Mage Veja

Chapter 526

Chapter 526
Nineteen big countries.

Among them, there are 8 major countries that have established diplomatic relations with the Free Alliance.

So in other words, don't the other eleven big countries exist as hostility to the Freedom Alliance?
It's either black or white.

In this war-prone world, there is no such thing as a neutral country, because no one can guarantee whether you are reaping the benefits of fishing. If you want to stay out of the matter, you must be the first to perish.

It can be seen from the establishment of nineteen countries in the West and the establishment of hundreds of vassal states.

The Oracle Freedom Alliance does not have absolute dominance in the West, and the West is still in a state of separation among countries. It is no wonder that the Freedom Alliance wants to seize the territory in the east and obtain a large amount of resources to break this situation.

The Liberty Alliance knows this, but doesn't the Empire know it?
Veigar didn't believe that the people in the empire were idiots. If it was him himself, he would definitely adopt a strategy of long-distance and short-term attack, befriending the hostile countries of the Freedom Alliance in the west of the continent, and let these hostile countries contain the alliance.


Here, the empire can find a suitable opportunity to use force against the kingdom first, then annex the sacred dynasty that has already been acquired, and finally complete the unification of the east, and then use the layout in the west to attack the nine countries including the Freedom Alliance.

Veigar stared at the world map, it seemed that the map was more beautiful than the fairies next to him.

This staring lasted for an entire hour. Vega's motionless appearance made the elf girl Hestley on the side want to ask but did not dare to ask. However, when the time came to an hour and thirty minutes, Vega Finally regained consciousness.

He waved his hand and signaled the two girls to leave the room.

Then Veigar walked back and forth in the room for two steps before muttering to himself, "If I were the think tank of the empire, how would I solve the current predicament?"

Asked myself again.

Then, based on the premise of this joint operation, the dynasty and the alliance are the main force, and finally came to a conclusion——

First, find a way to recover the 80 main forces that are deeply trapped in the United Kingdom's front.

Second, find a way to drag the entire continent into the water and keep any country out of the matter, so as to distract the Freedom Alliance's attention, and finally achieve the goal of fishing in troubled waters.

If the empire still retains a considerable number of hole cards.

Then this kind of melee is what the empire is most willing to prejudice, and the final winner must be the empire.

"It can't be delayed any longer."

War has always been a race against time, and Veigar realized the seriousness of the matter.

He must now unite with other countries to launch an attack on the empire in advance before the empire completes the withdrawal of 80 main forces, unite with the western countries to delay the layout of the Freedom Alliance, and strive to occupy strategic points that make it impossible for the empire to turn around in a short period of time, and then use these strategies The point is to completely destroy the empire within a few years.

The only thing that makes Vega fortunate is that there is a kingdom holding back the 80 main force of the empire.

If this war of annihilating the country is compared to a game of chess, then there is no doubt that the 80 main force is the most important piece that can turn the chessboard. If this piece is completed, there will be no worries in the country and the layout of the world. If this piece cannot be withdrawn, it will return. There is no skill in the sky, and the dead end is set.

So on the day.

Vega ordered to recover all the troops that were performing missions or conducting field training, and reorganized them into 5 army groups, with a total of 50 people, and issued national debts to the whole country in the name of the queen to ensure sufficient military expenditures for this war.


Veigar conducts public opinion guidance across the country, packaging this war as a war of justice and a war of revenge, so as to gain the support of all subjects in the country. After all, occupying righteousness can always do whatever it wants.

At last.

Vega sent a letter to the allied countries, agreeing to launch this battle in one month - the four kingdoms defeating the emperor.

This time, Vega is still fighting on two fronts from the north of the empire and the east of the empire. The northern front is the main one. The first strategic point that he wants to seize is the northern city of Kareni, and the eastern front is supplemented, mainly to contain and attract attention.

If the empire is split in the middle and divided into east and west, Veigar is in charge of the east.

On the contrary, the main force in charge of the west is the Freedom League.

This time, the Liberty Alliance will raise 100 million troops to cross the Jalan Mountains, borrow the Principality of Baya from the southwest and northwest, and directly attack the Empire from the Sunset Fortress and the Belarus Grand Canyon. Without the natural barrier of the vassal state, the alliance will be able to cross the mountains. It can directly threaten the borders of the empire.

What about the Principality of Baya?
Considering the current situation of the Principality of Baya and the United Kingdom, the two countries acted as auxiliary forces this time. The Principality of Baya formed an army of 30 troops to be responsible for the flexible support and blocking tasks of this joint operation.

Support includes strategic support and logistical support.

Don't forget that the Principality of Baya still has two air forces, and these two air forces are flexible enough to complete support tasks very well.

And finally the United Kingdom.

There are not many things that the United Kingdom needs to do, and that is to contain the empire's 80 troops in the country. This is their main task. As for the secondary task, it is to provide aviation support at any time. The Kingdom still retains a considerable aviation force.

After making these pre-war preparations, ten days have passed.

Now the battle is barely able to be fought, and the next thing to do is to do everything according to the destiny, wait for the empire to reveal their cards one by one, and then see the tricks.

But now there is a problem that has to be solved.

With the current economic strength of the Holy Dynasty, there would be no problem if they only fought on one front. After all, such a new thing as national debt really made Veigar heal a mouthful of blood, but it seemed a bit powerless to attack the southeast of the empire at the same time.

This powerlessness is not only due to economic reasons, but also insufficient military strength.

In the current dynasty, there are only about 60 troops capable of fighting in the First World War, of which 50 will go with Vega to the imperial city of Kareni, and the other 10 will stay in the country to be responsible for national defense. So is it necessary to send reserves to the eastern front of the enemy country?
That's no different from dying.


Now that the dynasty is fighting from east to west, there are about 4 standard air forces, three of which go to the northern Kareni front with Vega, and the remaining one stays in the country. So where will the enemy's eastern front go to find the air force?

This time, unlike the last time, just to scare people, it is enough to send the army to the border for a walk.

This time, it is necessary to attack the city of Elchea with real swords and guns to contain the main force of the empire in the east. Sending troops without combat effectiveness will make the opponent more courageous and improve their combat effectiveness and morale.

No diamonds, no porcelain work.

In fact, there is indeed a force in the country that wants money and money, people and people, and can even get scarce things like war airships. This force is of course the old aristocracy.

The heritage accumulated by the old aristocrats is incalculable.

This is why Vega only dared to weaken the old aristocratic forces by boiling frogs in warm water, but did not dare to openly uproot the old aristocratic forces without excuses.

Now this force is dominated by Okasos.

But almost no one objected to Okasos' orders, because Okasos was originally a great nobleman of the dynasty.

Therefore, in this two-line battle, Vega intends to let Ocasos personally lead people to attack the eastern part of the empire, and Vega is also sure that Ocasos will temporarily put aside his conflicts and unanimously speak out. After all, his loyalty to the royal family is beyond doubt.

(End of this chapter)

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