Mage Veja

Chapter 145

Chapter 145

If this war still has a chance to win.

Then the key to victory will be in the hands of the commander-in-chief Foster.

But judging from the current situation, the general headquarters has been ransacked, and Foster is not in the military air-raid shelter, so in this huge city of Kareni, where is he going to fight Foster?


Just making a simple assumption.

Assuming that Foster is still alive, then the Kingdom Army that wants to find Foster, the commander-in-chief of the Third Army, will inevitably be more anxious, more urgent, and most importantly, more dominant than him.

Enemy forces have infiltrated the city of Kareni.

All the streets and alleys are surrounded by airborne troops of the Royal Army, and even every air-raid shelter is guarded by a fixed Royal Army. However, in this case, the defense level of the city gate is still high enough to send out a magician.

This can only illustrate one problem.

Foster has not yet been found by the Royal Army, and Foster cannot be found even with so many troops assembled.

In other words, Foster must be hiding in an extremely secret location, which must not even be found by local snakes like the General Administration of Law Enforcement.

In this way, the answer is already ready to come out.

Vega didn't care about Wolff's surprised expression at all, and turned his attention to the professional union.

To be precise, it is the professional trade union and the mage area.

Isn't the mage area only accessible to magicians?

The preconceived Vega did rule it out directly, because Foster is not a magician, nor is he a professional, and it seems impossible to enter there.

But at this moment, Veigar suddenly remembered a crucial detail.

Why every time he entered the mage area, Lieutenant Xia Nuo was always the first to greet him at the door?


Where in this world are there continuous coincidences.

If he guessed correctly, it must be because of Xia Nuo's internal operation that he can enter the mage area after injecting spiritual power. Even as long as Xia Nuo agrees, anyone can enter that place.

Conversely, if Xia Nuo disagreed, even mages would not be able to enter it.

Although this was only Veigar's guess, he was [-]% sure that Foster must be hiding there.

Just 10% sure?

Compared to finding a needle in a haystack with the Royal Army in Kareni City, this [-]% probability is already very high. To be precise, even [-]% is worth a try.

So on the second day, Veigar took the troops to the Professional Union.

Naturally, no one objected to this trip, because everyone had no goals, and in this dangerous city, hiding places should be changed frequently to avoid being wiped out by the enemy's traces.

In about a few hours, Veigar came near the professional union.

He ordered the troops to find a nearby hiding place and stand by, while he sneaked into the professional union alone.

First of all, it can be seen from the outside that the Professional Union is different from other buildings. There is almost no damage under the bombing of the war airship, but the interior has been deserted, which is in stark contrast to the seriousness and order of the past.

Not to mention those item stores.

Some precious equipment and props were all swept away. Even the crystal ball on the teleportation circle in the mage area on the first floor was taken away by someone. The magic circle seemed to have lost its effect.

Veigar cautiously came to the center of the magic circle.

But without the crystal ball in the center of the magic circle, he didn't know how to activate the teleportation circle.

Could it be that he guessed wrong?

Veigar began to doubt himself. After all, this is just his speculation. Although this speculation seems reasonable, there are also many unreasonable places.

It can only be said that this is the only hiding place that Vega can think of.

After groping for another 10 minutes, Veigar couldn't activate the magic circle after all, and he was ready to give up. Even if Foster was really inside, it would be useless if he couldn't even get in.

Sighing, Veigar prepared to make a final struggle.

He squatted on the ground, then touched the ground with his hands, and began to inject spiritual power into the magic circle.

The magic circle started to operate, but the accompanying mental power began to consume a lot. In less than 1 minute, half of Vega's mental power was consumed. This amount of magic power has already exceeded the upper limit of a first-level magician.

Another 1 minutes.

When the entire magic circle lit up, a rune eye quietly appeared directly above Veigar, even Veigar himself didn't notice, and this rune eye lasted for less than a second before disappearing.

The third second after the Rune Eye disappeared, Veigar also disappeared in the center of the magic circle.

"Welcome to the Mage Zone."

The familiar voice was lingering in his ears, and Vega could see in a blink of an eye that Lieutenant Xia Nuo, a spiritual mage, was standing at the door to welcome him as always. There was no change here, and it seemed that it was two worlds away from the city of Kareni outside.

"Lieutenant Shano."

Veigar saluted the lieutenant, and then asked, "I would like to ask..."

"Second Lieutenant Veiga, please be calm and calm. I know what you want to ask. There is nothing wrong. Your Excellency the Commander-in-Chief is indeed here, and your officer's ability to enter here is the result of the Commander-in-Chief's permission." Lieutenant Xia Nuo directly gave an affirmative answer.

Sure enough.

Veiga was a little excited suddenly, he immediately said to the lieutenant: "Lieutenant Xia Nuo, can you take me to see the commander-in-chief?"

"Of course there is no problem. The Commander-in-Chief just happens to want to meet with you." Xia Nuo smiled slightly, and then led Vega towards the back room.


The large storage shelf where the rune pages were stacked split from the middle, and then a huge door appeared in front of Veigar.

The crystal ball in Xia Nuo's hand flashed past, and the door opened automatically.

Vega followed Xia Nuo into the secret door, and suddenly found that inside the door... no, it should be said that outside the door was actually a super-large underground military air-raid shelter.

It is said to be an air-raid shelter, but it is actually more like an underground world.

Because if you want to enter this air-raid shelter, you must pass through the teleportation array in the mage area. The teleportation array is more like an elevator leading to the underground. Even though Vega went to the mage area many times, he didn't find anything unusual.

This ingenious design, not to mention the Royal Army and the General Administration of Law Enforcement, is probably not known to many people in the army.

Veigar followed Shano's footsteps and walked towards the commander's independent workshop.

along the way.

Veigar discovered that in this super-large air-raid shelter, one unit after another was nervously moving supplies. Judging from the number of troops, these troops have exceeded a standard brigade, and the exact number of Veigar is not clear.

knock knock knock.

Xia Nuo knocked on the door, and the wooden door was instantly opened, and the adjutant made a gesture of please.

Veigar entered the room alone, and the first thing he saw was Foster sitting at his desk.

(End of this chapter)

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