Mage Veja

Chapter 527 1 To the outside world

Chapter 527 Unanimous

creak creak-

A gorgeous carriage drove towards East Street, with the pansy pattern symbolizing the royal family tattooed on the carriage, and now there are only two people in the entire dynasty who are qualified to use this pattern.

One is Queen Sia Saint Laurent.

The other is without a doubt the Queen's husband, Vega Saint Laurent.

The purpose of Vega's trip is the residence of Ocasus Saint Laurent, Minister of Defense and Star Mage. He needs to persuade Ocasos to temporarily put aside the contradictions between them today, and first adopt a consistent external strategy.

This has two advantages for Veigar.

The first aspect, of course, is to let Okasos contain the entire eastern defenders of the empire without a single soldier, making the empire unable to go all the way north to support the city of Kareni, and hinder Vega from capturing the strategic point of Kareni.


This is actually Veigar's plan to delay the attack.

Because Vega knew very well that with his current strength, he couldn't defeat Okasos at all, and leaving Okasos in Saint Laurent, and Vega was afraid that he would be disadvantageous to Shia, or take the opportunity to control Shia, this was simply a ticking time bomb.

But sending Ocasus to the Empire's Eastern Front was different.

Taking advantage of this war, Veigar can raise the rank of the magician to his heart's content, and even find some special and quite practical shadow magic rune pages. When he is strong enough to fight against the star position, he can give Okasos a big "surprise" .

Of course, everything has pros and cons.

If all of this matter is beneficial to Vega, but not to Okasos, then I am afraid that only a fool will obediently listen to your words and form an army to fight against the Imperial Army.

After all, they are both thousand-year-old foxes, and they still play chat with each other.

Everything is just what they need, the difference is only who is more calculating and who is more simple.

So for Okasos.

This time is the best time to form and control your own army with integrity.

Because the army formed by Okasos, even if Vega was the military commander in name, he could not interfere with that army. The other party did not dare to disobey the order openly, but he didn't have the slightest temper if he wanted to violate Vega.

And military power is a must for overthrowing the regime.

For example, if you are a powerful star mage and conquer a small town by yourself, but you find that no one guards and maintains the city's operation, then is it all useless?
When the time comes, you leave the city to capture the next city.

Then as long as the enemy is not stupid, he will take advantage of this gap to make a comeback and take back the city.

The other aspect is the income from the war.

This time it was a war of annihilation, which meant that it was almost impossible to let go of the captured territories and plundered resources. Although Ocasos could obtain much that belonged to the country in name, it must have been in his own pocket in fact.

With resources and territory, you can continue to develop the army.

With the full support of the noble forces, Ocasos has almost no shortage of talents to manage the army. Although these talents cannot be compared with the officers who graduated from the military academies of the empire and the kingdom, basic management can still be done.

The last benefit is prestige.

Although Okasos's reputation is one of the best in the dynasty, but because of Vega's sudden birth and his status as a prince, it has completely surpassed Okasos' personal reputation in the dynasty. Therefore, if Vega loses in this war, he will sing all the way, Then it must surpass Vega again in evaluation.

Even if Veigar didn't fight any defeats.

Then he must also lead the army to show his sense of existence, so as not to be separated by a huge distance from Vega in the evaluation of the people, and it will be difficult to deal with it when it is too big to be compared.

Therefore, on the premise that the two are well aware of the pros and cons.

Vega entered the mansion, sat opposite to Ocasos, and after being glared at by Carol, he said to Ocasos straight to the point: "May I ask Mr. Ocasos, what do you think about my proposal? Waiting for the flames to rise here. At this time, please understand the righteousness, and for the sake of the rise of the dynasty, put aside the past for the time being, and join hands in fighting."

"Please allow me to think about it."

Okasos didn't agree to Vega immediately.

Of course, this is not to say that Ocasus does not know how many benefits there are, it is just because Ocasos is comparing whether the benefits of going to the east of the empire are greater, or the benefits of staying in Saint Laurent are more.

Stay at Saint Laurent.

This means that he can make waves while Veigar is not around, and even make the queen realize that Veigar is an 'enemy' who wants to seize the dynasty's foundation for thousands of years, not a friend who helps the dynasty rise.

Expedition to the eastern part of the empire is also the best choice.

Need to know is.

Now that the empire is being attacked negatively, even if he, a star-level mage, takes part in the war himself, it is impossible for me to attack the city of Elkia in the east of the empire with my front foot, and the army of the empire will drive straight from the city of Kareni in the north into the ice and fire The city, and then all the way south to take the capital Saint Laurent City.

This is not alarmist.

With the power of the Imperial Army, although you, a star mage, can't be cured, it is entirely possible for you, an invincible star mage, to watch the motherland fall helplessly.

That's why.

Okasos felt that this was an opportunity to form an army, expand his power, and obtain more resources. He didn't want to miss this opportunity, and as the main force in the war, destroying the empire just thinking about it makes people excited .

The whole dynasty, including Okasos, is looking forward to the day when the dynasty will rise.

There is a difference between the main country in the war and the auxiliary country.

If one day the empire is really defeated, or even destroyed.

When dividing the cake, the main force can of course get the biggest cake and the most benefits because they participate in the battle head-on. After all, it is impossible to spit out what they get.

What about as an auxiliary country?

You don’t want the property and resources plundered through the war. Secondly, when dividing the territory, the auxiliary country can only get some barren land, while the main country can take advantage of it.

For so many years.

The Holy Dynasty has always played the role of an auxiliary country, and each war obviously paid a considerable part of the price. In the end, when the victorious country divided the cake, not only could it not get a penny from the empire, but sometimes it even paid back.

Therefore, the whole dynasty has a wish.

That is, one day, as the main power of the war, he will attend the post-war meeting.

In addition, Okasos didn't know that Vega could improve his golden fingers through short-term war events, so he thought that dealing with Vega would last a long time, and he could use Vega to make more contributions to the dynasty. After using Vega, he would probably also be promoted to the holy place.At that time, no matter what backhand Veigar has, he can pull the dynasty together and die together. With the strength of the Holy Throne, it will be up to him.

After such an analysis, it is very clear which is better.

Therefore, he said to Vega without hesitation: "His Royal Highness has an order, and I dare not disobey. Please give me some time to ensure that troops will be dispatched to the eastern part of the empire within the agreed time."

"Thank you for your understanding of righteousness."

Veigar paid a military salute to Okasos, and a temporary settlement was reached, and he sent his spears to the outside.

But just when Vega thought that everything was ready, the butler of the Ocasos mansion came in and whispered a few words in Ocasos's ear in a voice that Vega could not hear, and then Ocasos' face changed immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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