Ambition Lord

Chapter 84 Monitor Lizard Cavalry

Chapter 84 Monitor Lizard Cavalry
At the southern end of the Scarlet Continent, in the forest named Red Sea Forest, a large group of giant-toothed lizards are crawling quickly on the ground.

The Red Sea Forest is located at the southern end of the mainland, at the junction of the Kingdom of Alza and the Kingdom of Hogg. It has a huge area. Gnoll traders who travel between the two countries must pass through the Forest of the Red Sea every year.

The Red Sea Forest appeared a long time ago, when the ancestors of the Wolf Man Kingdom moved to the southern part of the mainland, it already existed. It can be said that the history of the Red Sea Forest is longer than the history of the Wolf Man.

As for why this forest is called the Red Sea Forest, it is because there is basically only one kind of tree growing in the Red Sea Forest, called the Red Blood Tree.

The reason why it is called the red blood tree is not because the tree can bleed red blood, but because its sap is red.Of course, not only the sap of the red blood tree is red, but also the leaves are red, and the branches are dark red.

The red blood tree is domineering by nature, and it is difficult for other tree species to survive next to it. In addition, the sap of the red blood tree is slightly toxic, and it is basically unusable. If things go on like this, this area has developed into a forest and gradually expanded.

The connected red blood trees are like a red ocean, in stark contrast to the dark blue evil black sea at the southern end.

The Megalodon is a rare species of lizard unique to the Wolf Man Kingdom. It has a huge body and is only a little shorter than an ordinary horse when it is on the ground. It is covered with blue and black scales and has amazing defense. The head of an ordinary horse is about the same size, with sharp white teeth growing in its mouth, and light red eyes growing on both sides of its head.

The giant-toothed lizard is also a precious mount in the Jackal kingdom. After a powerful jackal warrior subdues his monitor lizard, he will become the unique Jackal monitor lizard cavalry in the Jackal kingdom.

However, due to the small number of monitor lizards and their bad temper, there are not many wolf man monitor lizard cavalry in each kingdom. They are the property of large tribes of wolf men, but only large tribes can raise giant lizards.

At this time, sitting on the giant toothed lizard were people from the Blackmane tribe who set off for Hogg Kingdom.

Among them, Tesirel, the leader of the Blackmane Tribe, was sitting at the front of the team. The giant-toothed lizard he was sitting on was more than a circle larger than the other giant-toothed lizards, and was a full head taller.

Tesirel deeply understood the importance of going to the Hogg Kingdom this time, and just in case Tesireal gave up the idea of ​​sending other members of the tribe to go, he decided to lead the team to the Hogg Kingdom himself.

For the safety of the [-] bloodline fruits in his hands, and to bring back the purchased wolf-bellied boat, Tesirel drew one of the tribe's important combat forces, five hundred monitor lizard cavalry, from the tribe.

The [-] monitor lizard cavalry are an important force of the Blackmane Tribe. In order to make this transaction go smoothly, the Blackmane Tribe has also paid for it. If the [-] monitor lizard cavalry are lost in the Hog Kingdom, the Black Mane Tribe will definitely suffer greatly. .

Fortunately, this time the Black-maned tribe went to Hogg for a deal. After the discussion, once the Black-maned tribe brought back the wolf-bellied boat from the Hogg Kingdom, the Green-maned tribe, the Red-maned tribe, and the royal family's Golden-maned tribe all A portion of the troop quota from one's own tribe will be allocated to the Black Mane tribe.

Because even if the deal is concluded, the number of wolf-bellied boats obtained is limited, and the four major tribes have a large number of sufficient wolf man fighters, so in order not to cause competition, the four major tribes negotiated the quota for each tribe to send troops.

The Golden Mane Tribe of the royal family monopolizes 30.00% of the troop quota, and the remaining 70.00% is shared equally by the other three major tribes, each accounting for about 20.00%.

In other words, once 300 wolf men are dispatched, the Blackmane tribe can send [-] people by boat to the Principality of Kane to plunder food and wealth. Half of the plundered food wealth can be kept, and the other half can be handed over to the king. Come to the relief of other small tribes.

If this transaction is successful, the other three tribes will have to hand over a certain amount of troops to the Black Mane Tribe.

The reason why Tesirier readily accepted this task was because Tesirier had a special relationship with the Bloodfang Tribe, one of the seven major tribes of the Hoag Kingdom. Tesirier married his younger sister to Francis, the leader of the Bloodfang Tribe, is his wife.

The Three Kingdoms of the Wolf Man have been established for a long time. Although large-scale mutual aggression has long since ceased, small-scale battles are inevitable. This phenomenon is similar to that of the human nations on the mainland, so I want to easily follow King Hogg It is not easy to buy precious wolf-bellied boats in China, but because of Francis, it is much easier to go from Tesirel.

The relationship between Tesireal and the Bloodfang tribe is also known to the other three major tribes in Alza Kingdom, which is why the other three tribes agreed with Tesireal to go, just like the ten wolf-bellied boats they bought before.

More than 500 monitor lizards are heading towards the Hogg Kingdom. In addition to the [-] giant-toothed lizards ridden by gnolls, there are dozens of them used to drag food and water. At this time, Tesirel in front He was talking to a wolf man beside him.

This jackal was very different from other jackal warriors at first glance. It was bigger than many jackal warriors, but what was hidden in the deep hair was not solid muscles, but a pile of composted fat.

This guy was kidnapped by Tesirel. This fat jackal is a well-known businessman in the Red Sea Forest. He travels between the two countries all the year round and is very familiar with the Red Sea Forest.

Speaking of this, I have to explain that the Red Sea Forest is not as safe and harmless as it looks. Because there are only red blood trees growing in the Red Sea Forest, it can be said that there is no grass in the forest. From a distance, they are all exactly the same red blood Trees, once you go deep into it, if you are not familiar with the Red Sea forest, there is a high probability that you will lose your way.

I remember that the ten wolf-bellied boats of Alza Kingdom were also bought by Tesirel after passing through the Red Sea forest in the same way.

This fat gnoll, who looked very different, was named Brad. At this time, Brad felt very regretful. If he knew that he shouldn't be greedy, he shouldn't have gone to that small tribe to trade.

Originally, he had already traded enough bloodworm eggs with other small tribes, but he was greedy for a while and wanted to trade more bloodworm eggs. More bloodworm eggs meant more golden dragons. Brad was caught by Tesirel who was looking for a merchant.

Originally, jackals could only barter because they did not know how to mint coins. However, when they plundered human territories, they would always harvest a large amount of human currency, golden dragons, silver stags, and copper fish.

It's a pity that these currencies have no value in the wolf man's territory, and can only be ashes in the wolf man's territory. At this time, human smugglers appeared, and they smuggled a large amount of goods that the wolf man urgently needed from the human race territory to the wolf man's territory. Territory, secretly trade with the wolf man, such as iron, grain, cloth, etc., and earn the difference by exchanging the goods and the wolf man for useless human currency.

Because the benefits are too lucrative, a large number of nobles often secretly intervene in it.

 Thank you "Feiyanghao" for your reward, and thank you for your recommendation tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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