Mage Veja

Chapter 312 1 Trial Depth

Chapter 312


pointed ears.

These two elements directly made Vega think of a crucial person——

Princess Sia Saint Laurent.

The reason why he dares to be so sure is because pointed ears are a characteristic of the blood of the royal family.

In the Holy Dynasty, although civilians also had slightly pointed ears, those pointed ears were only slightly protruding, and they couldn't be seen without close observation.

And so on.

The more noble the bloodline, the closer to the royal family, the more obvious the characteristics of the ears.From the nobles of the holy dynasty to the ordinary civilians, the characteristics of ears can be used to judge whether a person has a high status.

According to Vega's understanding.

Regardless of whether it is the direct line of the royal family or the side branch, the yang has always been prosperous and the yin is weak. In the entire royal line, there is only one woman, Princess Shia, and the rest are all men.

From this, Veigar can infer that the shadow mage team must be surrounded by Shia, and Shia has one thing that Vega wants most, that is, the key factor related to his promotion to the next professional - the awakening potion.

So he ignored the commander who searched the kingdom, and followed the scouts to the scene of the incident.

After a few minutes.

Veigar came near the granary.

At first glance, he saw the knight Carol protecting Princess Shia behind him, and at the same time a squadron of professionals surrounded the two of them, and of course there was a shadow mage lurking in the dark.

With Carol's strength, it may be difficult to defeat so many people, but it is easy to kill a group of people and escape. Unfortunately, the shadow mage in the dark restrained his steps.

Carol didn't dare to gamble.

If he left Shia's radius of one meter without authorization, then he would not have the confidence to guarantee Shia's safety. Therefore, even if he was stronger than Carol, he could only let teams of professionals surround him without the slightest solution.

"Soldier, answer me, who is your commander!"

Carol yelled at the professionals who surrounded him: "If your chief is that brat Vega, let him come to see me, I want to see how brave he is, how dare he allow his subordinates to surround me and my princess?" Your Highness."

No one answered Carol's words.

High-level armed forces have received professional training, and they will not behave like ordinary soldiers. Therefore, even if Carol guessed that Vegar was the commander of this force, no one gave him an answer.

"General, are we going there?"

Seeing that Vega was unmoved, the adjutant Yi Luo couldn't help reminding: "We are still allies with the dynasty. Isn't it too much to surround them like this, not to mention that everyone's common enemy at this stage is the United Kingdom."

"Let the professional troops launch an attack, and the shadow mage is on standby."

Veigar thought for a while, and finally planned to test Carol's strength. Although they were not enemies, Veigar still wanted to have more information on enemies he could not defeat, just in case.

As for the casualties of soldiers?
Now that the real situation is stronger than people, Veigar does not believe that Carol dared to kill his soldiers without authorization when he guessed that it was his army. The initiative is on Veigar's side from beginning to end, tearing The consequences of being cheeky are self-evident.

Veigar stayed in the shadows while the Professionals launched their attacks.

This situation shocked Carol directly.

He didn't expect that the enemy would really dare to launch an attack. Could it be that this wasn't Veigar's army?But according to his information, the only two remaining forces in the eastern part of the dynasty are the Imperial Army led by Admiral Callison and Vega.

He was not allowed to think too much at the scene.

With the professional attacking, Carol could only defend passively.

He used mid-level combat skills to knock out the professionals one by one, but he didn't dare to use mid-level magic weapons. Just like the Vega phenomenon, Carol didn't dare to kill any of the professionals.

Once there is a human life, I am afraid that it will not be good at that time.

Therefore, he can only hope that the commander of this army will appear soon, otherwise if the princess dies here, even if he kills all the people here, it will not help.

"He can't hold it anymore, everyone work harder."

Sharp-eyed people noticed that Carol's mage's shield seemed to have become thinner, so they stepped up the attack, and because Carol had to fight while protecting the princess, the magic power consumption was 3 or 4 times that of usual.

Under such a high-intensity battle, even he couldn't stand it.


Carol gasped heavily, and his eyes wandered around, hoping to find a breakthrough to escape. Unfortunately, after hearing the news, more and more professionals came, and all escape routes were blocked.

Let alone bring Princess Shia now.

Even if you don't bring Princess Shia with you, you can't escape birth and ascend to heaven if you use tricks. After this net is covered, any magician will have to wait for death obediently, and Vega almost knows how much Carol really has. powerful.

The maximum output of magic power is 2.5 hours.

If the factor of Princess Shia is removed, the output can last for about 6-7 hours.

During the period, 37 professionals below the lower ranks passed out. The fainting here can be converted into death x2, and the overall strength can probably reach the point where one enemy is 74.

Get rid of Princess Shia, add middle-level magic weapons, and shadow magic.

Veigar can probably deduce that Carol alone can kill a standard professional brigade. As for the magician, it is too powerful to experiment, so it is not clear for the time being.

But as long as the Word Spirit Mage is deployed, Veigar believes that Carol cannot fight a team of mages.

Therefore, after this trial, Veigar probably knew clearly that his overall strength including battery life, attack, and defense... was only half of Carol's.

In the case of heads-up, whether it is a protracted battle or a power confrontation, he may not be Carroll's opponent.

If Carroll came to assassinate him, he probably wouldn't be able to resist.


Veigar is on the battlefield, and his troops are constantly delivering magic power and spiritual power to him, or there is a team of elemental mages equipped with word spirit mages who follow him 24 hours a day.

Regardless of the former and the latter, there are too many chances.

Therefore, Vega listed Carol as one of the most vigilant characters. The apprentice of this star magician is definitely not simple.

As for killing Carol now?

It's not that Veigar didn't think about it, but considering that he still wants to hang out in the empire and maintain a friendly relationship with the dynasty, he can only give up this idea on the spot. It's easy to kill a person, but how to deal with the aftermath is difficult.

After thinking about all this, Veigar walked over from a distance.

He pretended to be angry and shouted: "Stop it!"

A roar made the noisy scene instantly quiet, and Veigar walked in front of Carol under the stars.

He had a surprised expression on his face, and then said with a heartbroken look: "Isn't this the guardian knight of Carol? Although I know you are powerful, you still put my subordinates down in front of so many people." , How can I explain to everyone?"


Carol's face was full of anger, and he was almost attacked again by Vega's villains.

At the same time, he also vaguely guessed the truth of some things.

Carol squinted his eyes and looked at Veigar: "Little devil, you should have come here a long time ago, and you hid on purpose to watch my jokes."

"Cough cough cough..."

Veigar coughed twice, and then said in a vowed tone: "Master Carol, why did you say that, the Empire and the Dynasty have always been allies, and the last breakout battle was with your country's Admiral Callison. Very happy, how could I order my subordinates to do such a thing to Her Royal Highness, it is only because of your strength that I regard you as an enemy."

"Hmph, do you think I'll believe it?"


Wei Jia patted his chest, with a look of please believe me, and finally bowed to the princess: "Your Highness, I would like to extend my most sincere apology to you. You are as noble and smart as you, and you will definitely believe that I didn't do it on purpose. .”

Veigar's serious appearance almost convinced Carol.

But he found that Veigar's gaze was always on Princess Sia Saint Laurent's chest, which made Carol finally determine that Veigar was avenging his own personal revenge and wanted to embarrass him in front of Her Majesty the Princess.

(End of this chapter)

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