Mage Veja

Chapter 54 Hospital Chat

Chapter 54 Hospital Chat
Kareni Hospital.

This is one of the best hospitals in Kareni, but the cost of treatment is also quite high. Generally, the reception is for nobles or wealthy families, and of course it also includes military officers and regular soldiers.

It is different from nobles and rich people.

As long as they hold a certificate issued by the army, the Kareni Hospital is free for formal soldiers.

Especially professional military officers can also enjoy the VIP wards of the hospital.

The empire puts military power first, and treats the training of military personnel from all directions and from multiple perspectives.

As long as you are useful to the empire and swear allegiance to the empire, the empire will not care about your nationality, age, social status, and will never be stingy with what you pay.You know, VIP wards are not even available to nobles.

Vega was taken to Kareni Hospital with serious injuries.

Due to multiple fractures in the body and serious internal injuries, according to the doctor, even a professional with an amazing recovery ability will need about ten days to recover from injuries.

As a result, Veigar was sent to the VIP ward.

The VIP ward is a double room with two beds. Vega chose the bed near the window, because the bed near the door has obviously been used, but he hasn't returned yet.

Veigar leaned on the bed and looked around.

He found that the environment inside the ward was relatively quiet. There were two pots of cacti on the window sill, the map of the Jialan Continent hung on the wall, and there were special medical staff at the door to provide 24-hour service. Even the smell of disinfectant was worse than the one coming from the corridor lighter.

Still a good place to recuperate.

Veigar stood up and walked towards the window. His left hand was in a plaster cast, but his right hand had returned to normal. After all, his right hand was just out of strength at that time, and there was nothing serious about it.

Looking out the window.

Behind the ward is an open space, with several rows of landscape trees planted, but most of them have lost their leaves, leaving only bare branches, which looks a bit bleak.

A gust of cold wind hit, and Veigar shivered.

He closed the window, and the owner of the other bed had already returned by this time.

Dressed in military uniform, leaning on crutches.

This is a middle-aged man with a plaster cast on his right leg, which appears to be broken.

"Hey, kid..."

The middle-aged man made a surprised voice, and then saw Vega's military rank and medal: "Emperor, Wings of the Empire?"

He opened his mouth, then put his crutches in place, and raised his right hand slightly to salute: "Your officer is the Second Lieutenant Vega of the 7rd Regiment of the 3th Division? I am Ke Moer, a member of the A9 Brigade Mage Squad of the 17th Division. I am honored to be able to See you here."

Veigar glanced at the opponent's epaulets, and found that it was the rank of captain embroidered with the pattern of the staff. He quickly returned the gift: "Vega, the 7rd Regiment of the 3th Division, I am also very happy to see you here."

"Haha, it's exactly as the rumors said."

Kommer sat on the side of the bed, leaned his crutches aside and said, "Became a professional with a child's body, and completed the first part of the city-level task independently. Your deeds have been widely circulated in the army."

"It's all cultivated by the regiment headquarters, I really dare not take credit for it." Vega said modestly.

Kommer nodded in satisfaction, admiring Vega's modest character.

If ordinary soldiers had completed such a task, they would have talked about their heroic deeds every day, but Vega modestly attributed the credit to the regiment headquarters, which was enough to win Kommer's favor.

Kommer took a serious look at Vega.

He looked at Veija's injury and said, "What kind of top-secret mission did your officer perform this time, to be so seriously injured?"

"Ashamed to say..."

Veigar told the story exactly.

Especially about the details of the battle with the mage, I described it in detail, and asked at the same time: "Look at your epaulettes, isn't it a mage in the army?"

"It's just a level 3 water mage."

Kommer smiled bitterly and said, "I'm only a level 3 magician at this age, and I'm afraid that's the end of my life, but Second Lieutenant Vega is a rare genius who can awaken his spiritual power at the age of 11, and his future achievements are limitless ah."

"Your Majesty doesn't know anything about mages. I would like to ask Mr. Kommer to explain in detail." Vega stared at Kemer with curious eyes, he was eager to know more about mages intelligence.

"Naturally there is no problem."

Kommer smiled and said: "As we all know, professionals are just transitional occupations. The greatest wish of all professionals is to awaken their spiritual power and become a magician before the age of 20, because after the age of 20, they will no longer be able to awaken their spiritual power. This You don’t need to worry a little bit, I’ve already felt the fluctuation of mental power from you, but I can’t know the level of mental power.”


Kemmer continued with a smile: "The magician's attack method is to use mental power to release the magic power in the body and attack with the blessing of spells and staffs. Therefore, the strength of mental power is the basis for judging the level of a wizard. Of course, the cultivation of magic power also You can’t fall down, otherwise, even if you have the level of a high-ranking mage, it’s not fun to put on one or two spells and the magic power will be exhausted.”

"Are professionals really no match for mages?"

"It's not absolute."

Kemmer thought for a while and said: "High-level professionals can still defeat low-level magicians, but they will never leave behind magicians who want to escape. For example, the flying technique of the third level of the wind technique, the water transformation of the third level of the water technique, The third-level earth-shattering method... Magicians have various ways to save their lives, and they are definitely not something that can be easily killed by a profession that can only attack in close quarters, unless..."


"Unless the mage's mental power is exhausted and he becomes an ordinary professional."

Kemmer smiled wryly: "So I suggest that Second Lieutenant Vega run away immediately or save some mental power from the high-level professionals. My injuries are caused by underestimating high-level professionals. Fortunately, I recovered some mental power in the end. Just escaped."

"The next official must keep it in mind."

Vega confirmed to Kommer what he had seen two days ago: "I heard that the certification of mental power level and the learning of magic need to go to the professional union and the mage area for specific operations. Is this true?"

"Of course it's true."

Kommer replied: "The mage area will determine your mage level according to your mental strength. Once you are certified as an official mage of the imperial army, the professional union will give you a level 1 magic for free. After you learn You can use this magic to fight. After you become a magician, you can also apply to the brigade headquarters to join the magician team, or continue to serve in your current army. For powerful magicians, the empire gives a considerable degree of freedom."

"Thank you for your answer." Vega gave a military salute to Kommer.

He looked at the sky, and finally decided to go to the mage area to test his spiritual power tomorrow, and was certified as a real mage. The powerful attack power of the spell is still fresh in his memory.

(End of this chapter)

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