Mage Veja

Chapter 567

Chapter 567
It was difficult to come.

Veigar did not expect that the retreat would still be difficult.

To be precise, it should be Foster who is willing to spend all his money to keep him in his footsteps, otherwise Veigar would definitely not be held in a dilemma here while taking the initiative.

So what to do now?
Veigar paced back and forth in the headquarters.

He has even considered abandoning the 30 soldiers, returning to the north alone, and withdrawing to the dynasty with the dynasty army.

But Vega was not reconciled.

If these 30 soldiers are brought back to the city of Kareni, then the 30 imperial army can be used to control the northern part of the empire and provide the dynasty with a large amount of resources before the empire regains the north.

Besides, escaping back to the heart of the north alone is not so easy.

Once his whereabouts were revealed, Foster sent a team of mages and the air force to stop them along the way. Veigar was not sure that he would be able to return to the northern hinterland alive with his own strength.

I must mention.

Although the star mage can't directly resist the large-scale magic bombardment, he can easily leave if he wants to. However, with Vega's current strength, he can't break out of the encirclement.

The situation is already very obvious.

In the past, Foster was eager for Vega to leave, because the aggressive Vega was likely to take down Lops, but now Foster just wanted to hold back Vega, because the upset Vega would definitely not have the heart to find him. They are troublesome, the longer Veigar delays, the more he will lose his balance. At that time, as long as even a slight flaw is exposed, he, Foster, will be able to win in one battle.

War has always been like this.

Whoever is caught by the opponent first will lose the initiative to win, and may even be won in a single battle.

But in all the wars in history, which one did not start to retreat steadily because of a certain point of oversight.

Well documented yes.

The more flustered the commander of which side in the war, the less able to maintain calm, the easier it is to breed weaknesses.

One weakness will set off a chain reaction.

Now that Veigar's weakness has appeared, as long as he firmly grasps this weakness, even if he loses two air forces at the moment, he will not be afraid of not being able to catch Veigar's fatal point in the future. Foster wants to defeat Veigar, but he doesn't want to Miss this opportunity.

It's a pity that Foster underestimated Vega's resilience after all.

When faced with a desperate situation, many generals will constantly breed weaknesses in panic, and then step by step towards the abyss of death, and Veigar is completely different from them——

I still remember that year when Veigar was just a fledgling, Veigar fought hard in the fatal situation of the border patrol mission of the empire, and finally awakened the magic power to turn defeat into victory. He did not rely on any conspiracy, but a heart that could either win or die.

Victory or death.

Without the determination to die, what qualifications do you have to enjoy a comfortable life?

This is the belief that Vega has been implementing from the beginning to the end. Whenever he is in a desperate situation, Vega will hold this belief and fight to the death. Arrived today.

So in the face of Foster's containment, do you think he will sit still?
Do not!
He must gather all his strength, and then punch the person who wanted his life hard!

Either this punch kills the opponent, or he loses his life. In a desperate situation, you should fight hard while you still have some strength, instead of waiting for time to pass and being dragged by the enemy until you are exhausted. At that time, it will be too late to fight back.

keep cool.

Then think twice.

Veigar took a deep breath, and an undeniable voice came out of his mouth.


Veigar issued the first order: "The First Army in the hinterland of the north immediately rush to repair the retreat route at full speed. I need to regain a safe route for retreat within 10 days. However, this matter needs to be done in secret, and the Shadow Mage troops should pay attention to it." To clean up the enemy's scouts, we must not allow the enemy to get any information."


The head of Vega's reconnaissance team issued a second order: "Send the detailed information on the 30 sub-dragon army to the hands of Ocasus, the city of Elchea, and ask him to return to the defense immediately with the army, especially on the east coast. Behind the Sea of ​​Dragons."

"Your Majesty, let's do it."

After the leader of the scouting team left, Veigar looked at the officers.


Veigar's last order was issued: "All the army! Change formation and attack Rops City!"

"For victory!"

The officers stood at attention and saluted, and began to turn the entire army around, heading towards the direction of Rops City.

At this time, Vega finally no longer worried about the sub-dragon species, and now he has only one goal, and that is to take down the city of Rops.

of course.

Vega entrusted the rise and fall of the dynasty to Okasos, and hoped that Okasos could persist until he took the city of Rops and then returned to the Holy Dynasty. It was not aimless, but a decision made after full consideration.

Because in a sense, Okasos is more patriotic than him.

For example, if Veigar is asked to choose between his own life and the life and death of the Holy Dynasty, Veigar will definitely choose his life without hesitation, and Ocasos may directly choose to sacrifice himself to preserve the dynasty.

Although Veigar and Okasos didn't deal with it.

At the current moment of the enemy, Vega will even do some things to calculate Okasos, but Okasos will [-]% let go of all prejudices and give all his efforts to protect the Holy Dynasty.

This is the difference between Veigar and Okasos.

In terms of guarding the country, Okasos has a natural advantage.

Don't think that a holy professional is one level higher than a star mage.

After all, a magician is an advanced profession for professionals. A star mage may not be able to kill 5 holy professionals, but 5 holy professionals can't touch a single hair of a star mage.

Not to mention anything else.

Mid-level mages like Vega have countless life-saving skills, let alone a star-level mage with a solid background?

So let alone 5 holy positions, even 50 holy positions would never kill a star mage.

Since neither side can kill the other, it depends on the role in the war.

Professionals need to cut a knife to kill a soldier, because they can't release the magic power out of the body, and at most attach it to the inside of the magic weapon to attack, but the attack method of the elemental mage is different.

The shadow mage's hallmark is the weird single-target kill.

As for group attack, this is the basic sign of elemental magic.

Okasos is an astral mage, and the role of an astral mage on the battlefield is self-evident. His devastating elemental magic hits the enemy's army, and his efficiency is hundreds of times that of an astral professional.

In other words.

Facing an army of 30, as long as Okasos is in charge of the dynasty, even if they cannot defeat the enemy, they will not be defeated.

This is the same reason why all the countries knew that the Holy Dynasty was weak and deceitable, but they did not dare to act.

As Aiden Gary said, any conspiracy is a joke in the face of absolute strength. With absolute strength, you can really do whatever you want, and Ocasus is also synonymous with absolute strength.

Originally, Veigar didn't want Okasos to return to China to earn his reputation.

After all, the higher the prestige of Okasos in the dynasty, the more unfavorable it is to Vega, but the matter has come to this point, and there is no other way.

so now--

Veigar needs to settle the score with Foster, and let him know what it means to ask God is easy, but it is difficult to send God away.

(End of this chapter)

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