Mage Veja

Chapter 171

Chapter 171
the next day.

According to English's speculation of the Royal Army's First Airborne Division, since the empire has disbanded all its troops, then Commander-in-Chief Foster will definitely show up and surrender. As a senior general of this level, not only will surrender not be executed, will also be given preferential treatment.

But two days passed, and Foster did not move at all.

"Saul, in your opinion, what is Foster's plan?"

Ingril breathed out a deep puff of smoke: "Isn't the disbandment of the troops just to surrender? But the troops have been disbanded. How can Foster fight back? Could it be that he went into battle himself?"

"Master, don't worry."

Brigadier Saul chuckled: "Since Foster doesn't plan to come out, let's invite him out in person. Don't forget that our kingdom is best at intelligence warfare. As long as we use the intelligence system, we will be able to find Foster sooner or later." special."

"Hahaha, makes sense."

The division commander English's brows gradually widened: "This time the imperial army was driven to a dead end thanks to your plan, Saul. It seems that the imperial army is not an invincible existence, at best it is good at using its own strength Strengths, as long as our army also exerts its own advantages, the imperial army is not easy to capture."

"The teacher is wise."

Thor and the teacher Ingril looked at each other, and then smiled tacitly at the same time.

Division Commander English snuffed out the cigarette butt and said: "I received news from the frontline today that under the bombardment of our air support, the first line of defense of the Imperial Army has completely collapsed. It is estimated that in less than half a month, the battle here will be over." It can be over, and you and I can go back to the capital to report on our work."

A trace of excitement flashed in Sol's eyes: "With your contribution, Master, should we go further this time?"

"Hehe." Ingril smiled slightly: "I can't tell, I can't tell. But Sol, you have been with me for so long. This time I will go back and fight for a brigadier general from the Kingdom's military."

"Thank you, Master, for your cultivation."

Thor and the division commander English have already begun to imagine the future. In their view, the Imperial Army can no longer make any waves. It doesn’t matter to imagine the future when the overall situation is settled, and the tense nerves should be relaxed.

Even the command layer began to relax, let alone the low-level soldiers?

From top to bottom, the whole army of the Kingdom Army has been relaxed to a certain extent.

But it was at the time when the Royal Army was most relaxed that the Imperial Army's plan to turn all people into soldiers was officially launched.

Several middle-aged people, two young people, and an old man took advantage of the darkness to dispatch.

"It's here. During the day, I saw with my own eyes that the Royal Army pulled more than a dozen carriages and armaments here."

"Boy Lauren, I'm familiar with this place. I remember a hole in the back wall."

So ten minutes later, the Armament and Logistics Department was in flames, and some sleeping kingdom soldiers were even burned to death.

At the same time, outside a residential building on the sub-center street.

A dozen or so children were whispering.

"Watt, is that the drunkard?"

"You can't be wrong, that drunkard is a lackey of the kingdom's spy organization."

"Get ready, everyone, and come with me later."

A few seconds later, the drunkard died at the door. His face was blurred. It was obvious that his head had been hit by stones and iron objects, and his death was extremely miserable.

The Royal Army is doomed to sleepless night.

From the regular army of the kingdom to the members of the spy organization, they all suffered crazy attacks from the civilian guerrillas.

After the successful sneak attack, these guerrilla troops dispersed in a rush, and each returned home. Coupled with their identities as civilians, there was no trace of investigation or pursuit, and the Royal Army was completely dumb.

It was bright.

In the headquarters of the Royal Army's First Airborne Division, a loud noise echoed.

Teacher English slapped the table heavily: "Who will explain to me what's going on?"

All the military officers and officers in the conference room were silent.

Ingril continued to roar: "One night! In just one night, more than 900 soldiers, 217 members of the espionage organization, and 45 vehicles of important military supplies were lost inexplicably, but you didn't even see the enemy's face?"

The loss was heavy. Ingril admitted.

But what made Ingril's blood surge was that the enemy actually did these things with zero casualties. They even searched the troops until dawn and searched the entire area three times without finding a single imperial soldier.

Is this a big joke?
Is it possible that a huge amount of manpower and material resources were spent, and nothing was found after three blanket searches?

Or is it that the imperial army is all ghosts!

Just when English's face was livid, a soldier walked in.



The soldier glanced nervously at Ingril, and then said cautiously: "There is news from the medical department that Sol, Brigadier Sol... died."


Ingril sat down on the chair and didn't respond for a long time.

He didn't expect that the proud subordinate who had a good chat with him yesterday lost his life in less than one night.

The most ridiculous thing is that the high-ranking military officer of the kingdom did not die on the battlefield, or even under the weapons of the imperial soldiers, but died at the hands of a restaurant cook. The cause of death was even more ridiculous, unfortunately, he died of poisoning.

Bang bang bang!
"What a joke! What a joke!"

Ingril slapped the table angrily: "Wang Guo is a dignified brigade-level officer who died at the hands of a lowly cook. The most important thing is that the cook escaped. How can I write a report? Greedy mouth, a brigade-level officer of our army was unfortunately poisoned and died? Is this report making our first division a laughing stock?"

Throughout the morning, division commander English's roar echoed throughout the headquarters.

And the nightmare of the Kingdom Army has just begun.

In the next three days, the Kingdom's army was almost destroyed by the civilians of the empire.

Attacking and killing in the middle of the night, setting fire to camps, poisoning water sources, looting supplies... Even when patrolling the streets, you have to be careful, and you have to go with the whole team when you go to the toilet, because if you are alone, you may die in a dark corner inside.

For the first time, the Royal Army felt fear.

Especially the patrolling troops. They even felt that they could oppress civilians at will in the past, but now they have turned into bloodthirsty beasts. The huge mental pressure made them feel extremely tormented.

Not only regular troops, but even spy organizations.

The members of the espionage organization are all trembling now, for fear that their identities will be discovered by neighbors or friends, because once their identities are revealed, what awaits them is life or death.

The sequence of the pyramids seems to be reversed at this moment.

The Royal Army and spy organizations, which were originally at the top of the food chain, have changed from predators to prey. No matter how tense their nerves are, there will always be a loophole, but the civilian guerrillas of the empire will definitely catch this loophole.

Veigar listened to the scout's report, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The civilian guerrilla army spread the flames like a prairie fire, and it spread from ten to hundreds. Even Veigar himself is not very clear about the scale of its development, because the number is too large to be counted. The current situation is far beyond Vega's expected.

"It seems that the third step can already be started."

Vega muttered to himself, the battle situation has reached this stage of viral development, the next thing to do is to completely drive the Kingdom Army out of Kareni City, if all goes well, even at least 1/2 of the opponent's main force can be left behind.

(End of this chapter)

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