Mage Veja

Chapter 6 On the Rewards for Deeds

Chapter 6 On the Rewards for Deeds
Staff of the 2nd Brigade and 3rd Regiment.

There are two wine glasses and a document on the oval table.

The head of the regiment and the chief of staff sat facing each other, each holding a cigar in their hands, watching the video played by the alchemy video stone in the middle of the conference table.

"What do you think?"

"Magic, without a doubt."

"Do you want to report to the brigade staff?"

"Are you willing to hand over talents?"

"Failure to report is a felony."

"Ha ha……"

The chief of staff of the regiment drank the wine in the glass, and said in a mocking tone: "Last month, the brigade took away 5 professionals from our regiment, even the only magician. The combat power has dropped by more than [-]%, and even the cannon fodder next door dares to mock us, I can't swallow this breath if you swallow it."

The leader stood up and paced back and forth: "That can be done like this?"

The group staff fanned the flames and said: "Leave this child and focus on training. Even if the higher-ups know about it, they won't embarrass you because of a newly promoted level 1 trainee professional. Awakening magic power at the age of 11 has a high chance of awakening spiritual power and becoming a magician." of."

Da da da.

The leader walked back and forth for 10 minutes, finally gritted his teeth and said: "Just do as you said, didn't he kill a few special elites from the United Kingdom? In addition to other rewards, give him an Iron Cross. "

"Blood money?"

"Keep people careful first."

The chief of staff of the regiment raised his glass with a smile and said, "I believe you will be grateful for today's decision."


the next day.

The rising sun shines on the floor through the window, and Vega wakes up leisurely.

"here it is……"

The walls were pure white, the leaflets were snow-white, and the air was filled with the smell of disinfectant. Veigar himself was not lying on a bed in the barracks, but was obviously sent to the hospital.

"Why are you in the hospital?"

What happened yesterday flashed like a slideshow. His battle against Bakken was sacrificed, and he relied on the extraordinary evil power skills of the evil little mage to fight back and finally survived.

"It's great to be alive."

Veigar took a deep breath of air, even though the air was full of disinfectant, he still felt extremely wonderful.

knock knock knock.

There were three knocks on the door, and then the door of the ward was opened.

"Corporal Vega, you're finally awake."

The person who came in was an unfamiliar face, but Vega was about to stand up and give a military salute immediately after seeing the second lieutenant's rank, but was stopped by this middle-aged man.

"Corporal Vega, you don't need to be too polite."

The middle-aged man said amiably: "You are our hero now, you have won the Outstanding Soldier Medal in the boot camp at the age of 11, and even killed ten special detectives from the United Kingdom with your own power during the reconnaissance patrol mission. Soldier, the entire regiment cannot find a better soldier than you."

"Your Excellency, the Second Lieutenant, you are very impressed."

Veigar said slightly sadly: "It's a pity that Captain Bakken died yesterday..."

After only being together for fifteen days, Bakken's death didn't have much impact on Veigar, but he was eager to get rid of this team, and of course he wanted to create an image of an excellent soldier with a sound personality.

The middle-aged second lieutenant nodded gratifiedly and said, "Corporal Vega is really an excellent soldier. I feel deeply honored to be your commander."


Veigar was a little dazed. Is this his new captain?

But that's not right, the rank of second lieutenant and the position of squadron leader are standard equipment, and the squad leader is generally served by corporals and sergeants. It is absolutely impossible to waste a second lieutenant as a squad leader under the tight situation of imperial officers.


The middle-aged second lieutenant smiled and said: "In view of your outstanding performance in killing one second lieutenant, two sergeants, and several first-class soldiers from the United Kingdom, and intercepting important information, the regimental staff will award you the rank of corporal, the Iron Cross, and be promoted to 2nd of the second battalion. Even the 32th Squadron of the Second Squadron is serving as the squad leader, and I am your immediate superior Squadron Leader Rhodes."

Veigar froze in place.

One second before, he was thinking about how to leave that dangerous 11th team, but he didn't expect that his wish would come true in the next second. The happiness came so suddenly that Vega's brain short-circuited instantly.

"Corporal Veigar...Corporal Veigar?"

The successive calls awakened Vega's thoughts. He jumped up from the hospital bed and gave a standard military salute: "Report to the squadron leader, Private Vega is reporting to you."

"It's a corporal."

Rhodes emphasized again: "It seems that the noble officer is fine, then I will report to the regiment headquarters, and the regiment leader will personally award you the honor."

"Yes, squadron leader."

Veigar quickly responded, and at the same time changed into his military uniform and followed Rhodes towards the regiment's staff headquarters.

The hospital is only 10 minutes away from the staff headquarters.

"Report, brought by Corporal Vegar."

"Please come in."

After the squadron leader Rhodes knocked on the door to report, he led Vega into the gate of the regiment's staff.

The captain sat on the main seat, and the chief of staff sat on the desk next to him. The two stood up together when Vega arrived.

"Corporal Veigar."

"In view of your outstanding performance, an award ceremony is now held for you."

The head of the regiment took out an Iron Cross from the assistant's tray with a serious face and put it on Vega's chest, and saluted Vega with a military salute: "Prosperous military fortune."

"For the glory of the empire!" Veigar quickly returned.

The entire awarding ceremony ended here. Except for a few ceremonial words in the awarding ceremony, the head of the regiment didn't say anything during the award, and didn't even look at Vega again. Only the chief of staff squinted his eyes and looked up and down. kah.

As soon as the award ceremony in the regiment was over.

Veigar was brought to the battalion to accept the awarding ceremony non-stop. The awarding ceremony had just ended, and then he was taken to the company for the appointment ceremony. Finally, when the sun was setting, Veigar finally saw his subordinates.

On the podium of the school field.

Squadron Leader Rhodes said loudly: "From today onwards, Corporal Vega will serve as the captain of Squad 17. Everyone, please cooperate well, and everything is for the glory of the empire."

"For the glory of the empire!"

The soldiers returned a military salute without raising any objections.

However, Veigar found that the eyes of several people in the 17th team were not very friendly. They obviously had some objections to him, the airborne team leader, but they were limited by the orders of their superiors and could not raise them.

Absolutely obeying orders from superiors is the tradition of the Nuolan Imperial Army.

No matter how unreasonable the superior's order is, as a subordinate, you must absolutely obey. You may be dissatisfied in your heart, but you must absolutely obey in action. Veigar did not take a few strange eyes in his eyes.

Now his only concern is the basic welfare of the squad leader.

According to his understanding, the team leader's position can be regarded as an official, so he can be allocated an apartment of his own in Kareni, and can receive a monthly salary of 1 gold coin.

More importantly, the Iron Cross can receive an additional living allowance of 5 silver coins per month.

 This book is updated twice a day, at 10:00 am and 22:00 pm, by the way, please ask for a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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