Mage Veja

Chapter 146 The Wise Fool

Chapter 146 The Wise Fool

Kaleni City, central area, Victory Square.

This used to be the only place where the Third Army held an oath meeting.

It was also here that the imperial army made an oath to defeat the imperial army, and within ten years, the kingdom they fought would have no power to fight back. From Gacili to the capital city of the kingdom, the United Kingdom was once captured by the red eagle banner of the empire. Dominate fear.

but now.

The red eagle flag, which symbolizes glory and force, was thrown on the ground and trampled wantonly. Over Victory Square, the golden lion flag of the Kingdom fluttered.The myth of the city that will never fall has been shattered here.

Bruno Varun stood in the center of the square, looking at the golden lion flag with his head held high.

He succeeded, really succeeded.

The myth that Kareni would never fall was shattered because of him, and the history here will remember him.

A long-lasting stink?

Do not!
History is written by the victor. After a hundred years or even a thousand years, history will only remember his great achievements in helping the Kingdom Army win the victory, but it will never pay for his sins of betraying the empire.

And it is precisely those imperial troops who are arrogant and arrogant.

In particular, Foster, the commander of the military system who occupies a huge force and unscrupulously interferes in the internal affairs of the General Administration of Law Enforcement, will surely be nailed to the pillar of shame in history and bear an eternal infamy.

Because he was the one who let Kareni fall, he was the one who made the empire's war go to failure.

Just thinking about this matter made Bruno quite excited, but there was also a little fly in the ointment, for example, no trace of Foster had been found so far.

Can't figure it out, can't figure it out at all.

As the head of the General Administration of Law Enforcement, even Foster couldn't compare with him in his familiarity with Carleni. However, after so many days, Foster disappeared like a human being, and there was no trace of him no matter what.

Bruno was not reconciled.

The reason why he did such a frenzied thing was to see the fall of Kareni City and the remorseful expression of the arrested Foster with his own eyes.

But it was too late.

Three days later, he will return to Gacili with the kingdom's air force. It is said that although the kingdom caught the imperial army by surprise in the front-line battle, the well-trained army of the imperial army resisted the attack.

Therefore, in order to establish the victory of the war, the Royal Army needs air support from war airships.

In other words.

Three days later, the city of Kaleni will be completely handed over to the 1st Airborne Division, and at the same time, a new branch chief will take over his position, and he will return to Gacili's spy system with the war airship to report on his duties, and accept rewards and canonizations from the kingdom, as well as obtain more high position.

There are only 3 days left for him.

If he can't find Foster in these 3 days, he will completely lose the chance to kill Foster.

Is it really difficult to realize this "simple" wish to capture Kareni and behead the commander-in-chief of the Third Army?
Bruno didn't believe it.

He snatched the red wine on the tray in the assistant's hand, didn't use a goblet, and didn't have the slightest elegance of a gentleman. Instead, he poured alcohol directly into the mouth of the bottle as rudely as a barbarian.

It was the first time the new assistant had seen Bruno like this.

In the impression of this new assistant, the hero of the kingdom who had tried hard for several years and finally fell to Kareni had always acted as an elegant gentleman, but now he has nothing to do with a gentleman.

After downing a bottle of red wine in one breath, Bruno's eyes were not only not clouded, but instead had a captivating look.

"Now start to calm down and think about it."

Bruno sat under the golden lion banner of the kingdom in the most elegant way, with his chin resting on his right hand, his head held up at 45 degrees, and his eyes slightly half-closed: "First of all, let's talk about strategy, and I'm not Foster's opponent for ten; Talking about marching and fighting, I will be defeated with 10; finally analyze the battle situation—"

"I won."

"That's right, I won the final battle."

Bruno didn't open his brows, but frowned more tightly: "Why did I win? Whether it's strategy, marching, cunning... I can't compare with Foster in every aspect. Why?"

Silence, endless silence.

It wasn't until the breeze kicked up dust and the sun pierced his pupils that Bruno completely relaxed his brows: "I know, I finally know, because even 1 Fosters are not as familiar with Kaleni City as I am!"

"That's right—"

Bruno pulled a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Making strengths and avoiding weaknesses is the way for fools to win against wise men."

He stood up and walked in the direction of the Airborne Division's temporary headquarters: "Since you are nowhere to be seen anywhere I know, then things are even simpler..."

"Wouldn't it be better to look for places that even I don't know well?"

"Is there any place in Kaleni City that I am unfamiliar with?"

"Yes, of course there is. One is the army garrison, the other is the trial building, but he has personally led people to sweep both of them, so there is only the last place—"

"Mage Zone."


Mage area, inside the underground air-raid shelter.

Veigar looked at Foster in front of him, and said nothing for a long time, because he hardly changed.

Sitting behind the desk, squinting his eyes and looking drowsy, nothing has changed in the slightest, and there is no sense of urgency. It seems that the fall of Kareni outside has not affected him at all.

Think for a second.

If he is the commander-in-chief, this city that will never fall will fall to the enemy because of his wrong judgment. Not only will he bear a huge responsibility, but his life will be in danger at any time, and he may even be infamous for thousands of years. Even if he doesn't panic at this time , You should also raise your spirit to think about how to solve the predicament in front of you.

But neither.

Foster said in a very normal tone: "Second Lieutenant Vega Carleni, welcome back to the Third Army. I'm really sorry that this happened. It seems that the commendation meeting for your officer will probably be postponed for a while."

Awards ceremony?

Veigar really didn't know why Foster was still in the mood to joke at this juncture.

He said in a dry tone: "My lord commander, it doesn't matter what you do with that kind of thing. Please forgive me, do we still have a chance of victory?"

"Isn't victory a matter of course?"

Foster said in a matter-of-fact tone: "In terms of strategy, in terms of marching and fighting, a hundred Bruno is not my opponent, but he won a game against me. Why? Because even if it is 1 Bruno Not as much as he knows Kareni."

Foster opened his eyes slightly: "To sum it up, one is a wise man, and a wise man will not fall twice in the same place. Now I know very well that the right location is the key to victory."

(End of this chapter)

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