Mage Veja

Chapter 7 The Hard-won Daily Life

Chapter 7 The Hard-won Daily Life

Kareni City, North District.

This is the area closest to the barracks, second only to the central area in terms of prosperity.

The efficiency of the imperial army was astonishingly high. Vega, who had just been promoted to the position of the captain of the 17th team, was assigned a single room of 25 square meters belonging to him in the northern area that night, and the single room also had a bathroom and a kitchen.

Probably due to the habit of serving in the army for more than half a year.

It took only an hour for Vega to tidy up and make a comfortable bed. He cooked a sumptuous dinner for himself, and then turned off the lights at 21:00 and lay down on the bed ready to fall asleep.

Not too sleepy.

Veigar looked at the faint stars in the dark night sky through the window and the thin curtains, his nose sore and he almost shed tears.

How long has it been?

How long has he not been enjoying a sumptuous dinner alone like tonight, lying on a comfortable bed, the beating heart and the quiet air clearly telling him that he is still alive in this world.

"Thank you." Veigar murmured softly.

After traveling to this world for 10 months and 3 days, he was finally able to eat a full meal and had a house of his own.

He also learned just now that the newly appointed team seems to be an ordinary backbone team, not an elite team. As long as a full-scale war does not break out, he can live a stable life.

Stable daily life.

This is the life Vegar dreamed of.

According to the current situation, this kind of life can probably last for a few more years. Veigar, who was tired all day, finally entered the beautiful dreamland with a smile, and looked forward to the "harmonious" relationship with his subordinates tomorrow.


The next day, 6:30.

Vega, who had a good night's dream, got up on time. After 10 minutes of washing, he took the newly issued standard weapon and spear and walked out the door. He bought buns downstairs and walked to the barracks.

Along the way, it is inevitable that there will be surprised eyes.

"No way, emperor, soldiers of the empire..."

"Such a young child has the rank of corporal?"

"Go, go, don't get in his way."

Pedestrians were either surprised, distressed, or unbelievable... Some looked at his weapon with fearful eyes.

According to the regulations of the Nuolan Empire, ordinary civilians are not allowed to carry a series of weapons such as swords and spears to the streets. Except for the army and government law enforcement teams, only some nobles or large chambers of commerce are allowed to carry weapons.

It is human nature to be in awe of soldiers.

Soldiers are generally not allowed to leave the barracks, but the local law enforcement team cannot try them without authorization even if the official soldiers who walk out of the barracks commit murder, they must be handed over to a special military court for adjudication.

Of course, this law does not cover soldiers without rank.

Vega's military rank is corporal. Although he is only the lowest rank officer in the army, except for magicians, nobles, professionals and some large forces in the empire, ordinary civilians and businessmen dare not provoke him.

Even if he looks like a half-grown child, no one dares to underestimate his sharp spear.

After walking for about 15 minutes, Veigar arrived at the barracks.

As a squad leader, if you don’t receive an order from your superiors, you will usually train individually for the squad in the morning, and the squad leader will be in charge of commanding and arranging them. In the afternoon, you will conduct joint combat training for the squadron, and regularly hold battalion-level unified combat training.

to the training ground.

According to the general rules, the training time is about 7:00, and the elite troops need to push forward by half to an hour.

But looking around, Team 17 didn't even see a single figure.


An hour passed, and the first round of training for the other teams had ended, and they had entered the rest period, but still no soldier from his team arrived, only Veigar standing in a mess in the wind.

With squinted eyes and a straight face, Veigar waited quietly in a striding posture.

If an adult officer stood like this, he might have a sense of authority without being angry, but Veigar's posture was like a child pretending to be mature, which looked a little funny.

His funny stance also attracted the attention of other squad soldiers.

Some soldiers passing by saw this scene and wanted to laugh at it, but they were attracted by the Iron Cross on Veigar's chest, and quickly straightened their expressions and saluted Veigar.

The Iron Cross is a high honor.

Under the 20-year armistice agreement, there are very few medals awarded today. The more common ones are the Outstanding Soldier Medal issued by the boot camp, and the Iron Cross, a medal with a relatively high gold content, is only for killing the enemy. A certain number of officers and soldiers can only be obtained by making great contributions.

Soldiers who defend the glory of the Empire must be honored.

This medal is like a talisman. While demonstrating military exploits and strength, and being respected by everyone, even if Veigar commits a serious crime, he will be given a lighter punishment. Naturally understand.

At that time, the needle pointed to nine o'clock, and Veigar saw the arrival of the small group of soldiers.

The first was the deputy captain of the corporal and a young soldier with the rank of first class. There was no panic on their faces. Only the seven ordinary soldiers without military ranks lowered their heads timidly.

The first class soldier looked nervously, "Deputy Captain, are we going to be okay?"

The vice-captain snorted: "Pretentious, are you afraid of a child?"

The private first class said worriedly: "I heard that he killed ten United Kingdom soldiers, and the Iron Cross can't be faked. We can be executed directly according to military regulations for blatantly disobeying orders."

"He dares!"

Sparsely standing in line, the deputy captain didn't care about Vega in front of him, and said loudly on purpose: "The army is not a place where rich children play in mud. How can it be a place to defend the glory of the empire's dignity? If civilians see a child What would you think as an officer? I did this for the glory of the empire and the prestige of the army."

clap clap.

Wei Jia opened his squinted eyes, showing the innocent eyes unique to children, and said in a childlike voice: "Uncle is so powerful, uncle, can you tell me what a soldier is?"

"Pfft haha..."

The nine team members were amused by the innocent gesture of the Vega child, and the seven team members who were still timid also relaxed. It seems that the devil's name circulated in the third battalion is completely exaggerated. In the end, it is really a child as the deputy team said. .

The deputy captain straightened his body and said: "What is an imperial soldier? The imperial soldier is beyond your imagination as a child. The imperial soldier is a glorious profession with a high social status. We take absolute obedience as our bounden duty and bravely fight on the battlefield. Kill the enemy to defend the glory of the empire and protect the peace of the empire."

Veiga continued to exclaim in a childish voice: "Wow, then you are awesome~, is uncle an imperial soldier?"

Veigar's posture satisfied the vice-captain's vanity to such an extent that it even made him want to laugh. He said proudly, "Of course, I am the imperial soldier you admire."

"Then what will happen if the uncle and the soldier don't obey the order?"

"Of course they will be punished, ranging from dismissal to death."

Hearing the deputy captain's answer, the private first class felt cold for no reason.

He gently pulled the vice-captain's sleeve and reminded in a low voice: "Vice-captain, stop talking."


Vega suddenly changed his face.

He drew the spear beside him and pointed it directly at the deputy captain's throat: "You have violated the first major category of the Imperial Army's military regulations, Chapter 1, Article [-]: Under any circumstances, you must absolutely obey the orders of your superiors. Now, I will exercise the imperial authority to me. Do you have any objection to the death penalty for you directly under the authority of the officer?"

(End of this chapter)

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