Ambition Lord

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

The new function of the Origin Orb is really against the sky. It feels like a radar to Allen, and it can detect the strong knights who broke into the Mu Sen collar.

The reason why there is no knight other than Allen's forces in the territory now is that the low-level hired knights living here in Zhan Luan of the Musen Territory either escaped from the Musen Territory or were recruited by Baron Jean.

Now, seeing that the war in Musen Territory is gradually subsiding, the low-level hired knights who left are very likely to return. Although these hired knights cannot threaten Allen, they are also an unstable factor in the territory. You can only put them under your own supervision , Allen can rest assured.

In addition to this reconnaissance ability that makes Allen tempted, another aspect of this function also makes Allen very excited, and that is the ability to detect treasures.

Like monsters, magical plants, ore veins, whether it is element spar veins or metal veins, are rare treasures for Allen, who is a lord.

Various parts of the monster's body can be used as materials, and the blood can be used to make the blood of the monster, which is also called blood medicine.

Needless to say, magical plants, no matter what kind of ability they have, whether it is healing ability, taking it to improve strength, or using it for knight breakthroughs, they are all very precious to Allen.

Elemental veins and metal veins are even more precious to a lord like Allen.

Reducing the smile on his face, Allen tidied up his clothes, left the house, and went to the military camp outside the town.

When he came to the barracks outside the town, Allen was the first to see three newly established squadrons undergoing training. A newly established center added some cavalry to the interior, resulting in fewer cavalry in these three squadrons, and they were still unable to fight.

However, the three squadrons are not considered to have seen blood. After all, Allen had previously appointed Antonio to lead the three newly formed squadrons to wipe out some stubborn forces left behind by Musenling.

Like Jinsen Town, although the main force has been wiped out by Allen, the guards left by Baron Scott in Jinsen Town still exist. After thinking about these, Allen specially handed them over to three new squadrons, which can achieve blood-seeing The purpose is to reduce casualties.

As long as every remnant force is cleaned up, those enemies will be extremely miserable. Under Antonio's special request, they will all be wounded and survived, and each of them will have at least [-] scars on their bodies.

The three newly established squadrons are basically rookies who have no actual combat. In order to let the soldiers see blood, Antonio's methods are extremely cruel. When the final cleanup is over, more than 300 soldiers in the three squadrons are at least on the enemy's body Draw a sword.

The benefits of seeing blood are obvious. Although these fighters cannot kill without blinking in the future, at least they will not vomit when they see blood when they go to the battlefield.

Although this method is a bit cruel to the enemy, as long as it helps the strength of the territory, not to mention Antonio, even Allen will do it without hesitation.

Beyond the three recruit squadrons, behind the recruit training are the first five squadrons of the Blue Desolate Knights who are undergoing training. The first five squadrons are now all composed of cavalry fighters. After many battles on the battlefield, these cavalry are regarded as They have truly grown into elites on the battlefield, and I saw bursts of evil spirits permeating the army, and these cavalrymen have truly obeyed orders.

Now one to five squadrons are training the green wild crossbow. During this period of time, the logistics bureau has worked overtime, and with the supply of resources from the entire Mu Senling, finally the five squadrons have been equipped with the green wild crossbow.

Each cavalry soldier will be assigned a blue barrow crossbow and a quiver, which contains twelve sharp crossbow arrows.

Under Antonio's command, the five squadrons were divided into five clear rows. Under Antonio's instructions, they were divided into five rounds to shoot crossbow arrows to the specified positions in turn. After loading the crossbow bolts, after the fifth row of shooting was completed, they retreated and rushed forward again to shoot the crossbow bolts out again.

With the cooperation of the five rows of cavalry, the crossbow bolts never stopped, and one hundred and two crossbow bolts were fired at the target position at a certain frequency.

With this kind of strike force, not to mention twice as many enemies, even if they were tripled or quadrupled, they might not be able to enter Mu Sen's leading cavalry.

Although the lethality of the crossbow is not comparable to the firearms of Allen's previous life, it is already not to be underestimated. It can be regarded as the killer of the Qinghuang Knights.

Satisfied with the training status and aura of the soldiers, Allen stopped bothering and left the barracks directly, planning to go to the Ninth Place to have a look.

It's a pity that Alan had just returned to Qinghuang Town, and before he came, he hurried into the financial office, and the cavalry came to report, and the night brought people.

As for the people from the night leader, Alan had already expected it. When his group set foot in Musenling, Alan got Andy's reward. After all, an unknown convoy coming from the direction of the night leader was enough for the Shadow Division Pay attention.

However, Alan can also guess one or two about the purpose of Ye Shiling's convoy. After all, if Viscount Curry cares about his son, he must send someone to Mu Senling to talk about it, so Alan didn't let Andy Stop him, let him arrive at Qinghuang Town unimpeded all the way.

But Alan didn't expect the convoy to come so fast. Alan originally predicted that they might arrive tomorrow, so he smiled in his heart. It seems that Viscount Curry is also interested in his son.

There is no way, since the people who led the night came, Allen could only give up going to the Finance Office, turned around and went back to Qinghuang Castle, the people led by the night had already arrived at Qinghuang Castle, and Mrs. Lisa was receiving him.

Not in a hurry, Allen walked swayingly, looking left and right to observe the living conditions of the leaders, and was greeted by many leaders along the way. Allen selectively responded to some leaders who seemed pleasing to the eye, and finally It took 10 minutes to return to Qinghuang Castle.

Outside Qinghuang Castle, Alan noticed that several carriages were parked, which were full of things. Alan didn't take a closer look, and after being saluted by the guards, he went straight into the castle.

As soon as Allen arrived outside the hall, he found that the hall was overcrowded. There were seven people sitting at the round table in the hall, and some people were standing beside them.

Among the people sitting, Alan recognized Mrs. Lisa, Irene, Alyssa, and his two naughty younger brothers. As for the other two Alan didn't know each other. They were probably sent by the night leader. people.

It's just that the person who led the night caught Allen's attention. There was something wrong with this combination, and the people who led the night came from two women!Although Allen is not the kind of patriarchal and female-discriminatory person, women are indeed disadvantaged in this different world. Women generally do not hold any important positions, and female lords are even less pitiful, unless they are princesses.

Of these two women, one is a woman who looks about the same age as Mrs. Lisa, and the other is much younger. She is about the same age as Ellen. She is pretty, with blond wavy hair, fair skin, and a full face. Smiling and talking to Mrs. Lisa.

Now that the night collar has sent two women over to take charge, the first thing Allen thought of was that Viscount Curry deliberately insulted his Charles family, but it would definitely not be so unwise for Viscount Curry to become a viscount, so there was only one other. This is a possibility, the identities of these two women must be unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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