Mage Veja

Chapter 160 Decentralization

Chapter 160 Decentralization
A dark, damp air-raid shelter.

Even though Veigar had gone down to prepare the tactical report, Foster was still sitting in the office, looking at the images in the video crystal over and over again.

This image is the whole process of Veigar commanding urban guerrilla warfare.

As an excellent commander, he is not a middle-level officer who sticks to the rules and only knows how to apply tactics mechanically, so his vision is naturally not comparable to that of Wolfe and his like.

Just hearing the 16-character theory already made him aware of the horror of this tactic.

But when he actually saw the images of the actual combat, he realized that the theory was just the tip of the iceberg. It turns out that there are so many ways to do it in practice, such as occupying the commanding heights, using long-range weapons, and the use of professional brigades.

Lure the enemy to go deep, divide and attack.

Foster saw the essence of Vega's battle from the video, so he substituted himself into the camp of the Kingdom Army, trying to find the loopholes in this tactic, because war requires not only knowing the enemy but also knowing yourself, so that you can fight according to the possible situation. Develop contingency plans.

But things turned out to be beyond Foster's expectations.

Because he found sadly that even if he were to command the kingdom's army, the final result would still be to abandon the blockade of the defense line and join forces to prevent the enemy's continuous harassment and attack.

Isn't that the case? Is it worth making a fuss about?

Of course it's worth it!

As an excellent commander, what he can do is to defeat the strong with the weak, and win the many with the few, but in the face of Vega's tactic, Foster found that although he had all the advantages, he still couldn't escape defeat. .

Does this mean that...

That 12-year-old boy has completely exploded his senior general, who has been in the army for half his life, in terms of tactical thinking and command ability?

Self-confidence collapsed at this moment.

Foster even began to doubt himself, whether he is suitable to continue commanding the army, or whether a new era has come and he is no longer suitable for modern and changeable warfare.

The United Kingdom's Lightning Operations is this...

The same goes for Second Lieutenant Veiga's nightmarish guerrilla warfare...

The more he thought about it, the more dazed he became. Foster's forehead was beaded with cold sweat, and his face became paler and paler.

"Commander, are you alright?"

The adjutant frantically took out a few pills from the drawer and served Foster to take it. It took a full 5 minutes before Foster's face recovered a trace of blood.

This is also of course.

Not a professional, nor a magician, but just an ordinary person, Foster is only proud of his commanding ability. If his commanding ability is not comparable to others, it is enough to make his faith collapse instantly.

Take a deep breath.

Foster took out a letter from the drawer, and then said to the adjutant: "Harman, give this letter to Second Lieutenant Vega, and tell him that he will personally command the next battle, and the entire army Everyone will cooperate with his battle plan, but I only have one request, and I need to take back control of all air-raid shelters in the shortest possible time."

"Master Commander, you are not joking..."

Adjutant Harman stared at Foster with wide-eyed eyes. The remaining 3000 lives of the Third Army, including his own and the lives of the commander-in-chief, were all entrusted to a minor child!
This is simply child's play, right?

Who would be willing to hand over his life to a child who got some military merits by luck.

Although he was so shocked that it was hard to add, it was a pity that the commander-in-chief's order could not be disobeyed. Seeing that the commander-in-chief Foster did not answer, Harman could only obediently follow the orders.


knock knock knock.

After a knock on the door, Veigar got a letter from the gloomy adjutant Harman, and at the same time got an order from the commander in chief.

The command is simple.

The command of the entire army has been handed over to him. From today onwards, even the generals of the General Staff can only cooperate with him, but he is required to use the less than 3000 troops to take control of all the air-raid shelters.

You know, there are a total of 100 air-raid shelters in the city.

There are more than 500 million civilians in the city in the air-raid shelter, but a small number of Royal Army are responsible for guarding and providing food. It is easy to kill less than 100 ordinary soldiers of the Royal Army, and it is also easy to regain control of a single air-raid shelter, but it is not possible. Sufficient manpower to garrison the air-raid shelter, this order is simply difficult for others, right?

and many more!

A flash of light flashed through his mind, Veigar seemed to understand Foster's intention.

He smiled at Harman and said, "Your Majesty, thank you for your hard work. Please tell the Commander-in-Chief for me. This officer will fulfill his mission and promise to take back the control of the air-raid shelter, so as to teach the Royal Army a profound lesson."

"Your official likes to do it for himself."

Harman didn't believe Veigar's big words at all, he snorted and left directly.

Veigar didn't care either, he closed the door, and then opened the letter Foster gave him.

"This is……"

Veigar's eyes widened. He realized that this letter was not strictly speaking for him, but a letter of recommendation from the Imperial Central Military Academy. As long as he had this letter, Vega could go to the Central Military Academy for further studies at any time. .

In an instant, Veigar understood Foster's intention.

This is Foster's act of showing his sincerity to him. As long as he has this letter of recommendation, even if the war fails, or even if Foster unfortunately dies in battle, as long as he can escape and ascend to heaven, he can still rely on this letter of recommendation. Enter the Central Military Academy.

This letter of recommendation is tantamount to fulfilling the promise.

Satisfied, Veigar put away this letter of recommendation. Now it seems that in Foster's eyes, he has been upgraded to an important pawn that cannot be discarded at will. Next, he will be in charge of commanding the troops properly and have more seniority.

For the first time, a smooth life was so close to him.

So that night, the excited Vega worked out tactics all night, preparing to use guerrilla tactics to recover more than one hundred air-raid shelters in Kareni. Although the mission goal seems to be a fantasy, it is not something that cannot be done by manpower. .

When dawn comes.

Veigar put on his military uniform and the epaulets of the captain's rank, and opened the door.

The blazing torches illuminated the underground air-raid shelter. Vega stood on the high platform in the center, overlooking the remaining 3000 soldiers of the Third Army, the professional brigade of more than 100 people, and the last mage squadron. The pre-war mobilization meeting.

In addition to 3000 soldiers, there were several generals of the General Staff attending the meeting, as well as mid- and upper-level officers whose positions and ranks were above him. Compared with these people, he did not have a hair Qi's imp.

But Veigar was free from fear and tension.

He stood on the high platform confidently, ignoring the sharp sword-like eyes below, because guerrilla tactics were his confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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