Mage Veja

Chapter 300

Chapter 300

Dynasty Army Headquarters.

Veigar and a group of generals surrounded the sand table.

Of course, this included the Imperial Garru and several other teachers, as well as the king and senior generals of the dynasty.

According to the latest battle report.

Two days ago, the kingdom's aviation force suddenly increased by more than three times. Without any mental preparation, the dynasty army encountered an unprecedented air attack, and it was directly destroyed overnight.

Saya City, which originally needed a focus on defense, has instead become a cemetery for burying bones.

Under the blanket attack of the kingdom's air force, all the defense lines were broken at the first touch, and even retreat after the defeat was impossible, let alone asking for help.Because the enemy's war airships are too many, so many that it makes one's scalp tingle.

Why do kingdoms have so many war airships?

Vega was also puzzled by this point.

Because a country's national power is limited, and war airships are extremely expensive strategic weapons, and the manufacturing process is quite complicated, logically speaking, it is impossible for the kingdom to have such a number of war airships.

But the facts lie ahead.

The Kingdom used unknown means to forcibly conjure 4 war airships of the size of a standard aviation army.

And what about the Holy Dynasty?

Among their blocking troops on the front line, there is only half the number of aviation regiments, and half of the aviation regiments can't even last for 10 minutes.

Now the situation has become extremely serious.

With the speed of the Royal Army, they will reach Tali City the morning after tomorrow at the latest, and their retreat will take at least 4-6 days. How can they delay the enemy's footsteps in the middle three or four days?

Veigar didn't know.

The generals of the dynasty also did not know.

Because among the troops that have not yet retreated, even if all the air forces are assembled, they can only gather 1.5.

Compared with the Royal Army, this kind of quantity is almost no different from that given away for nothing.

"Your Majesty, please make a decision."

An old general gritted his teeth, and finally stepped forward and said, "Dangduan is constantly suffering from the chaos. Now is not the time to hesitate. Only by retreating to the west can we have a chance to make a comeback. If we lose here, the dynasty will be over."

The old king didn't answer.

The war has come to this point, and there is no other way.

Even though this order seems quite cruel, and may even bring infamy in the future, as the king of a country, he must issue this extremely cruel order. This is a responsibility he should bear while enjoying his rights.


The deep voice of King Saint Laurent XVIII echoed throughout the conference room: "All the royal legions, the heavy armored divisions of each group army, the elite divisions, and all magicians and professionals board the boat to cross the river first."


After delaying for a few seconds, the old king issued a second order: "Ordinary Standard Division, the 11th Aviation Corps stayed in Tully City to block the enemy, and covered the retreat of the large troops. After 3 days, they are allowed to retreat on their own."

With two orders issued.

This means that only half of the "elite soldiers" can board the "Noah's Ark" leading to the other shore, while the remaining ordinary soldiers, no, it should be said that they are cannon fodder soldiers must die here.

The strong live and the weak die.

Wei Jia's face was full of sighs, even ordinary soldiers would be left here, let alone those civilians in the chaos of war?
I'm afraid that after two days, Tali City can only be reduced to hell.

After issuing these two orders, the king turned his attention to Garlu and other imperial generals: "Master Mali, Commander Garlu, when the time comes, your army will retreat with our Royal Army."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Garru and Mali looked at each other, and both let out a long breath.

They are also afraid that the Holy Dynasty will abandon them here regardless of morality.

But now it seems that the Holy Dynasty knows that if it wants to make a comeback, it must rely on the empire. Therefore, at this time, it does not dare to offend the empire anyway, and must let the imperial army retreat in line with them.

The meeting ends here.

All the generals, whether it was the dynasty or the empire, hurried out of the conference room and began to organize their troops silently, preparing to retreat to the west overnight.

Veigar was the last to leave the meeting room other than the king.

His troops have gone through several battles, and now there are less than 6000 people left. There is nothing to sort out. When the time comes, one order will definitely be more mobile than any division, so he is the only one here who is the most leisurely.

Therefore, Veigar happened to hear the conversation between the princess and the king when he walked out the door.

"Grandpa, is there any chance for us to come back?"

"Sia will have such a day."

The king's eyes showed sadness: "But I probably won't see that day. You must grow up quickly and lead our soldiers to victory. You will be the greatest hope for the restoration of the Holy Dynasty in the millennia."

"Grandpa, I will work hard."

Shia's eyes showed firmness, and Vega left the meeting room calmly.

Although there are countless doubts in my heart, I still seldom inquire about other people's internal affairs. Sometimes it is not a good thing to know more. The most important thing now is to follow the large army back to the empire.

Early the next morning.

Veigar saw that the entire Tali City was busy.

Most of the standard troops headed to the Tully Grand Canyon to build the first line of defense, the other part stayed in Tully City to build the second line of defense, and the rest of the elite troops marched towards the port dozens of kilometers west of Tully City.

Of course, in order to stabilize the morale of the army.

Naturally, it is impossible to speak out about the abandonment of ordinary troops and the preservation of the elite troops. The army of the dynasty secretly controlled public opinion, and the elite troops began to be transported to the west one by one.

The Royal Legion and the Imperial Army are scheduled for the next day.

In short, the last of the elite troops to leave the East.

This is of course to stabilize the morale of the army. If other armies know that the Royal Legion and the royal family have left the east, then the morale of the first line of defense and the army defending Tully City will inevitably be low, and even riots will occur.

Wait until all the elite troops have been relocated.

Then the Royal Legion can board the "Noah's Ark" openly. As for the life and death of the rest of the troops, it has nothing to do with them. With the strength of the United Kingdom, they dare not cross the Dunbu River and stretch the battle line too long.

Also at this time.

The blocking battle in the Tully Grand Canyon officially started.

Since the air force was unable to magically bomb the interior of the Grand Canyon, this war between the Kingdom and the Dynasty was extremely cruel. Almost every inch of the land was stained red with blood.

After a day and a night, the first line of defense fell.

The Dynasty Army only invested a small number of magicians and professional troops in the canyon blocking battle, while the Kingdom Army sent out several legion elites. Therefore, even without the support of the Air Force, the Army can still rely on the Army to break through the line of defense.

Due to the unequal high-level force of the two sides.

Large-scale casualties made deserters gradually appear, so new problems came.

The Royal Army's attack speed is too fast. Judging from the current situation, the second line of defense may not be able to defend the opponent for half a day, but the Royal Army and the Imperial Army have just begun to prepare to cross the river.

(End of this chapter)

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