Mage Veja

Chapter 53 Serious Injury

Chapter 53 Serious Injury
run away?

Already ready to die, Vega was stunned.

Obviously the opponent has the strength to crush, but at the critical moment, he made a move to escape.

There is only one possibility that caused this result, that is, the opponent encountered an invincible opponent like him, so he subconsciously made a move to escape.

He turned his head with difficulty.

Veigar saw someone else.

He was also wearing a black cloak, but the pattern on the back of the cloak was the symbol of the empire - the red eagle coat of arms.


The thick middle-aged voice echoed: "A mere second-level mage dares to go to the territory of the empire to hunt and kill our army's professionals. If you really deceive me, no one in the third army can do it. Since you are here, let me stay."

The voice fell.

The khaki walking stick flashed, and the mysterious young man who had only escaped a few hundred meters and was about to disappear from Vega's sight stopped. The ground under his feet suddenly became extremely soft, and at the same time a suction force came, and instantly devour him whole.

It was swallowed by the earth before a scream could be uttered.

All of this happened so quickly, the mysterious young man who easily crushed him couldn't survive the move of the middle-aged magician in front of him.

Is this the power of a mage?
Wei Jia stared blankly at the middle-aged man in front of him, he even forgot the pain in his body.

"Warrant Officer, are you okay?"

The middle-aged man friendly stretched out his right hand to pull Vega up, and Vega also took the opportunity to see the epaulets exposed by the other party, which was the rank of captain, but different from their epaulets, this captain also had a staff tattooed on the front of the epaulets. pattern.

"Report sir, I'm fine." Vega stood upright and saluted with his body braced.

The middle-aged man nodded: "That's good. I'm a member of the Mage Team of the 2nd Brigade. I was specially ordered to patrol the border. Recently, the army of the United Kingdom has become more and more rampant. They actually dispatched the Mage Team to hunt down our army Professionals, this is completely challenging the bottom line of the empire."


The middle-aged mage seemed to realize that he had talked too much, so he glanced at Vega and said, "Since this matter is over, I still need to continue the task. As a professional, you must not be careless."

"Please wait."

Veigar quickly took the opportunity to ask: "May I ask that you and the enemy of the United Kingdom are magicians?"


The middle-aged mage was stunned: "I see that you have awakened your spiritual power, don't you know the basic information of a mage? I am an earth mage, and the kingdom mage who died just now is probably a wind mage. I was originally against the wind mage. You will suffer, but it’s a different matter if it’s just a low-level secondary wind technique.”

"May I ask how to use the power of the mage to fight?" Veigar continued to ask.

The middle-aged mage looked Vega up and down: "It seems that you have only recently awakened your spiritual power. I suggest you go to the Kareni professional union and the mage area to test the strength of your mental power. Judging by the strength of your spiritual power What level of mage are you? If you are a first-level mage, you can learn first-level magic, and the attack you received just now is a first-level spell, Wind Blade."

After speaking.

The middle-aged mage turned around and walked towards the north: "I have a mission, so it's inconvenient to stay for a long time. If you have any questions, you can go to the professional union to learn more. Good luck, prospective mage."

"Everything is for the empire." Veigar saluted and bid farewell.

cough cough cough.

After seeing off the middle-aged mage, Veigar squatted on the ground in pain.

His left hand was fractured, his right hand was severely debilitated, and there was a deep scratch on his shoulder that was oozing blood. If he hadn't used magic to forcibly suppress it, he might have lost too much blood and died.

Put away the dagger.

Veigar walked down the mountain with difficulty. This was the second time he was put into such a mess. He deeply realized that in this world, not only the determination to win or die is needed, but also strong personal strength is needed.

And he has found his new purpose.

That is to be a magician.

As a professional, he deeply felt the horror of magicians.

Just a low-level second-level magician can completely abuse him, a level-four trainee professional. Even if there is a limit to crushing on the level, this is comparable to the mage and magician described in any novel on the earth. The warrior system is different.

It seems that the professional trade union and the mage area need to be put on the agenda.

10 minute later.

Veigar finally saw his troops again.

The adjutant was the first to notice something was wrong. He hurried over and asked, "Company commander, what happened? Who hurt you like this? Could it be that the Royal Army still slipped through the net? Do we need to send a signal for help immediately?"

"already solved."

Veigar coughed and coughed up a little blood: "I need emergency treatment, please contact the regiment headquarters for me, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on after my magic power runs out in a few hours."

"Yes, I will send the signal."

The adjutant hurriedly led people towards the sentry tower. Within a few minutes, white smoke gradually rose. This was a signal that military medical personnel needed first aid. Once the regiment headquarters saw the signal smoke, they would bring military doctors over as soon as possible.

Veigar heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the signal smoke rising.

Now he hangs on his wounds entirely by will and magic power. Once the magic power is exhausted, I am afraid that all the injuries will explode in an instant and kill him. Therefore, no matter how tired he is, he must maintain [-] points of energy to let the blood circulate along the magic power.

after an hour.

The military doctor from the regiment headquarters finally arrived at the scene, accompanied by Vega's immediate commander, the commander of the 4th Battalion.


The commander of the 4th battalion said angrily: "Who on earth hurt you like this?"

"It's a magician from the Kingdom Army." Vega replied while cooperating with the military doctor to treat the wound.

The battalion commander of the 4th Battalion changed his face when he heard the word magician: "How could it be a magician? During the armistice agreement, it is already a taboo to send out professionals without authorization. If you send out magicians, it is equivalent to tearing up the armistice agreement. People from the United Kingdom Did you eat the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard? This is simply challenging the bottom line of the empire."

There was a pause.

The commander of the 4th Battalion asked again suspiciously: "Second Lieutenant Vega, how did you escape from the magician? As far as I know, even the lowest level of magic wants to kill occupations below the middle rank. It’s also an easy thing to do.”

"I was rescued by the mage team members of the brigade headquarters."

"The empire also dispatched a team of mages?"

The commander of the 4th Battalion frowned and fell into deep thought. Whether it was him or the regiment headquarters, he never knew that the brigade headquarters had sent a mage team to patrol the border. The smell of gunpowder at the border seemed to be stronger than before.

"Report sir."

The voice of the military doctor interrupted the conversation between the two: "The second lieutenant's external injuries have been treated, but the internal injuries cannot be treated under the conditions here. In order not to delay the injury, I suggest sending him to Kaleni Hospital for treatment immediately. "

"Send it to the hospital immediately, don't delay the second lieutenant's injury."

The battalion commander of the 4th Battalion saluted Vega and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Second Lieutenant Vega, I will explain it to you at the regiment headquarters, please rest assured to heal your injuries before returning to the army, I will take care of the company personally for you. "

"It's all for the Empire."

Veigar slightly raised his right hand and made a substandard military salute.

(End of this chapter)

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