Mage Veja

Chapter 566

Chapter 566
Ropes City, the headquarters.

Although Foster doesn't have the mythical biography of Veigar, and he doesn't know much about the sub-dragon species, but this does not prevent him from knowing that the Holy Dynasty has been pushed to the cusp of the storm.

By name.

Now that unknown force wanted to destroy the Holy Dynasty, and told Vega that he either knelt down and begged for mercy, or entered the city of Saint Laurent to repeat the scene of the kingdom's capital, the city of Bauhinia.

Destroy the country and massacre the city.

This is not just talking, the other party has already warned Vega with the precedent of the city of Bauhinia.

How long can the kingdom last?

It lasted only a month or two.

Therefore, even if you think about it with your toes, you know that there is no crisis in Lops City, but the dynastic army led by Vega is in danger. Vega is probably planning to retreat at this time.

For this new force, Foster has a good impression.

After all, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

As soon as this new force appeared, it first forced the Kingdom to withdraw from the Covenant, turning the Four Kingdoms into the Three Kingdoms Alliance, and now called the Holy Dynasty, which directly resolved the crisis in the north of the Empire and won precious time for the Empire.

If it weren't for the fact that this force has made the mainland angry, Foster really wants to form an alliance with this force to fight against these ignorant allies.

The empire has no fear of this force itself.

Although the 30 troops are invulnerable from intelligence, but when it comes to the number of high-level military forces, no one dares to be the second in the entire continental empire.

Oh no.

Fighting against the United Kingdom until now, the number of this army has dropped from 30 to 27, and then reduced to 25. This proves that they are not invincible, and the only difficult ones are the five holy professionals.

Even a star-level mage can hold on, so what's the matter with a holy-level professional?
Foster did not turn his attention to that army, but instead focused on the army in the Lops Grand Canyon.


It's Foster's favorite thing to do.

Based on the fact that Vega has no intention of fighting and wants to defend himself, can he entrap Vega well?
The answer is yes.

When the enemy retreats wholeheartedly, no matter how perfect the retreat formation is, it will be difficult to conceal the weakness behind it.

The current known information is.

Veigar has ordered the army in the central hinterland to rebuild the communication line for retreat day and night after gaining air supremacy. Under the premise of no disturbance, the rebuilding speed is very fast, and a retreat route can be opened up in about 10 days .

in the process of building.

Veigar's three aviation corps escorted them all the way. From this, it can be seen how much Veigar attaches importance to this retreat route. After all, they can no longer return to the central hinterland by means of airlift.

If the line is ruined again, will Veigar's mentality collapse?
The answer is still yes.

It would be a fatal blow to anyone to see that everything was accomplished, but it was ruined at once.

If you are careful, you will find that in real life, the more flustered you are, the more mistakes you will make.The same is true in a war, the more angry and restless you are, the closer you will be to defeat.

It can be seen from Veigar's retreat that he has been a little flustered.

If the retreat route built after ten days of hard work is destroyed, Veigar may fall into a state of berserk.

Killing people and destroying the enemy's spirit is far more important than destroying the enemy's body.

So when Vega's retreat route was about to be completed, the Empire's air force left the tortoise shell of Rops to carry out the task assigned by Foster to destroy the retreat route.

"Your Highness, as expected, the enemy is here."

The air force commander reported to Veigar the news of the Imperial Air Force in the distance, and all of this was within Veigar's expectation. If you want to retreat, the enemy will certainly not be able to just watch you go.

of course.

Foster also knew that sending the army to prevent Veigar from retreating would be counterattacked, but if he sent a flexible air force, he would have no worries in this regard.

"According to the original plan, repel the enemy."

Vega gave the order to block. In his opinion, Foster was just harassing him. It is unrealistic to use the air force to break through his defense line and destroy the retreat route, unless Foster has sacrificed a team. Mental readiness of the Air Force.

Sacrifice an air force just to keep the enemy from retreating?

No matter how you calculate this deal, it will be a loss. If it were Vega, he would never do it.

But Vega underestimated Foster's boldness, and also underestimated how much Foster attached to him. He only heard a wave of shaking, and several bridges that had just been built were destroyed again. Under the desperate cover of other aviation corps , the Second Air Force completed its mission.

"How could you do this?"

Veigar gritted his teeth and said, "Leave me this air force, and I'll see who suffers."

Under Vega's order, it is certainly impossible for this death squad to survive.

And the other air forces of the empire seemed to understand that the Second Air Force was hopeless, so they stopped covering and turned around and left.

The battle that came quickly and went quickly ended in this way. The enemy lost an air corps, and Veigar lost the retreat route that took ten days to build.

If you really want to say who suffers, it must be Foster.

After all, cultivating an air force is not something that happens overnight. The number of high-level military forces in the air force even made Vega feel that his magician level was about to break through to the top, and the number of skill points also broke through to three digits again.After all, in ordinary wars, the deaths of professionals and magicians are negligible, but the air force is full of high-level force.

Although it is Foster who suffers.

However, Vega's retreat was delayed because of this, and now he was a little irritable, but he adjusted immediately and ordered the other side to rebuild the retreat route.

It's just that Vega didn't think of it.

Foster actually spent his money again, using the same trick to use the air force to destroy his retreat route.

Two air forces!

In order to hold him back, he actually paid the price of two air forces. This was a huge loss compared to a business deal, and Vega felt pain for the empire.

Is the empire already this rich?

What Veigar didn't know was that the Empire wouldn't mind paying the price of ten air armies if it could kill him.

Pay is rewarded.

When Foster paid his blood, Veigar was held back for 20 days, and the United Kingdom was in jeopardy now. Veigar seemed to have no time to rush back to Saint Laurent City to set up defenses before the arrival of early winter.


Foster continued to delay his steps regardless of the cost, maybe when he returned to the dynasty, what he saw was already in ruins.

Until this moment, Veigar began to panic.

He somewhat regretted that he had tried everything possible to come to the city of Rops, but who would have expected that a new force would suddenly appear to crush the United Kingdom?It is estimated that no one in the whole continent would believe this kind of thing before it happened.

This is a long time.

Foster smiled when he heard the battle report.

Now it's finally not him who should panic, but Vega. As long as Vega panics, the balance of victory should fall in his favor.

(End of this chapter)

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