Mage Veja

Chapter 388

Chapter 388
"Commander, are you alright?"

Seeing Tanier's pale face, the adjutant hurriedly asked with concern.

Ever since he was defeated by Vega several times, Tennier's health has deteriorated day by day. After the last attempt at Saint Laurent but failed, he even got seriously ill and almost died in battle.

After several months of recuperation, his body had just recovered a lot, but seeing the scene in front of him again, Tanier's originally rosy face turned pale again, and he once again remembered the fear of being dominated by Veigar.

"It must be that brat...cough cough cough..."

As soon as he got angry, Tenniel couldn't stop coughing. Before he left, he wanted to let that brat a little bit with him on the retreat route.Therefore, he deliberately studied for a day and a night, and finally ignored the advice of everyone, and based on the idea that the most dangerous place is the safest place, he took a risk and chose the best but most dangerous route.

Now it seems that he is still missing a move.

His inner thoughts were completely seen through by that brat, and now in Ed's city, I'm afraid a net has been set up waiting for him to jump in, and it's not good if he doesn't jump.

Because of the urgency of time.

Every day he stayed in the Holy Dynasty, the Dragon City became more dangerous.If the Dragon City is lost and the territory of the kingdom is broken, even if he has an army of 40, with nowhere to go, his entire army will be wiped out.

So this time—

Even if it is a net of heaven and earth, he still has to earn a living to break the net.

He knew very clearly that at this moment he was playing the role of the savior. The so-called savior, even in the situation of ten deaths and no life, must go forward bravely.

Made up his mind, Tennier prepared to put down his binoculars and order the attack.

But at the moment when he was about to put it down, he found a dwarf less than 1.5 meters tall smiling under the banner of the Tower Dynasty. How to describe that smile?



Or... contempt?
contempt!Just contempt!Even though he saw this scene through icy lenses, Tenniel had automatically imagined the contemptuous look in Veigar's eyes, which made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

Even the earth trembles because of 40 people.

But a dwarf less than 1.5 meters dared to show such a contemptuous look in the eyes, what does this mean?
If this gaze is on someone else, Tennier will definitely let the other party know what it means to be overwhelmed, but this contemptuous look in Vega's eyes can only show that the other party has a chance of winning.

When aware of this.

Tenniel could no longer utter a single word of the attack order that he was going to issue. Fantasy and reality are completely different things. Those who say they are not afraid of anything may be as cowardly as a mouse.

Even if time can help him forget everything, but fear has burned his instincts.

So Tenier began to hesitate.

He was sure that Veigar came prepared, and he was sure that he would fall into Veigar's trap if he attacked rashly, and it was not impossible to ruin the entire army here, but this was the only way he had to pass, and he would have to do it. out of options.

"Commander? Commander?"

The adjutant saw that Tanier's face was cloudy and he didn't answer his previous question, so he became more and more worried, and couldn't help but reminded him several times, and the adjutant's voice just helped Tennier out of the daze state.

"Order the whole army to retreat 5 miles and set up camp."

Tennier finally decided to take a break, and it would not be too late to make a choice after thinking about it for one night. After all, the enemy was Vega Carleni, and he had to be more cautious.


Ed City, tower.

"General, the kingdom has withdrawn its troops."

The messenger hurried over and reported to Vega that the kingdom had retreated 5 miles and set up camp.

Hearing this news, Veigar was not surprised.

When a person without the strength to bind a chicken is walking in the depths of a dense forest where he can't see his fingers, and suddenly hears the roar of a tiger, he will be at a loss and run away in a hurry, even if the roar is only from a tape recorder.

No matter how bad the recording was, they didn't have the courage to tell the truth from the fake.

This is why Vega has only 40 soldiers in his hands, but he dares to stand on the tower in front of [-] people to show off his power. Tanier, who was beaten out of his demons, has been completely eaten by Vega. Don't even think about defeating him in this life. a son.

So withdrawal is not a matter of course?

Now, even with the courage of Tanier, he would not dare to attack rashly when he saw his figure. Choosing to stop at this time is probably the second step of calling a group of staff to try to speculate on him.

So what's Veigar's second move?
When Tanier organized a meeting between the staff group and a group of generals in an attempt to find out Vega's second plan, a scout sent a letter to Tanier. Of course, the writer of this letter was Vega.


Tenniel opened the letter and read it back and forth three times, feeling more and more uncertain.

He chose to make the letter public.

This letter probably said that Vega could get out of the way and allow the Kingdom Army to withdraw to the kingdom without a single soldier, but Vega needed to get a toll, so Yotaniel went to Ed City to negotiate.

At the end of the letter, Veigar guarantees Tenniel's safety.

However, Vega's reputation in the Kingdom Army is obviously not very good. This letter has just been published, and everyone hastened to admonish Tanier.

"My lord commander, absolutely not!"

Ingril stood up first and said, "Have you forgotten that little brat's swindling letter? This time, I'm afraid it's another trick of that brat. He must be trying to lure you into the city with the intention of doing something wrong."

"General English is absolutely right."

Alex Soder also quickly advised: "That brat has always been cunning, how can you believe his words?"

"The master will risk his life, this is a taboo in the march."

All the staff officers were extremely excited, for fear that Tanier would do something stupid at this juncture.

And what about Tenniel?

He took a deep breath, and then said, "General English."


"General Alexis Thord."


"You two, follow me to Aidecheng tomorrow."

Tenniel made an unquestionable voice, and there is no doubt that Veigar once again placed a gamble.

This time the gamble was extremely unfair.

First of all, he had to take part in the gamble. Once he chose to ignore the gamble, he could only be blocked by Vega, watching the kingdom be destroyed by the empire, and then he became a masterless army and a rootless duckling, slowly dying.


Veigar didn't need to pay any chips for this gamble, but he had to take his own life as a chip to risk himself.

Of course, the risks are directly proportional to the benefits.

If he wins this gamble, he will be able to return to the kingdom unimpeded, relieve the danger of the kingdom, and even hurt the empire, and lead the empire back.

But if you lose the bet...

Then he will die in the city.

The morale of the 40 troops will also be low because the dragons have no leader. They are likely to be unable to break through the blockade, and watch the United Kingdom of faith in their hearts be removed from the Jialan Continent, and then fall into the darkness of eternal night.

If you don't show up, you will die.

Going to the appointment is likely to die too.

Then it's better to go to the meeting alone and bet on the last game of this life!

He is a gambler.

What qualifications does a gambler who dare not bet his life and throw all his bets call himself a "gambler".

(End of this chapter)

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