Mage Veja

Chapter 161

Chapter 161
The mobilization meeting has begun.

The main purpose of this mobilization meeting is to explain the operational thinking of guerrilla tactics, and to propose operational goals, and to arrange detailed steps on the way to combat. Of course, soldiers need to be encouraged.

But as soon as Veigar stood on the high platform, the people below started whispering.

"Why is it a child holding a mobilization meeting?"

"You don't even know Captain Vega? Are you from the Third Army?"

"I heard that the next battle will be under the command of Captain Veigar."

"Don't be kidding, I admit that Captain Veigar is very powerful, but compared to the commander-in-chief, he is not as good as he is."

It is inevitable for the soldiers to worry about matters related to the future fate. After all, Veigar's command ability has not yet been recognized by the public, but the commander-in-chief Foster is already well-known throughout the empire. When he is in danger, most people are naturally willing to Trust Foster.

Of course Vega knew this.

Therefore, he never thought about what words he would use to get the approval of the entire army. In a way, people's thinking is very stubborn. Before your talents are proven, any words will be regarded as a joke.

opposite of this.

As long as you can produce results and lead the army to victory, even if you don't say anything, or even make a series of jokes, others will think that you did it on purpose, and even make up a lot of truths.

"All troops, be quiet!"

Veigar's face straightened, and he began to organize the troops: "I know that everyone here still can't believe in my commanding ability. I don't mind this, and I don't even mind you talking about me in person, but I need you to bear in mind one thing. That is, at any time, you must obey my orders. As a soldier of the empire, I don’t need to elaborate on the consequences of disobeying orders.”

"Yes!" the soldiers said in unison.

"very good."

Vega nodded with satisfaction: "Now we are announcing the overall goal of this operation, which is to regain control of the Kaleni air-raid shelter. Of course, taking back does not mean that you need to send people to station it. What I mean is that the kingdom that will be stationed in the air-raid shelter Get the army out!"

It was after a whole night that Vega realized the intention of Foster's words.

The control of the air-raid shelters of the empire belongs to the empire. As long as the kingdom's garrison troops are driven out of the air-raid shelters so that they dare not touch the control of the air-raid shelters, it will naturally mean regaining control.

As for why Foster was so persistent in taking back the air-raid shelter, Vega didn't quite understand.

But to him, this is irrelevant, because the order he received was only to regain control of the air-raid shelter. As long as he wins the battle under his command, he is done.

After explaining the combat objectives, Veigar finally began to instill combat thinking.

He coughed twice, and then said loudly: "As for this operation, the tactics we will adopt are guerrilla tactics, mainly using small teams as units to conduct flexible and mobile surprise operations."

"Captain, please allow me to interrupt."

Sitting in the front row, a brigadier general of the general staff slowly began to speak: "I would like to ask, what kind of tactic is this guerrilla tactic? Did this tactic come from a certain general of the General Staff, or your Excellency the Commander-in-Chief?"

"I'm sorry, Commodore General."

Veigar's face remained normal, and he said neither humble nor overbearing: "This tactic was not created by the commander-in-chief, or even by a certain general. It's just a little whimsy of mine."

"What a fantastic idea!"

Another brigadier general stood up and said angrily: "Are you going to pin all our lives on your whimsy? With all due respect, I don't think a lower-level officer who has never been to a military academy is qualified to put himself ideas in the name of tactics."

Veigar didn't answer, he looked at the commander-in-chief, but the commander-in-chief Foster seemed to be asleep, and didn't mean to speak for him, apparently letting him deal with the current situation by himself.

A hint of cunning flashed in Veigar's eyes, since you are unwilling to speak, then I will personally drag you into the water.

Veija slapped the table again, startled everyone and then said angrily: "Your Excellency, please be careful, I am able to stand here and explain this tactic, of course I have the consent of the commander-in-chief. Do you want to Are you questioning the Commander-in-Chief?"

Foster opened his squinted eyes with a hint of amusement.

And the two brigadier generals of the general staff immediately lost their temper when Vega questioned them. They could question Vega, but they didn't dare to question Foster. Since Vega moved out of Foster as a backer, they could only sit helplessly. Down.

Sitting down is sitting down, but the distrustful eyes are still on the bright side.

After settling the embarrassment from the general staff, Vega continued: "Do you have any questions? If not, let's move on to the next topic. What I want to explain to you is the detailed arrangement of this battle... "

"Second Lieutenant Veigar...Captain."

A voice interrupted Veigar's words, and the one who stood up was an old acquaintance of Veigar, Captain Wolf Eder.

Veigar didn't know what he wanted to say, so he made a please gesture towards him: "Captain Wolfe, please speak."

"I want to ask the captain a question."

Captain Wolf's expression was quite excited, and he asked in a trembling tone of excitement: "The guerrilla tactics to be used this time, but last time you used my 800 soldiers to defeat the Royal Army with almost zero casualties. One regiment and one battalion, wiped out more than 0 enemies, forcing the Royal Army to switch from offensive to defensive guerrilla tactics?"


Whether it was the general of the General Staff or other mid-level officers, even Gunther Burton looked at Wolfe with shocked eyes.

What's going on with Wolfe's troops? Wouldn't they know?
To put it bluntly, it is called 800 soldiers, but to put it bluntly, it is a defeated army with no professionals. Using this kind of disabled army to defeat twice as many Royal Army, they even killed more than 1000 people, and even forced The brigade of other people had to switch from offense to defense.

Is this a joke?

But if it's true...

Doesn't that mean that Vega's command ability is already superior to theirs? Even if the generals of the general staff are in command of that situation, I am afraid it is impossible to defeat the enemy with almost zero casualties, and it is not even possible to win. is a problem.

This is a miracle!

The entire army turned their eyes to Veigar.

They need an answer from Veigar, and in this case, no one dares to lie, because war is no joke.

"That's right, that guerrilla tactic."

Veigar said in an extremely confident tone: "Commander Wolf, and all the imperial soldiers who have experienced guerrilla tactics and those who have never experienced guerrilla tactics, this time, I will fight for victory again."

"For the empire, for victory!"

Hearing that Veigar had created such a miracle, the whole army was boiling at this moment, and the war was about to break out.

(End of this chapter)

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