Ambition Lord

Chapter 88 Elemental Spots of Light

Chapter 88 Elemental Spots of Light
After Allen touched the surface of the original bead with one hand, he knew the new function of the original bead.

Without hesitation, Allen couldn't wait to integrate the few strands of luck that had just been generated into the original bead. The center of the original bead changed. Suddenly, a beam of light shot directly from the original bead and hit the sky above the original bead. Waves of ripple-like light and shadow spread out to the surroundings, and a picture appeared in the sky above the Yuanyuan Pearl.

This is the map of the Musen Territory refracted by the Origin Bead. No, it is not accurate to say that the map is accurate. To be precise, it is more like a subdivision map that marks the places where the elements of the Musen Territory are dense.

This map is not divided into mountains, rivers, forests and towns like the military map of Musenling. It only has the outline of Musenling, and there are some colored light spots flashing inside the outline.

The positions of these light spots represent the places where Musen's territory is now with a high concentration of elements.

For example, within the direction of Qinghuangling, there are eight water blue light spots, and not far from the eight water blue light spots, there is a crimson light spot slightly larger than the eight water blue light spots. There are two water-blue spots near the crimson spot.

This slightly larger crimson light spot represents Allen, as for the two light spots next to Allen, they are still in the Qinghuang Castle Bard and Andy, and Andy also succeeded with the help of the blood of Warcraft not long ago. Breakthrough to low-level knights.

The other eight water-blue light spots a little further away represent the seven low-level knights of the Qinghuang Knights in the barracks outside Qinghuang Town, and the other is the captured Achis.

It is worth mentioning that Akis is also a knight of the water element, which is why the light spot representing him emits water blue light.

In the west, some distance away from these light spots, there is a dazzling blue light spot, which is much larger than the crimson light spot represented by Allen. Allen guessed from the distance on the map that it should be a sinkhole.

Because there are not only six giant frogs with water patterns in the tiankeng, but also a valuable water element spar ore mother. This light spot is probably extracted from the ore mother, water element spar and six giant frogs.

In the east, there is also a crimson light spot that is smaller than the tiankeng, which is the valley where the flame wheat is located.

Looking away from the location of the Green Desolate Territory on the map, Allen found three water-blue light spots representing the size of low-level knights at the position representing Musen City. As far as Allen knows, Barton and Barry are now in Musen City. Two of the dots should represent the two of them.

As for the other one is Ji'an, the former Ironwood collar Ji'an, after he assassinated Baron Kurit, was guarded by Allen in Qinghuang Town, but Allen also kept his promise and gave him a Warcraft blood.

Ji'an was very lucky. He managed to break through to the low-level knight with only one Warcraft bloodline. Not long ago, Ji'an was subdued by Allen, and Allen sent him to Barry to assist Barry in managing the security department. His family is still in Allen's hands.

In addition, within the scope of the wooden vine collar, there is also a crimson light spot, and Allen knows that it is the firewood vine inside the wooden vine collar.

In addition to these light spots that Alan knew the source of, Allen also found strange bright golden light spots on this map. These golden light spots are relatively large, and there are four dense golden light spots in the direction of the iron stone collar , there are two jujube wood collars, and there is a golden spot in the bicao collar that is bigger than the other golden spots.

For these golden light spots, Allen must be a place with dense gold elements. In addition to representing knights, places with dense gold elements can also represent places where magical plants of gold elements grow, monsters of gold elements, gold spar mines or metal veins.

Among them, Allen felt that the golden light spots in Mu Sen's territory were most likely to represent metal mines.

After all, magical plants are not common, and it is extremely unlikely that these golden light spots are magical plants.

Gold element monsters and gold element spar mines are even rarer, and it is impossible to gather so many in a viscounty.

In addition, the three small hematite mines owned by the Iron Stone Territory, and a metal mine that has not yet been identified at the junction of the Qinghuang Territory and the Iron Stone Territory, coincided with the four similar light spots on the map, so Alan can basically determine that Mu Sen The golden light spots in the collar should be all metal mines.

This discovery made Allen a little surprised. The only metal mines known in Musenling were only three small hematite mines in Tieshiling. Unexpectedly, there were also two small metal mines in Zaomuling.

Regarding the metal mine in Bicaoling, Allen thinks that it is more likely to be a medium-sized vein, after all, it is twice as large as the golden light spot representing other small veins.

It is rare to find seven metal mines in a viscounty territory, not to mention that one of them is very likely to be a medium-sized vein. You must know that a medium-sized chalcopyrite vein was also discovered in the entire Earl of Reagan. This chalcopyrite mine is Earl Reagan. brought great wealth.

Except for the silver tableware used by some nobles, the copper tableware in the entire Reagan County is made of ore mined in this copper mine.

Ordinary civilians can't afford silver tableware at all, and can only use copper tableware. Of course, copper mines can not only be used to make tableware, but also copper is needed for making carriages, buildings, sculptures, bronze mirrors, and containers.

If the mineral vein located in Bicao Ling had really reached a medium-sized one, then this metal vein would be the second medium-sized metal vein to appear in the Earl of Reagan.

After unifying Mu Senling, Allen attached great importance to the three iron mines in Tieshiling, and sent the Logistics Bureau and the Engineering Construction Department to work together to mine the three hematite mines.

The former Baron Curritt sold all the mined iron ore, and Alan did not intend to sell the mined ore. The mined ore Alan will be used in one step to create weapons and equipment for the Knights of the Blue Desolation , part of which is required for the construction of the Engineering and Construction Department.

Now these three iron mines have met the needs of the entire Musen Territory, and mining ore requires a lot of manpower and material resources. As far as the miners in these three iron mines are concerned, most of the miners in the Musen Territory are Alan and the Blue Desolate Knight. A small number of prisoners of war captured by the regiment in various territories were criminals, and the number of miners was insufficient.

Therefore, Allen does not plan to mine other metal mines for a short time, but Allen decided to send people to find out the specific locations of these metal mines. This map also shows an approximate location. If you want to find it, you have to send people nearby Check it out in detail.

After all, Allen still doesn't know the types of the other four metal mines. In addition to hematite, they may also be chalcopyrite, gold and silver mines, etc.

Allen, who was thinking about it, dimmed in front of his eyes, the light emitted by the original pearl gradually faded, and the map gradually disappeared.

Insufficient luck, the function of the Origin Bead suddenly shut down. Fortunately, Alan has already recorded the approximate positions of several golden light spots, and he just needs to go out and spend them on paper later.

Consciousness withdrew from his mind, and Alan sat up from the bed, thinking about the new function of the Origin Bead.

Through the new ability that the original pearl just showed, Allen deeply realized how against the sky this ability is, and its importance to Allen and even the territory in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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