Mage Veja

Chapter 389

Chapter 389
Dark clouds overwhelm the city.

The torrential rain in the early morning was a bit unprepared, and Ed City was like a devil's castle under the ink-stained sky.

despite this.

Tenniel still took Ingril and Alex Soder on the road to hell. They didn't bring a single soldier, let alone a guard. They only held a handle that symbolized glory and glory. The crossed sword of power.

Going forward, living towards death.

When this gamble of life, 40 troops, and the country's rise and fall was in front of him, Tenniel calmed down instead.Because when a gambler is afraid of the game, it means that he has lost the meaning of being a gambler.

Such as soldiers dare not take up arms.

As the executioner fears blood.

A soldier who dare not even pick up a weapon must not be a qualified soldier, and an executioner who is afraid of blood is not worthy of the title of executioner.By analogy, when a gambler fears gambling, he is disqualified from continuing to be a gambler.

He, Tenniel, is still a gambler.

Therefore, in this game where everything is gambled, instead of bringing a few guards to deceive oneself and others, it is better to go to the meeting alone, even if you die, you will die generously.

Because there is no shame in being a gambler who loses everything.

Compared with those ordinary people who are timid and have never gambled in their long lives, they have no right to laugh at the gamblers who have gambled everything, and no one knows how much courage the gamblers have put in for this.

With determination and courage.

The three finally stepped into the city and saw Veigar who gave them nightmares.

"Welcome the arrival of the three."

Veigar gave a military salute to the three of them: "I would like to express my highest respect for your courage, and at the same time thank you for your trust in me. During the negotiation, I will guarantee the safety of the three of you."

"The general is polite."

Tanier was generous and looked down at Vega: "I am a 5-star general of the kingdom, and the commander-in-chief of the kingdom's eastern front in the Holy Dynasty. If I don't even have this courage, how can I mobilize the 40 troops under my command?" Soldier!"

A few words of 40 accentuated the tone.

It is self-evident how important this number is.

But at this moment, before Veigar could speak, one of his guards had disdain in his eyes, and he muttered in a low voice: "Hmph, a group of defeated generals dare to show off their might here, if it wasn't for the general's order not to use force..."

"Cough cough!"

Veigar coughed twice, interrupted the soldier, and then said to the three of them: "It's not too late, please come with me, the three of you, let's start negotiating matters."

"Guest as you wish."

The faces of the three of Tanier were humiliated.

As generals under one person and above ten thousand people, they were actually despised by a small guard. This is the greatest humiliation in their lives. If they are still in the army now, they will defend themselves even if they fight to wipe out the whole army dignity.

But after the great anger passed, the three recalled what the guard said.

Through the information accidentally revealed by the guard, it seemed that Veigar had mastered the means to take down their 40 army, which made the hearts of the three sink for no reason, and they fell completely into the passive state of negotiation.

Veigar applauded the guard calmly.

He found that all of his subordinates were really good actors. He just gave a casual order in the morning, and he was able to perform this effect. If it weren't for the war-torn era, he might be able to lead this group of people to switch to filming.


In order to allow himself to take more initiative, Veigar ordered the soldiers to unsheath their long swords, and deployed a large number of troops on the way to the negotiation room.Sen Han's weapon and the bloodthirsty eyes of the soldiers made the three of them feel insecure.

Negotiations have not yet started, they are afraid of three points.

So in such an atmosphere, negotiations began.

What the kingdom needs is self-evident, and that is Veigar to get out of the way and promise not to send troops to prevent them from returning home.

And Veigar also threw out his conditions——

War Airship!

Veigar asked the Kingdom for 200 war airships as tolls, and they must be delivered within two years.

"This is impossible!"

"Your official should know the importance of war airships."

Tanier slapped the table excitedly. Although he thought that Vega would take advantage of the fire, he didn't expect that Vega actually asked for 200 war airships.

What is the concept of 200 war airships?
What needs to be known is that a group army of 15 people is equipped with 100 war airships as standard, which means that 200 war airships are enough to support two group armies.

Even if it is not organized into the group army.

These 200 war airships can independently pull up an aviation army.

The aviation corps is a strategic force for attacking cities and fortresses, and it is the top priority for any country.

In any war, adding one more aviation corps may change the situation of the war. Therefore, the 200 war airships proposed by Vega are even more robbers than robbers. The annual output of the entire United Kingdom is only 50 war airships.

Veigar was not surprised by Tennier's reaction.

As an industry insider, he certainly understands the preciousness of war airships, and he also clearly knows how many war airships the kingdom can produce in a year.

But Veigar really needs this batch of war airships.

Because in the entire Jialan Continent, the Liberty Alliance produced the most war airships, reaching 150 ships a year, followed by the United Kingdom, which produced 50 ships a year, and the Empire was even more miserable, with only 30 ships.

Holy Dynasty?

It is a pity that the Holy Dynasty did not have the technology to manufacture war airships. All the war airships used by their air force depended on imports from various countries. There is a standard air corps.

Therefore, Vega did not intend to let go of this opportunity.

He stood up and said, "I'm a soldier, not a politician or a businessman, so I'll say it straightforwardly, either you sign this free gift agreement, or you come to attack the city openly."


Veigar drew his tone very long: "My boss, General Escal, is in the city of Saint-Laurent...I think the purpose of his visit to the Holy Dynasty this time should not be difficult to guess with the ingenuity of the three of you. Time is running out."

tick tick-

Drops of sweat slid from Tennier's forehead.

The road must be borrowed, but two hundred war airships are too many.

Successive wars have made the kingdom self-sufficient. If Vega is promised, their war airship manufacturing industry will not only have to work for Vega within two years, but also find a way to pay another [-] ships to Vega.

And at this moment Veigar spoke.

He looked at Tennier with a bright smile and said: "After all, I am not a devil. For the sake of the three who believe in me unconditionally, I will sell your face and save 20 war airships, but you have to be in 3 Answer me in minutes."

"After 3 minute..."

A flash of lightning suddenly pierced the sky, and through the window, Veigar's face was illuminated palely: "After 3 minutes...if there is no reply, it will be regarded as your rejection of my friendly proposal. Let's see you on the battlefield."

(End of this chapter)

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