Mage Veja

Chapter 350

Chapter 350
Saint Laurent City, West Street.

This is the most chaotic and poorest area of ​​Saint Laurent, and it is also the favorite place for some underground organizations to set up strongholds.

Because chaos is a natural camouflage, although the officials of the dynasty once encircled and suppressed this place, the underground organization is deeply rooted and hidden from the people, so it can only be ignored in the end.

half a month ago.

The two organizations unified the West Street with the momentum of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, and finally after a fight, they found that their strengths were almost the same, and each had half of the country.

The power of these two organizations is self-evident.

The first organization belongs to the Great Prince's forces on the west bank of the dynasty, and even now they haven't given up on assassinating Xi Ya.

The second organization belonged to the Kingdom Army. When they could not attack from the outside, they tried to take the city of Saint Laurent by adopting a strategy of cooperating from the inside and the outside. Unfortunately, the number of magicians and professionals mixed into the city was really limited, and it was impossible to achieve success at all.

But now, they have a common goal——

Princess Shia.

Especially the power of the eldest prince, the last thing they want to see is Xi Ya being crowned emperor.

Rogge, the median elemental magician at the head of the conference table, glanced around the crowd: "Everyone, the situation has become so serious that we cannot control it. If the ceremony cannot be disrupted this time, I don't think I need to say more about the outcome, right?"

The result is obvious - death.

Therefore, a group of professionals and magicians, a total of 20 people, all showed their determination.

This time, the plan must be successful no matter what, not only for the lives of himself and his family, but more importantly, to help the First Prince ascend the throne. Only His Highness the First Prince is the one who will lead the dynasty to victory.

"For the dynasty, for His Highness the First Prince."

A group of mages and professionals made an oath that after 6 days, they will participate in this plan with the determination to die, but this time the plan is not completely without chance of success, because——

The one on the main seat is a real mid-level magician.

As a veteran middle-level fire elemental mage, Rogge is proficient in two middle-level middle-level magics, one is the middle-level magic fire meteor used in warfare, and the other is the magical flame giant for single-target attacks.

The first one is nothing to be proud of, because it is the most widely spread standard magic.

But the second magic is not so simple. This is a magic rune page that Rogge accidentally obtained from an ancient ruin, which originated from ancient times.This is a genuine ancient fire magic, and it is also the capital where he can be proud of other mid-level elemental mages.

What kind of power does this magic possess?
Immortal, unstoppable, these eight characters perfectly explain how powerful it is in war.

In the opinion of the middle mage Rogge.

Unless the opponent's camp has a high-level magician, it is impossible to stop him from magic.

With the help of the flame giant and Huoyun, he is sure to make a big fuss at the coronation ceremony.

He had already made a plan. It would be gratifying if he could directly kill Shia, and if he couldn't kill him, it would be fine to make the whole ceremony a farce.

As an elemental mage who has mastered two mid-level magic, Rogge still has the confidence in this.

at the same time.

Although the underground organization controlled by the Kingdom Army is not as powerful as the forces in the West Bank, and it doesn't mean that there are middle-level magicians, they do have a natural advantage.

The Royal Army is just outside the city.

So in order to prevent this coronation, they have made double preparations.

The person in charge is the next shadow mage, Rocky. He looked at the 35 people present with cold eyes and said: "After receiving the order from the military department, our army will launch the largest siege battle to cover our actions in 6 days. The garrison force of the ceremony was forced to move to the front line for city defense warfare, and it was time for us to act."

"Yes, Sir Company Commander."

Thirty-five people responded immediately, and they knew very well that if Sia was crowned emperor at this time, civilians, soldiers, magicians, and professionals from all over the world would definitely try their best to gather at Saint Laurent and launch an unprecedented counterattack against them.

"Everyone, the kingdom will surely win, and we will triumph in the end."

Rocky gave a solemn military salute to everyone, even though he knew that if he made a fuss on his territory, he would die miserably, but they had no choice. Even if they couldn't kill Shia, they had to destroy the coronation ceremony.


All parties are in action.

Of course, Veigar will not do nothing.

He is used to scheming, and he would not naively think that the enemy would just watch Sia being crowned emperor. Now Vega estimates that there are at least two to five forces trying to disrupt the ceremony.

The West Bank and the Kingdom, these two forces can already be determined.

There are probably countless other third-rate forces that are afraid of chaos in the world, but these forces themselves do not pose any threat, and they only need to be on guard. The real thing to be afraid of is the Kingdom and the West Bank.

These two forces are regular armies.

Veija couldn't guarantee whether the other party would send a considerable amount of high-level force to disrupt the ceremony. After all, there were people beyond human beings, and he was not so arrogant that he underestimated the world's mages.


Veigar thought that his life would be in danger, because his troops were seriously insufficient in high-level force, and the kingdom would inevitably launch the largest attack on the day of the ceremony, which required a large number of manpower to be deployed to defend the city.

But you need to know that everything is difficult in the beginning.

The premise of the entire strategic plan is that Xi Ya is crowned as the emperor. Now that he has come to this day, there is no reason to back down, so even if he exhausts all means, he must ensure the perfect ending of the ceremony.

"Send the order down."

Vega told Yiluo: "Put out the advertisement immediately, saying that we have received news that criminals are planning to carry out terrorist attacks on the day of the coronation ceremony. A corner."

"Yes, General."

"and many more."

Vega stopped and prepared to go out to Yiluo: "You will be solely responsible for this matter, but remember that we only need professionals and magicians, and any volunteers must check their innocence."

"Don't worry, General."

According to Vega's instructions, Yiluo posted the advertisements all over the city immediately, and set up a series of temporary departments such as the volunteer guard registration office, review office, training office...etc.

After giving the order, Veigar himself was not idle.

He picked up a crystal bottle, which contained the awakening potion drawn from Shia's pendant.

"It's time to advance to a real next-level professional."

Vega has already realized that six days later there will be a tough battle, and no one can stay out of this tough battle. As the center of the storm, he must also be the most dangerous existence.

"In this world, you can only rely on yourself."

Veigar didn't trust any guards, he only believed in himself, so he drank the bottle of awakening potion in the secret room.

(End of this chapter)

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