Mage Veja

Chapter 311 Bloodthirsty Legion

Chapter 311 Bloodthirsty Legion
The crushing battle is over.

When Menno, head of the Kingdom Legion, saw the white flag of surrender being knocked down, he knew that what followed was destined not to be a battle of glory, but a one-sided massacre, and they became a tool for the enemy to vent.

Menno curled up against the corner.

He watched flames falling from the airship one after another, but they didn't even have basic air defense force. The whole army consisted of a professional squadron, and they died under the cover of magic as soon as they met each other.

As for the magician?
There is only one magician in a standard regiment.

Even in a reinforced group like him, there are only three magicians. Among these three magicians, there is no such scarce item as a magician, so under the intensive care of Vega's shadow magician team, the number of dead is even higher than that of those magicians. Professionals are faster.

The killing game is drawing to a close.

Menno doesn't know whether he will die, but he can be sure that he will not be able to resist fate in the future.But even if it was death, he still wanted to know which faction this army belonged to and where it came from.

And, what if he could escape?

Even if there was only a [-]% chance, he decided to do something.

With this belief.

Menno picked up a long cross sword, and he stumbled towards the gate like a frightened lamb. Although he knew that the sword in his hand was not very useful, at least it could bring him some sense of spiritual security.

It's close, only a few hundred meters away from the city gate.

When he got closer, Menofa found that the enemy army was attacking the soldiers who put down their weapons and knelt and surrendered.They showed no mercy, their eyes were full of madness, and they even stabbed their spears back and forth at the lifeless corpses.

Laughing, cursing, tyrannical...

All kinds of negative emotions are flooding this war. In Menno's eyes, these people are no longer human.

And what words should be used to describe an army that is inhumane and thirsty for blood——


This is a legion from hell.

Treating life as a child's play, disregarding death, eager to kill and violence... Such an army does not exist in this world at all, this is completely a demon army from hell.

Just when Menno was scared in place.

A level 5 trainee professional from the regiment came out, and Menno remembered this big man.He is the most powerful professional in the regiment, holding the best magic weapon in the regiment, not only stayed in the vanguard army, but also experienced more than a dozen battles.

It is no exaggeration to say that he was born with a murderous look.

Even Menno himself didn't dare to look him in the eye, every time his eyes met, he had the illusion that he was going to die.

Such a powerful enemy, no matter how brave the enemy army is, they must retreat far away, right?

Menno once again had the courage to take up the crossed long sword and flee. If he followed such soldiers, he might be able to escape.No matter what, he must live on, and do everything possible to survive.

But Menno, who had just stepped out of the shadows, stopped again.

What did he see?
The ordinary soldiers of the Imperial Army not only did not flinch from the tall and powerful professionals who held the best magic weapons in the regiment and could kill with their eyes, but excitedly raised their spears and rushed towards the level 5 trainee professionals.

A mayfly shakes a tree, but a mantis turns into a cart?
Menno could not understand such senseless behavior.

And why?
These ordinary soldiers are not afraid at all when they see a powerful professional. Instead, they voluntarily rush towards the professional without orders. Are they really not afraid of death?

Veigar's forces speak for themselves.

Even in the face of powerful professionals, they still hug each other.The red-eyed soldiers didn't know that explanation was fear. They only knew that they wanted to kill all the enemies wearing the kingdom's uniform, venting their anger after repeated defeats and those who were chased hid in the deep mountains and old forests.

bang bang bang-

There was the sound of metal tools intersecting.

The level 5 trainee professional showed pride and chopped melons and vegetables to the ordinary soldiers in front of him.

At this time, Vega, who was about to enter the city of Silverpine, discovered the movement here.

A soldier reported to him: "Master Brigadier, the enemy army is basically dead, but there is still a level 5 trainee professional still fighting at the city gate. May I ask if we should send magicians or professionals to deal with the enemy?"

Vega was silent for a moment.

Then he said to the scout: "Notify any magicians and professionals not to make a move. Let the ordinary soldiers solve this matter. We just need to watch quietly."

So Vega boarded the tower and looked down at the big show from a height.

But when he boarded the tower, the level 5 trainee professional was surrounded by corpses, more than 80 in number, but it could be seen that the magic defense of this professional had weakened a bit.

Not only that.

Not only did the massive deaths of the imperial army not make the soldiers back down, these bloody soldiers... no, it should be said that they were thugs.

If the magician is surrounded, there is still hope of escape.

But when a professional is besieged, even if it is a low-level or middle-level professional, the only thing waiting for him is death.

The magic power of this level 5 trainee professional gradually dried up.

When more than 200 people were killed or injured, the magic defense of this level 5 trainee professional was declared broken, and five or six standard long spears pierced his body.

This level 5 trainee never thought that one day he would die in such a humiliating way.

How could he die at the hands of ordinary soldiers?

"Victory! Victory! Victory!"

As the last soldier fell, the cheers of mountains and tsunami resounded through the city of Silverpine. They shouted the number of the troops. sense of belonging.

They defeated the powerful professional!
The body of a level 5 trainee professional was hanged on the city gate spontaneously by the soldiers.

The tragic scene before the death made the soldiers couldn't help but look at it again and again.

The corpses of the enemies were piled up at the city gate and cremated collectively.

The flames soaring into the sky and the burning smell in the air made the soldiers couldn't help shouting "victory" again.

"Devil, devil..."

In the dark, Menno's stomach was churning, and he was about to vomit out bile.

Picking up the crossed long sword, Mennuo dared not move towards the city gate anymore. After he took off his military uniform, he turned around and walked towards the city. Now he was full of motivation to escape——

Even if it is suicide, it must not fall into the hands of these devils.

Having failed to capture the enemy commander, Veigar wanted to order a citywide search, but another incident caught his attention, so much so that he put it aside for the time being.

According to the report of the Shadow Mage team.

They surrounded a man and a woman who were suspected to be important figures in the dynasty. The basis for their judgment was that only people with royal blood in the holy dynasty would have the girl's elf-like sharp ears.

(End of this chapter)

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