Ambition Lord

Chapter 85 Blood Worm Eggs

Chapter 85 Blood Worm Eggs
Tesireal was able to find Brad thanks to the help of the small tribes in this area. The reputation of the Blackmane tribe shocked the small and medium-sized tribes in the entire Alza kingdom. After the purpose, these small tribes can be said to know Brad's whereabouts thoroughly.

After learning of Brad's route, Tesirill had already been waiting for a long time when Brad arrived at the small tribe.

There are many small tribes of gnolls scattered around the Red Sea Forest, and these small tribes live on the Red Sea Forest.

There is a kind of worm called blood worm living in this Red Sea forest. These worms live on the sap of the red blood tree and reproduce in large numbers.

However, the bloodworm itself is of little value. Because it eats the sap of the red blood tree for a long time, it is also quite toxic and cannot be eaten. The bloodworm eggs are of great value. After the bloodworm has sucked enough juice After that, it will start to lay eggs. Except for winter, bloodworms in the other three seasons can keep laying eggs.

Blood worm eggs are only the size of soybeans. After being laid by blood worms, they stick to the trunks of red blood trees. Many small tribes in the outskirts of the Red Sea Forest collect blood worm eggs as their main source of livelihood and sell the collected blood worm eggs to former Merchants who come to purchase in exchange for the supplies needed for life.

Blood worm eggs are a kind of precious food. Unlike the mature blood worms, which cannot be eaten, blood worm eggs can be eaten raw, and the taste is extremely delicious. They are deeply loved by warriors of various tribes, and there are more blood worm eggs Although the effect of the wolf man's physical strength has not increased much, it is still a treasure.

However, the bloodworm eggs are scattered throughout the Red Sea forest, and even the gnolls in the small tribes outside only dare to collect them from the periphery, not daring to go deep, and it is not easy to collect them. Very expensive.

Enough benefits can make businessmen take risks.

It is precisely because of the preciousness of bloodworm eggs that bloodworm egg merchants began to appear on both sides of the Red Sea Forest, specializing in buying bloodworm eggs from various small tribes and transporting them to the hinterland of the kingdom for sale.

Brad is an out-and-out bloodworm egg merchant. He has been engaged in bloodworm egg sales for many years and has accumulated a lot of wealth.

Looking at the large group of well-trained monitor lizard cavalry behind him, Brad once let go of his dissatisfaction, and squeezed out a slight smile on his chubby face.

"My lord, we entered the Hogg Kingdom yesterday, and today we walked for a long time. You can see that the red blood trees in front of us are gradually thinning out, which means that we have reached the outskirts of the Red Sea Forest. I can come out of the Red Sea Forest." Brad said flatteringly.

"Hmm! Very good! Brad, right? Don't worry, once you leave the Red Sea Forest, I will let you go!" Tesirel nodded, very satisfied with Brad, remembering a businessman who led the way before It took three days longer than Brad to bring Tesirel out of the Red Sea forest.

Under the high-speed crawling of the giant-toothed lizard, it didn't take long for Tesirel to leave the Red Sea Forest and arrive at the territory of the Burst-tooth tribe, one of the nine tribes of the Hogg Kingdom.

After releasing Brad as promised, Tesireal continued on his way with his monitor lizard cavalry. This time when he came to Hogg Kingdom, Tesireal's first place to go was the Bloodfang Tribe.

Now Tesireal and his party are unknown to the territory of the Burst Tooth Tribe, and the Bloodfang Tribe is in the north of the Burst Tooth Tribe. Tesireal is leading the monitor lizard cavalry to the north.

Because the wolf man tribe takes territory more seriously, some extreme big tribes will regard it as a provocation when they see a strange wolf man force entering the territory, and will launch an attack on it.

Now that Tesireal is located in the Bloodfang tribe, it is difficult for a team of more than 500 people not to be discovered. For safety reasons, Tesireal needs to rush to the northern Bloodfang tribe as soon as possible.


At this time, four or five days had passed since the reunification of Mu Senling. Although the spies sent by Viscount Yese to Mu Senling did not bring any specific news about his second son to Viscount Yese, they brought Viscount Kouri the news of Qing. The wild land has unified the news of the wood forest land.

In the hall of Night Castle, Viscount Curry and his eldest son Harvey, the leader of the night, just recovered from the shock. After all, the news brought by the spies was too shocking. It was Qing Huang Ling, not his favorite Baron Jean.

"Father! Now, the Qinghuang Territory has unified the Musen Territory, and the Baron Allen of the Qinghuang Territory has also shown the strength of a middle-level knight. How should we deal with the Ye Shilord? Should we let them go to the Musen Territory? All the spies should return, so as not to be discovered by Baron Allen, the leader of Qinghuang, and cause conflicts." Harvey persuaded his father in the seat.

To be honest, Harvey is very jealous of the young Baron Allen. Not only has he become a mid-level knight, but now he is about to become a viscount again, on an equal footing with his father. But that was a long time later.

But no matter how jealous, Harvey would not be so stupid as to provoke a mid-level knight who is about to become a viscount, not to mention that Baron Allen is in full swing, which is very unwise, he reminded his father Because he was afraid that his father would make a wrong choice because of his younger brother Archis.

"Don't worry! I have a sense of proportion. This Baron Allen is really young and promising. He has unified the Musen collar in a short period of time, and now he has become a middle-level knight at such an age. He will definitely have a lot to do in the future!" Viscount Curry sighed softly. .

Viscount Curry certainly knows the disadvantages of provoking a newly unified Viscounty. Since the Viscounty has just been unified, the territory has not been divided by the Viscount. The Viscount has mastered the entire Viscounty and can mobilize the resources of the entire Viscounty. Viscount is incomparable.

But now his second son's life and death are uncertain, if he wants to know his exact whereabouts, he can only send someone to Mu Senling secretly to inquire, but this is very likely to violate the taboo of the soon-to-be Viscount Baron Qinghuang, which is very detrimental to Yeseling .

Just when Viscount Curry was struggling and didn't know what to do, there was a voice begging for help from outside the door.

"Haha! Harvey! Sure enough, your brother is not dead!" Viscount Curry laughed loudly, holding an envelope in his hand, and said to Harvey next to him.

This envelope was handed over by a soldier who just came in. As for the source, it was the Wooden collar that Viscount Curry had just discussed, and it was Alan's letter to Viscount Nightlight.

In the letter, Allen directly described to the Viscount Nightlight that his son Akis was living very well in Musen Territory, so please rest assured.

After looking at the envelope handed over by his father, Harvey was disappointed in his heart, but smiled on the surface: "Father! It's really great that Archis is not dead. When will we bring him back from Musenling?"

After Viscount Curry heard this, the smile on his face gradually faded, he shook his head helplessly and said: "How can it be so simple, if Baron Qinghuang really wants to release Aqis back, then the one who came back with the letter should be Ah Keith is right, and you can see from the letter that Baron Qinghuang wants to let Aqis back."
 Thank you "Feiyanghao" for your reward, and thank you for your recommendation tickets

(End of this chapter)

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