Mage Veja

Chapter 301 Supreme

Chapter 301 Supreme
Tully Harbor.

A large military ship is docked here.

Now the 15 elite troops of the Dynasty Army have safely crossed the Donbu River and reached the west bank for defense.

But the most serious problem encountered now is that the defense line collapsed too quickly, and the more than 10 soldiers of the Royal Legion and the more than 5 soldiers of the Imperial Army have not had time to retreat.

"Report to His Majesty."

The old general said in a trembling tone: "The Royal Army has launched an attack on Tali City. Judging from the current battle situation, it is very difficult to hold on for a day. Please retreat immediately, Your Majesty."

"How many warships are docking at the port now?"

"There are only about 13 large warships."

The old general paused for a moment, and then continued: "Based on the current time, the 13 warships can only carry out one round-trip transportation at most, and each warship can transport about 5000 soldiers, which can accommodate 13 people to evacuate. .”

After listening to the report, with sad eyes.

Saint Laurent XVIII looked at the dark Royal Legion in front of him. The Royal Legion, which was left until the end to stabilize the morale of the army, might have lost 1/3 of it here, which made him not feel sad.

These are counterattack chips.

But now is not the time for women's benevolence, Saint Laurent XVIII slowly closed his eyes, and then a difficult voice came out of his mouth: "Let the 6th, 8th, and 9th divisions go to Tully City to garrison, I believe there are The addition of the Royal Legion can give the troops on the front line a shot of stimulant."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The old general was the first to convey the order.

This means that the entire Royal Legion is about 15 people, and 5 people will be left on the east bank. At the same time, the addition of these 5 people can ensure that there will be no major mistakes in the next plan.

But hearing Vega here, he couldn't help but sink in his heart.

Judging from the current situation, there are only 13 places to retreat, and the Royal Legion of the Dynasty Army occupies 10/13, so how to allocate the remaining [-] places?

1st, 2nd, 4th divisions, and his independent brigade.

These 4 troops have a total of 5.4 people. If there are only 3 places, it means that 2.4 people need to be abandoned here...

So what Vega was most worried about happened.

The old king Saint Laurent XVIII came to the 1st Division Commander Mali and the 4th Division Commander Garroux and said: "Your army, please retreat immediately with me, but there is such a flaw in the plan, I can only give your army 3 retreats." I'm really sorry about the quota."

Mari and Garru, the supreme commanders of the Imperial Army, fell silent.

If it wasn't the Royal Legion who crossed the river, the Dynasty dared to give them only 3 places, and they wouldn't do anything, but they would not dare to make progress anyway if they gave up 3 places to the other side to abandon the Royal Legion.

What should I do now?
The two looked at each other, and took aim at Veigar at the same time.

This is also a matter of course. Veigar has just arrived in the east, and the contacts here have not yet started to operate. Naturally, it is impossible for anyone to speak for him. In addition, there are only 6000 remnant soldiers left in Veigar's army. for what?

Survival of the fittest, coupled with xenophobic thinking.

The 4th Division Commander Garlu came to Vega: "General Vega, you have seen the current situation, you are the only commander here who has the most experience in fighting against the Kingdom Army, so I would like to invite you to stop the enemy in Tuli City Army. I believe that with your commanding ability, you will be able to retreat unscathed after the blocking battle is over."

"Yes, yes, in terms of command ability, I only obey you, Brigadier Vega."

"If it's General Veigar, there must be no problem."

Mari and several other division commanders echoed: "In order to allow you, Brigadier General Vega, to retreat unscathed, each of our divisions will allocate some troops to assist you. After 24 hours, you can retreat at any time."

Such a high-sounding word, Veigar sneered.

Just say a few nice words and make him work hard?
What about military assistance? This is just a favor with the troops that cannot be taken away.

Therefore, he immediately refused: "Sorry, please allow me to refuse this mission. The commander-in-chief's order to me is to open a retreat channel, not to let me come here to die."

"Your Excellency, this is an order!"

Garru's original friendly expression was put away in an instant, and he looked down at Veigar condescendingly: "Don't forget that I am the supreme commander of this support mission, you have no right to refuse my order."

"Good good."

Veigar gritted his teeth and spat out three words.

If it was the order of Mali, the commander of the 1st Division, he could still use his lack of control to get past it.

But he couldn't ignore the order of the 4th Division Commander Garlu. Once he disobeyed this order, he would be considered as returning to the Empire. The people who greeted him were probably not the people of the Seventh Army, but the court-martial of the trial system.

Therefore, he can only obey and cannot resist.

And even if he disobeyed the order, the dynasty army would not give him the quota to cross the river. No one would take him seriously as a brigadier general. After all, these ship resources were all controlled by the holy dynasty.

"Subordinate to obey!"

Four words popped out of Veigar's mouth, he snorted and turned to leave.

There is no doubt that he was abandoned again.

This is how many times he was abandoned by the empire?

After careful calculation, he found that there were too many to count.

From the third army in the north of the empire all the way to the seventh army in the east, his status has also been promoted from an unknown recruit to a brigadier general and a division-level officer with more than ten million people.

But ah-

Veigar found sadly that even at this point, he still couldn't get rid of the fate of being abandoned by the empire.

Is his land not high enough?

The empire has less than a thousand generals, but its population is close to one billion. It is not too much to say that it is more than hundreds of millions of people.

Is he not strong enough?
There are only 80 magicians and professionals combined, of which there are less than a thousand high-level magicians. This number is too rare for the citizens of the empire in units of billions.

"But ah!"

Vega's eyes are extremely deep: "As long as my strength is not the strongest, as long as my status is not the highest, then I will never be able to escape the fate of being betrayed and abandoned. Survival of the fittest is the eternal theme in this world."

As high as the head of state.

Xeon is as strong as a star magician.

For these two kinds of people, only they abandon others, and no one dares to abandon and betray them.

No matter which circle you are in, this is the most true rule of the game.

Either achieve the highest, or humble obedience.

Now that he was in this realm, Veigar had no choice.

With any luck.

After the large army crossed the river, he could find a way out and retreat.

If you are unlucky...

Vega clenched the crossed long sword in his hand, even if he was not favored by fate, he would definitely live on, and then use his own way to achieve the highest, how could he stay in such a place in pursuit of a comfortable life.

(End of this chapter)

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