and Bree, the horse breeders, were the most important care objects of the soldiers. At least ten crossbow arrows were shot at them. The knight of Bree was directly shot into the throat by a crossbow arrow because he couldn't dodge, and even stabbed into his body. After shooting three arrows, there was no possibility of surviving, and they fell directly.

Baron Er, who was lucky, was hit by arrows in his right hand and chest, and lost most of his combat effectiveness.

"Who the hell are you?" Baron Er clenched his crown and glared at this group of strange forces who really slaughtered his subordinates, wearing black armor and holding strange crossbows.

In just a short moment, the surviving horse-breeding soldiers were all dealt with by the Qinghuang cavalry one by one, and the wounded lying on the ground were also mended one by one by the cavalry. The dying Baron Er was by the wall.

"You guys! Who are you? Where are you from?" Baron Er asked sharply, enduring his pain.

"We belong to the Qinghuang Knights, let's go! Baron Er!" Antonio, who stepped forward, said indifferently to Baron Er.

"What? Qing..." Baron Er was startled, just about to say something.

A cold light flashed across Baron Er's neck, and Baron Er's head fell to the ground in an instant, his eyes widened, his wide eyes were full of surprise, blood exploded, and Antonio's original black beard turned bloody.

It turned out that Antonio had already drawn his sword and cut off the head of Baron Er who was still trying to say something.

With a flick of the sword, the blood on it was thrown out, Antonio put the sword back into the sheath, and ordered to the cavalry next to him: "Clean the battlefield!"

After receiving Antonio's order, the [-] cavalry began to remove useful things from the dead bodies and collected them by category. The bodies were piled up outside Musen City, ready to be buried collectively after cleaning the battlefield.

Antonio, who was leaning against the city wall, waited for Tony to come. Tony came to Antonio and saluted, "Master! I came here to ask the rich merchants at the south gate what to do?"

"Drive them back to the city, and let them rest assured that Musen City is now occupied by our Qinghuang leader, and there is no danger anymore. As for those who insist on leaving the city, send them on their way!" Antonio's eyes flashed coldly, Antonio is not kind to a stubborn fellow.

Now that the situation in Musen Territory has stabilized, if these wealthy businessmen are allowed to leave, it will definitely drive the civilians in the city, which is very likely to cause chaos in Musen City. The best way right now is to imprison them all in the city, of course If someone insists on leaving, Antonio doesn't mind making an example of others.

"Yes!" Tony didn't hesitate after receiving the signal from the leader, and hurried back.

South City Gate, Tony came back a few minutes later.

"Everyone listen to me, Musen City is now occupied by my Qinghuang Territory, there is no danger, everyone can go home with peace of mind." Tony shouted to the crowd.

The civilians, who were already intimidated by the power of the Qinghuang cavalry, did not dare to be too presumptuous after hearing Tony's words, so they honestly dispersed and stopped crowding around the city gate.

As for the wealthy merchants of the cavalry team, they were hesitant at first, but after the wealthy merchant Bazel returned to the city first, the others followed suit.

Even if there are some rich businessmen who are not angry, after seeing the mighty Qinghuang cavalry with sharp spears in their hands, and comparing them with the guards and mercenaries who are shrinking their heads and pretending to be turtles, they can only return helplessly. Dare to have the slightest opinion.

After Antonio took down Musen City and the horse breeding collar, the entire Musen general had no power to stop Alan from ascending the title of Viscount.

Qinghuang Town.

Allen received a message from Andy shortly after Antonio occupied Musen City, telling Allen that both the horse breeding collar and Musen City had been captured, and that the last obstacle had been removed. For Allen, the most important thing right now The most important thing is to integrate the entire Musenling.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket...


(End of this chapter)

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