Mage Veja

Chapter 351 Cloudy

Chapter 351 Cloudy
Familiar with the road.

Veigar drank the awakening potion taken from the pendant in one gulp.

Due to his past experience, Veigar only felt that the moment the liquid was drawn into his body from his throat, an invisible force began to permeate every corner of his body, and the stagnant upper limit of magic power continued to increase as a result.

Like an inflated balloon.

After the medicine entered the body, the balloon finally couldn't bear the continuous injection of air, and finally exploded.


I don't know how many hours passed, Veigar only felt his head lighten, as if the dawn broke through the night, he was finally promoted to the rank of the next professional.

How do you feel now?

Veigar only felt that his body was full of terrifying explosive power, and the basic attack power had increased by at least 500% compared to the original one.


Veigar discovered that the mid-level combat skill has automatically changed from the incomplete version to the full version. Now with the addition of mid-level combat skills, mid-level magic weapons, and lower-level professional ranks, the attack power of the original ordinary strike can be increased to 2000%. .

This is an extremely scary number.

It means that Veigar can easily break the defensive magic of earth element mages below the lower ranks, and at the same time, he can instantly kill ordinary lower-ranking professionals and magicians of level 1-5 in one face-to-face.


The opponent, like Carol, possessed several mid-level combat skills and mid-level magic weapons.

However, mid-level combat skills are generally not learned by low-level professionals, and secondly, there are so few mid-level magic weapons that only one of a hundred low-level professionals can possess.

In view of this.

In future wars, Veigar is confident that he can ensure his own safety first, and the general team of elemental mages can no longer stop him.

the most important is.

The increase in the upper limit of magic power means that the duration of his various magic and combat skills has been greatly enhanced, except that the magic of Huaying, which relies on divine power and magic power, does not increase the number of fatal blows.

For other magics such as trickery, the time has been doubled.

As long as he can continue to advance, the goal of becoming a Tyrannosaurus Humanoid with a BUFF is no longer far away. Now Vega thinks that he can easily defeat Carol.

Because his middle-level magic weapon is the blade of Dolan.

At that time, Veigar hadn't been promoted to a low-level professional, so he was able to fight Carol 55 times with a Doran's Blade and induced attack. What's more, he has been promoted to a low-level professional now, and his other combat skills and magic have been greatly improved. .

need to know.

The attack power of Dolan's Blade far exceeds that of ordinary mid-level magic weapons, and Vega feels that Dolan's Blade is like this 'extraordinary evil power', and there are still some hidden things that need not be excavated.

In view of this.

Veigar is even more confident that the coronation ceremony will be successfully concluded in a few days.

He picked up Dolan's blade and waved it: "Carol, the coronation ceremony is five days later, I hope you will not be my enemy."

Apart from the two main forces, Vega is most worried about Carol.

In this grand ceremony, there is no reason why Carol, the 'former guardian knight', should not appear. If the prediction is correct, Carol will protect Sia from being crowned successfully, and then take advantage of Vega's busy dealing with the enemy to forcibly Take Shia away.

This kind of thing doesn't need proof at all.

Even with his toes, Veigar could guess that Carol would do such a mindless thing.

After the promotion is over.

Veigar walked out of the secret room and asked about the recruitment of volunteer guards.

Yiluo picked up the statistics and reported truthfully: "In two days, more than 50 professionals and magicians have signed up, including 5 magicians and 45 professionals. Organize a volunteer guard of more than 200 people."

"Very well, give them a rough training."

Veija nodded in satisfaction, 200 people is not a small number, this is 1/3 of the total high-level force in Veigar's hands, with this high-level force, the security of the ceremony can be more assured.

"Sure enough I was right."

Veigar became more and more sure that he was doing the right thing. He was able to attract so many professionals and magicians before he was crowned. If he was crowned and became famous all over the world, professionals and magicians from other cities would definitely come to join him.


5 days passed in a flash.

When the morning sun slowly rises from the east, and the golden crown flag with a white background, which symbolizes the glory of the dynasty, is fluttering in the morning wind on the Royal Plaza, everyone understands——

The emperor of the Holy Dynasty is coming back.

Whether civilians or soldiers, they have been waiting for this day for too long.


The civilians walked towards the Royal Plaza. Today they will have the honor to witness the coronation ceremony of the new emperor, but only the first 20 people can enter the Royal Plaza to watch the ceremony, so they have to get up early.

The city of Saint Laurent is the belief of the dynasty.

The master of the dynasty must also be crowned emperor here.

Especially after suffering from the war, the news that the royal family will be crowned at Saint Laurent is regarded by everyone as a symbol of the rise of the dynasty.The new king will wear the crown of purple and gold and lead them back to their homeland.

"Long live the dynasty!"

"Long live the king!"

"Long live Saint Laurent!"

The streets and alleys were decorated with lights and festoons, and the civilians dug out from the bottom of the old box the golden crown banner of the dynasty on a white background that had been preserved for many years, and spontaneously started the parade ceremony."Long live the dynasty" and "Long live the king" resounded through the sky. This is the only movement in the city of Saint Laurent today.

The dynasty is extremely xenophobic and very united.

In the eyes of commoners, royal blood is a symbol of supremacy, and they crazily worship and respect the royal family.

In history, the rulers of the Holy Dynasty have always been of royal blood, without exception.

The parade went on, the terrible morale building to its peak.

Veigar, who witnessed all this, showed a very surprised expression.

Even he didn't count, just a coronation ceremony, the entire city of Saint Laurent would unexpectedly burst into such a terrifying cohesion. In this country, it seems that if the royal family does not abandon the common people, the common people will never betray the royal family.

"Now, I somewhat hope that the Royal Army will launch an attack today."

Looking at this scene, Veigar couldn't help but feel a little evil. Under this general trend, if the kingdom's 20 troops really dared to attack the city, Veigar would be torn apart by the civilians here.

Several dark corners of the city.

Rogge from the West Bank also swallowed his saliva when he saw this scene. Before, he thought that his enemy was only the Imperial Army commanded by Vega. Now it seems that he was absolutely wrong. Today's enemy is——

Saint Laurent's 2700 million civilians!

At this moment, his confidence in his own strength evaporated.

A Huoyun can kill 500 people, but 500 is like a drop in the ocean here. If he, a mid-level magician, dares to fight against a city of people, he will be crushed into flying ash by this trend.

"Can't win, absolutely can't win."

Rocky, the person in charge of the kingdom's forces, looked as blank as a sheet of paper.

Assassinate the princess under the gaze of tens of millions of eyes?

Even with the 20 troops outside the city, there is no chance of winning.

He already understood that the military had underestimated the cohesion of the dynasty's civilians, and arousing the anger of the whole city on such a cusp was tantamount to provoking the might of a tiger with the body of an ant.

"This battle has no hope of winning at all."

Rocky looked at the dozens of poor people behind him. He really didn't want to fight a war that was not in the same order at all... No, it was a war that was not in the same dimension at all, but as a soldier, he knew that he had to complete this impossible task.

Although there are tens of millions of people, I am going.

With desperation, the forces of all parties launched their own plans.

(End of this chapter)

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