Mage Veja

Chapter 170 Rounded to 0

Chapter 170
North District of Kaleni City, sub-center street.

Since this is not the key bombing area of ​​the Royal Army, the buildings are basically well preserved, and because this is where the material warehouse of the North District is located, it is also a key patrol area of ​​the Royal Army.

In a 2-story residential building on the sub-center street.

The 17 soldiers of the 10th squad of the Imperial Army were listlessly looking at the ceiling of the attic. The average age of this squad was about 23 years old, and the overall quality was relatively high, but there were no professionals.

"Captain, you are talking, what shall we do next?"

One of the thin soldiers was full of worry on his face: "I heard that the 16th team next door has been captured by the Royal Army, and the person who tipped the Royal Army is actually the owner of that house."

Another soldier interjected, "I never dreamed that the owner of that house would be a member of the kingdom's spy organization. I heard that their ancestors have been law-abiding civilians for generations."

A slightly fatter soldier echoed: "Speaking of it this way, isn't it dangerous for us? If the owner of this house is also a spy of the Royal Army, I'm afraid we won't even know how we died."

"Don't even think about it."

The tall and strong captain stopped everyone: "If the owner of this house was a spy, we would have been killed long ago. What we have to do now is to wait for the next order from the military department. I must drive the Royal Army out of Kareni."

Clenching his fist, the squad leader gritted his teeth.

Although the other team members were a little pessimistic, when they heard this sentence, they immediately became angry and hideous: "Yes, even if we die, we will drive the bastards of the Royal Army out of Kareni."

The country is ruined.

For these soldiers, the land under their feet is the homeland they want to protect, and this is the only thing that they will absolutely protect even if they sacrifice their lives.


The attic door was suddenly opened.

A team member in charge of the investigation hurried in and shouted: "Brothers, pack up your things, we have to move immediately, this place has been exposed, the old drunkard in the next house sold us out."


The squad leader cursed angrily, then immediately led the people out of the house and moved towards the second hiding place.

an hour later.

Although the 17th team managed to get rid of the Kingdom's pursuit force and reach the second hiding place, their team also lost 4 members, and only 6 people are still alive.


In the empty and dilapidated abandoned building, everyone was panting heavily.

Confusion flashed across the eyes of the soldiers: "Captain, shall we continue to implement guerrilla tactics? Although Tibetan soldiers and civilians have indeed brought me great convenience, if I am betrayed again, there will be no So lucky today."

"I don't know, I don't know what to do."

The captain held his head in pain. One of the teammates who died was his own younger brother. This sudden blow almost made him collapse, and now he didn't know what to do.


They have begun to doubt the feasibility of guerrilla tactics, because more and more imperial troops are exposed, and if this continues, more teammates may die, even including himself.

Da da da--

At this moment, there was a slight sound of footsteps, and everyone became vigilant.

"Captain, it's the messenger."

A soldier in charge of conveying the order came over: "You are indeed here, but let me find it easily. I have the latest order from the military department to convey here."


Everyone stood at attention, waiting for the order from the herald.

The herald saw that everyone was standing still, so he said: "After receiving the order from the military department, all soldiers of the empire will immediately disband the existing troops and return to their homes..."

"Commander, what do you mean?"

Before the orderer could finish his sentence, the captain grabbed his collar directly: "Please tell me, is the military department trying to give up this war and hand over Kareni to the Royal Army? Please forgive me for not admitting to this kind of thing." , even if we are the cannon fodder army, but my home is in Kareni, even if I sacrifice my life, I will not take half a step back in front of the enemy!"

"I am willing to die!" All the team members stared at the orderly with angry eyes.

"Cough cough cough."

Breaking away from the captain's right hand, the orderly coughed twice and said, "When did I tell you that the military department was going to give up Kareni? This time I let you go home each, and I ask you to use your own methods to join forces with you. My family and friends, no matter which method they use, they must create trouble for the Royal Army, and let them experience once what it means to be real—all the people are soldiers.”

"All the people are soldiers?"

"That's right, all the people are soldiers."

The herald replied: "There are no cowards in the soldiers of the empire, and there are no civilians in the empire who are afraid of death. Now Kareni is on the verge of life and death. Please fight against the Royal Army to the end for the empire and for our home Kareni."

"This time each of you is the Supreme Commander."

"This time, let the kingdom's army know that Kareni is our territory. Without the permission of our 500 million civilians, even ancient monsters dare not set foot here!"

"I promise to complete the task."

It was almost a roaring sound, and determination flashed in everyone's eyes. This is the territory of the empire, and the bastards of the kingdom army want to get their hands on their homeland. It is an unforgivable crime.

"very good."

The orderly saluted: "May the glory be with you, and victory to the empire."

"For victory!"

As the final sound echoed, the six people left in their respective directions.

Like ripe dandelion flowers floating in all directions.

When the time comes, this floating dandelion flower will surely sweep across the entire city of Kareni with the momentum of a blazing fire.

And this is not an isolated case. At this time, the guerrilla squad formed by the entire Kareni regular army has been declared disintegrated, replaced by a civilian guerrilla group composed of families, friends, and even patriotic civilians.

This kind of guerrilla has not undergone systematic training, and does not even have formal weapons.

But it is precisely this low-level army that seems to be inferior to cannon fodder troops, and it will definitely make the Kingdom Army's intelligence system completely useless, because the essence of these civilian guerrillas is civilians, and there is no need for camouflage.

One spreads to ten, ten spreads to hundreds, and one hundred spreads to tens of thousands.

In less than a few days, countless civilian guerrillas were established. They didn't have any grand strategic goals. Their only idea was to kill all the Royal Army in the city, even at the cost of their own lives.

Then this time.

The Royal Army's [-]st Airborne Division headquarters, which had no sense of crisis, was throwing a big banquet.

Because they received the information, the Imperial Army seemed to have disbanded all the troops. In their view, once the Imperial Army, which had been cornered due to the intelligence war, was disbanded, the next step was for Commander-in-Chief Foster to show up and surrender in person.

In other words.

The only dissonant voice in the city has disappeared.

And they finally won.

(End of this chapter)

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